Monday, July 27, 2009

Return of the Singlish Lordz
Sorry no picz, my blogger F*cked up again go to the link if u that sian lolx.
Hello every1 =D. O lolx today damn veri epic, firstly, in the morning i actually thought that there would be 3 tests which i all nvr study for XD.(Vocab,chem and geog). But big man big lives, yar, so i manage to not haf geog test cuz the reaher blur blur X P and cuz my english teacher died so no vocab XPPPPP. But too bad chem cannot evade lar ==. But you noe wad? I think i can Ace itz =D. Only the behind few questions got problem nia. Other then that i think i ok lar. Well that was that for the tests. Second ooooo, Hahahahah Lim Seah is back. Had like the most entertaining 30mins of my life. Lolx I dun noe how she did it but she managed to compare vectors to riding bus, go here go there? And the subset circles thingy with some Ah Ma and boy boy family thing 0.o. Best thing lolx she direct suan Ian Muggerz by calling him a Goon Doz and asking him go die or sumthing =D. Then like zomg she openly make fun of a teacher in class like "EEE AHHH Honng" Read in some epic way which i dun rmb. Seriously i think i shud *Clap Clap* for her. Singlish Wan SHUI~!!! Though if i go to oral wif her super zai engrish standard i think i may tio kik out by the examiner lolx 0.o.

Fearz: Possible new teacher, Hot chic wif long Hairz and glasses yeah?Repeat of Mr Lim episode=D Go link for my guess of wad it MAY look like. XP
OOO then there was Lit, ya most ppl said that today de Lit was SOOOoo boring, but i felt it was ok lar, maybe it was because U LONG was reading yar? Like wad Ken said he talks like the MRT robot voice and is like uber soft, i couldn't listen to him for more then 5 mins lolx,before drifting to sumwhere far away. In fact herez my realy review of the lesson today, though i juz went arnd the class today saying how boring it is.(Btw something about me, sometimes, i act like i think a certain way though i dun really feel it, juz so that i dun like stick out TOO much... yar for those of you who nvr read my posts won't noe this, those who read my blog juz pretend u nvr read =X XD)

(Skip all the whole damn paragraph below if u don't like formal english or overly philosophical method of thought. =D Warn you first)
Review: I felt that this chapter was one of the more serious chapters that really embodied the theme of the dark nature of ppl as well as courage. The ppl in the mob were juz normal everyday examples of otherwise normal ppl whom are driven by a dark cause and turn off their individualism, simply to either fit in with the crowd or to achieve the sinister desires human beings haf deep inside, or both. Courage in this chapter was also really unique in this case, from a broad perspective, this courage simply came in the form of defying the orders of a superior, which in normal contexts is an act of defiance in order to appear hero or wad not, but it was more complex then that it was Jem's maturity that allowed him to analyze the situation in a logical manner and even after identifying the fact that simply accepting the order given to him would do him no harm and in fact defying would land him into the paws of harm, the sheer weight of his love for his father outweighs his need to protect himself and as such he choose the definately harder path of defiance. The style of writing used in this chapter was also veri strong, rather sinister and desperate in a sense. Ppl in this chapter especially those in the mob were portrayed as soulless, even like zombies or possessed beings, which really strikes a fear in the reader, something like a loss of a firm ground one calls a morally supported society. It gets even more desperate when a child juz 8(Scout) tries to bring the sense into these "Zombies" by bringing up the all too familiar memories of a warm, human society. In fact i actually could feel a good sense of relief when the mob left. That's all for my Review.

Ok ya that simply put is that i like the chapter so fuck off if you think it's boring X P. Well at least Aika and Luis were entertained by sumthing rather wrong about (GheiZ Jen)Name rearranged to TRY=D to preserve private identity. Apparently Gheiz Jen was fiddling wif his plushies in it's, their,wadever u call, itz crotches so yar. Talk about plushie fetish XP. Well juz to not make it so mean on that guy, i play wif my stuff doggy sometimes too XD, in wadever way it's up to how u wanna think of it. ._.)

Btw im kinda pissed again at Azaac for asking me to shuddapz in Geog Class. U noe wad juz cuz i dun answer back to you doesn't mean i like it, u noe wad one day pedobearz will GET U and i won't stop him..=D Yeah.....! ( Guys reading this ignore this paragraph ty.>X ) )

Ok that's all the junk i got for you guys!! O crapz haven done workzz.... And plus sian tommorow got parade argghhh. Thanks for reading!! O btw plz tag to say if u think too long. I like writing some crazy essay lolx. ==

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