Thursday, July 16, 2009

Im a BAD boy....=(

Today is like i damn screwed up, i can't believe i did something so stupid!

The STORYZ: ( for those of you whom noe juz read anyway lolx)

It was like normal maths period 1, i was once again clueless about the stuffs he talking about, but i tried to listen anyway, sadly things din go in lolx. == As usual, ppl at the back were like clueless to wad the hell he was saying, other then Luis whom seemed to noe everything."courtesy of Ace-learnz<
Maths epic lesson 2 : It started out normal, then its like the usual blah blah blah!. Then at the end of his total i dun understand lesson, he was like " OK im DONE teaching now, now its time you do the WORKZ" The class was like AWWWghh!

The SCREW UP: I suddenly lost it and said out loud, "Ehh u always ask us who dun understand, but surely no1 will raise their hand 1 mar, so why dun u try asking who here actually understands, the WHOLE thing?=D" ==

The guilt: Martin and Jin Hong AND YONG YI turned to me and say " you damn bad leah..." Happy scale go downnnnnn~~~ Feel really bad all of a sudden like zomg wad has i done!!!! I juz racked a teacher's Life! OMGMGGGGGG.

The makeup: After that i like went to Mr Lim and was like " Hey im really sorry =(.." Then the extra me continued to ramble on and on about wad i felt was wrong wif him, and what i felt he should haf done.... and sorry again. I really meant it then, but i shud not haf naggs =X. So today im gonna buy him a markers and a little sorry card, and gib him tommorow. i really am sorry><

The possible reasons why it happened:
1) I was put off by the sad teaching style and i wasn't the only 1 (Dun accepted: Cuz every1 was pissed, y u muz extra leah?)

2) Was damn sleepy/ massive headache, 3 days sleep at 1 am le ( So if a guy kills someone while on drugs, it's ok?)

3) I teach at st john, so my expectations of teaching ppl are v.high, he would haf failed my ANCO st john course flat. ( even then, he's a freakin adult, who gib u the right to like F* him up??!)

4) No more and P.S shuddap extra voice~ ( Ur in the wrong u say la dun come KpKb me XP)

Baseline, im really srry about doing wad i did, i hope he forgibs me tommorow!

P.S Lucky for those whom took oral today lolx, godly easy topic ehhssz? Hope u all get A*s ^^

P.Ss I can't wait for tommorow's Hairy POTTY Wootzzzz =D

P.Sss Ok the lesbian thing is really..... OK plz Guys HErlps me and Show me Ur lUB<3, vote for the rite thing ty!!=)

Ok i shuts up nao.=X Byeezz Im gonna Sleep At lastt =DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.

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