Friday, July 24, 2009

Saturday outting! =D

Hioz Every1 =D. It's me again lolx. PsPs i past 2 days nvr post, make some ppl unhappy.XD

Ok here's my crap story for todayz. Ok day started out as normal, until PE....... I really got pissed with Azaac for something and still quite, but since he try to "forgib me" <<(O btw guys i had to redo this part on cuz i stupidly go delete so muz type everything again, == the things i do for you guys)But FTW i did nothing wrong! Anyway you noe wad Fcuk him. I dun care anymore, he always had this made-ppl-feel-bad feel around him and like expects ppl to say sorry to him and yet does not forgib when u say sorry ok juz _l_ nvr mind. But anywayz enough of that.

O ya nooby Lim retired today, WOOTS =P But Heyz even though he's currently not veri awesome, i did feel he improved and i really hope that whereever he goes nex he will be " One road nice wind"
and succeed in wadever crapz he does. O Lolx Lim Seah comin back nex week lolx. Epic Singlish lesson revive =D. Can't waitx. XP

Well lessons after that was like usual, boring lo. Wad was fun was like CCA lolx i juz slack in the stall whole day, seeing Keane do his funny Mac photo mosaic thingy, while me and Bun Bun from my ex class 2-3 talk crapz about WonderGirls and sex lmao. Damn it they found the secret that i've been practicing a WG's dance Tell Me lolx. So i like tried it in the stall then PangSm and Myron was showing a damn priceless expression like O.o( ZOmgz!) LOLxx anyway here's a sample vid lolx.

Well that's that for CCA, wad i can't wait for is tommorow =D I goin out wif Aika and Eileen do like maybe movie arcade, cheesecake. >< sad = ( cuz it's like a breakup outting and maybe i'll be the only one havin fun. But i'll try my best to cheer both them up=D. Soo Wish me Luck X D.

Ok that's all ByeBYe Naoozx! XD

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