Friday, July 17, 2009

Fever Friday

Once again, it's a record, for once i that i shud not haf fallen sick. Ya it was like i woke up today wif hardcore cramps and like a massive headache. My temp was 38*c after a bath lolx. So wad to do i had to like stay at home lo.

At around 10am, i finally dragged myself out of bed, wif even more cramps and a temperature of 38.5*c. I was like a zombie wondering around and was like, MUST FEEED!! lolx =X Cuz its like im soo hungry but too weak to move. Then joshua called me and asked " so u nots comin?" i was like " I see how" I really wanted o go to school to gib the sorry card and marker to mr lim as well as my homework, more importantly. i already brought mani tibits that i wanteed to smuggle into the theater, a cheese ruffles and a hot and spicy twister lolx. But most of all, i wanted to spend time wif me class sobzz. =(

But anyway, 1 super lucky guy from me class got a free ticket, cuz i cannot go lolx. I wonder who got it.....

However lolx, Yong peiz told me the movie suxed (Hairy potty and the half butt prince) and that i was lucky i nvr go. But honestly, i dun care lolx, i juz wanted to do sumthing wif the rest!!

Anyway so my day at home was really sian cuz i spent half the time having super headaches and rolling around. I had to like lie on the sofa all day wif a cold towel in a bowl of water beside me. Lucky i can take care of myself lolx, i put all the things i needed beside me like. (my tv remote, my sound system remote, my cable tv remote, my handphone, my super big water bottle, my instant noodles + a blanket) NO,, i din put the stuff beside me cuz im lazy lolx, i juz couldnt walk around much..... It was like so bad, cuz my temperature rose to 38.7*C and my headache was getting more gay and there was no 1 at home lolx. I actually tot i may haf died, so i like wrote my WILL lolx. 0.o Wif all my super imp liife secrets in it andd wad i wanted my funeral to be like lolx. Touchmetal lolx=X.

But luckily, i got better around night time and like owned ppl in DotA lolx, but better dun push luck lolx i go slp slp le. =D and thanks Ken for prayin ^^

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