Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Epicz maths

So sorry no pictures the stupid blog system cock up! Go see the link for the pic i wan put =D( Yes uber primitive im sorry ==)

Hi there every1 lolx =X another random postt. Lolx today during his first "after present" maths lesson.lolx. It's like i personally felt that he suddenly improved and actually got more interractive. Thwe rest could not see it, but wad i saw there was starting to be teaching material. Maybe my comments came home. =X

But got some problem..... Somehow, throughout the thing, it culd juz be my imagination but.........

He would gib me a pedo look every now and then.0.o like some random smile...Chillz.

Anyway =D nvr mind that after that i did my bio test. Haiiz i was like too slow again. I realized i got a problem (sorry i keep talkin about my problems=P) I got no ability to focus on stuff really, i can take 4 hours to write 1 letter 3 weeks after deadline the Mrs ling Hak Boon letter ring a bell? Juz finished it =D. Well such a waste lolx cuz i love me bio >.<. Shud be able to ace it still =X i HOPE XD. Well after that i chiong to Yong peiz house for project. It was llike lolx he was sleeping for like dun noe how long. Haaha. Well we also like watch alot of rtarded shows lol on youtube and also some really kewl dancing stuff. Jeff was like Jackson mad?. Ya then on the way home, Eileen called and had to help console her. Actually i do really feel quite bad for wads about to happen and wads happening now. Sorry GOD im a Failure X (. Forgib mez.! Ok well that's all... Lolx sometimess i wonder how u guys actually enjoy readin about a person pouring his woes on a freakin online webpage, All no LIFe. JKK. XP I love you all who read, enless u Tze Xian. Plz cont supporting me! BTW Joshua is on my to torture list. And Xiang Kai is on my to Stand up against list.( NO more B1tch Campaign)= D OK thats all the crap i haf today BUaixxx Love u all donkeys! =X crap vid to watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Phbe8mEDMe4

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