Friday, July 10, 2009

I dun wanna go away...

A little bit about my current lifestyle, i am an Ex single child from divorced parents but its like i got a little baby bro from my father's side now, its ok for me, in fact hes kinda cute and ACTUALLY smiles at me.(AWWwww..) I also like learn stuff ppl dun learn until like 10 years later, like baby management strategies = P. ( includes stuffs like diaper changing, carrying and making them happy when their bored.) Maybe thats y i read WET diapers in LIT for those whom take lit in 3-9 =X.==
Haiz my life is actually quite nice but i has like super unstable homes, i stay in hougang mostly, then i would go to bishan stay quite sometime, then i would go to malaysia stay on weekends. I normally tell ppl its nice to haf so mani homes, but deep inside, i really want a stable home that doesn't move...... Cuz its so damn hard to do homework at different places.X D

Also, recently i noticed that im getting kinda too nosey for my own good, like i talk to ppl whom i shud not talk to, help ppl whom i shudn ot help...... but my intentions are good really. So i decided that no matter wat the f*ck ppl look at me to be, ill juz continue to do wad i do. Yeah?

Ok thats all, Byebye. =)

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