Monday, July 20, 2009

Reborn Mez =D

Hello Every1!!! Ya sorry about the super late post, was kinda lazy lolx. I din noe i had 'fanz' already =X. So ya here i am.

Sorry if the format turns out weird, the stupid blogger suddenly cock up. Anyway, today was like damn cool, cuz i suddenly felt all high again! After so long!! For those whom knew me in sec 1 and 2 you would noe im always veri high, but dun noe y im sec 3 i become like veri sian liao. I really hated myself for it. But u noe wad lolx im FREAKING back. Muarhahaah=D
I thinking that the fever like unlocked sumthing and gave me me back XD not as good as last time but getting there.

Anyway in the morning i was like confused as to wad had happened when i was gone. Most importantly, were the Fc*k is my ticket gone to????!! I heard marcus say it was left empty wtf. Uber waste. At least gib a dog la wtf let air sit.......*Grumbles grumbles...* After that mr lim poped in to tell me i had a test, so i sun bian gib him my cute little card and marker as a (im so sorry present). It was quite epic lolx 1 second ago he was glaring at me and after i say, " nar present! =D" he gave me a pedo smile lolx ...0o creepy.=X

After that, it was geog nothing much here only that i was owned by Nafizath for not doing geog, wads the prob is when i got back after my maths test today was that i saw Ken and Yong Yi givin me the evil mischeif face. I was like0.o???? Then they were like sorry, we will pay u $2?. I was like ok damn u wad did u break now? Luckily for them they didnt break my anything or i kill them, they juz koped my WHOLE packet of hot and spicy chips, well i was like ok lor. Cuz i was gonna share it anyway and i had a couff and plus.... im a veri nice and REASONABLE guy right?>=D O well so thats that, well possibly they buying tibits tommorow to share wif me as payment lolx.

Then there was Lit class. AHahhaha epic 1 page of the book was like a couple of farmers were looking into a medical hall at an enema bag... Lolx Lucyfur said it was likely a gardening fertilizer bag, but i said it was a rectal douche, she wouldn't believe me, when i got home, Filbert was like Zomg ur RITE it is a ass washing bag. I was like " Told u? 0.o" Well haha for those in Lit class rmb tell Lucy nex time= D think she'll like juz flip in Lmaoz.

Haha thanks for all the attention guys, will continue to post hope u enjoy this junk. =D
Written in luvin memory of,
Die-on. =X

Ok thats all, bye bye naoxx!!

1 comment:

  1. a great find for panda fanatic!
    my roommate and i LOVE this bag
