Monday, July 13, 2009

Dodging tests =D

I can't believe it, so godly lolx the maths teacher like forgot his binomial test =D. If i take i like die le, thank god thanks god! Wa today can study lo. But my physics test today like sian le.... I thought i would totally die in the case and that would haf been fine but, zomg! the sadest thing is that i can do but i tot i will fail, so i go in wif like this loser attitude and do like so slow!!!! Make me cannot finish damn waste sia!!! WTF la....

Secondly, i wanna thank all the people whoms tag me blog, like Eileen, Yuk Tim and Filbertz.( Yes, dion i noe u tried but ur com got prob rights?) Anyway its the thought that counts, thanks all for the surrport, i will continue posting stuffs and adding things to my blog to make it more fun? =D

Also, i realized that Aika is getting kinda grumpy these days, i really wanna help him be happier lolx, cuz hes like 1 of my v.important frens in 3-9 so ya. But what i fear most is that maybe i'm the cause of his unhappiness? I dun noe really, but if thats the case, Plzzz lemme noe!.

Last of all, == my mom found out i started a blog and its like she might read it, haiz its not that i dun wan her to read la, since every1 else is reading it, but its like weird that someone out of my age category is like reading this stuff, so if u reading this, culda ya like pretend u nvr read it.=X if not spoil fun le.

Ok thats all Buaiiix~~!!! ^^

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