Saturday, July 18, 2009

1 Hour of crapz

It has been made like official that training will resume next week and i cant waitz!!! But the thing is that its only for 1 hour... So this is like my guess of the training schedule from now on

10 minutes: Fall in / attendance taking
5 minutes : Uniform check
30 minutes: Physical training/Footdrills/First aid
15 minutes : Defrief and bye byez

SERIOUSLY! Whad do they expect us to do wif 1 hour?? It's like juz a complete waste of the cadets' and NCOs' time and the crappy time table above is like the best case senerio. Adding on to that if say got discliplinary problem or admin to do, there would be like practically no time left. Zzz.

So hey St John NCOs( Or any other cca group for that matter) if u reading this, Maybe we can discuss wif our heads and bring this up to the school, i mean if you can come for school, it is as if ppl will DIE of H1N1 juz becuz they stay in school for a few hours more or so.

Ya so think abt it. That's all! Still feeling abit sick..... But nvrmind XD byezz all!!

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