Tuesday, July 14, 2009

1 Week Blog Aniversary!!!! =D

Ok if you read the title and ur like WTF 1 week also muz celebrate ar? Then i'll tell u HELL YEAH!
Infact life is about finding crappy excuses to make yourself happy like o today is 1 month before Easter, lets go buy sumthing really bigz or like OMG Kim Jong Ill is gonna DIE, WEEEEEeee~! Lets go haf a feast or sumthing. Anyway baseline is that sumtimes happy things dun haf to appear on the calendar for you to celebrate, it's ok to occasionally come up with sumthing juz so you can celebrate and bring smiles into your own life.

Waarrghs, i can't believe it, i like almost killed myself, outta joy that the binomial test is like on friday, but wasted though cuz i got study last nite leah =(. The english lesson was epicz, i almost died of the boredom, the teacher, whose name i dunnnoe( that's how bad it is ) is like so soft and zhao xias ALOT..... But i can tell shes trying la like becoming more and more like Mrs Ling.

After epic english was the imba maths lesson, wa sia la, the new teacher Mr Lim, haiizz.... Dunnoe teaching the wall or teaching us, so damn soft and so boring, his words come out in CHUNKZ, plus monotone de. Like at the backrow ppl were like playing pokemon moves hangman lolx. Aikeen was good lolx.=x I was like talking to jeffrey about a new YugiOH deck he wans to form lolx.

Haiz i really feel damn unfair lolx, tio 2 noob trainee teachers, wad are we? GUINEA PIGs ar? If my maths and english fail im gonna f*ck the freakin school.

Well, that was for school, when i got home i like DISCOVERED something SOOOOO COOLZ~!!=D

.....Well ok not really, remember from my previous posts i like say that Aikeen is kinda emo? Narr not really, i think it was juz that i happened to call him before he goes to sleep/ lolx Haiz so good life sleep at 6pmz then can wake up later still make it in time to do homework. It's like if i sleep its over for me de lar lolx, by the time i wake up nex day le.==

OOoo alot of ppl seemed to be eyeing my likes Corner alot, well, if you din noe i was litat b4 well now u noe=D. Anyway i see no point in hiding such stuff, it's just me lolx.

Thank you taggers: Jacelyn ^^ , Aikeen, Joshua , Luis (lolx) and others about to post.

Expect a midnite post form me again about me mugging lolx =P

BTW thanks Jin Hong for the hintz for blog skinz, but i like no time do that naoz, weekend will try edit lolx.


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