Sunday, July 12, 2009

IM BACK MWAR HarHar~! ==

Ok hi guys! im back from from malaysia, i did not say before but i was really afraid of going back there cuz the last time i went there, 2 ppl close to me died. My grandma and my uncle (TGT!!) If you can read blogs.... I miss you both.... Rengam isnt the same without you.

Luckily, it was much better then i expected, apparently, my uncles children, my cousin bros and sis, brought their children back to rengam and like there was so mani ppl there. When i arrived and saw the kiddos i was like zomg i too long nvr play wif kids le, maybe im boring to kids now? But lucky the kiddy in me haven die= D Yeahhz. So we like played heart attack, the stack hand then smack game. i like won 9/10 of the games.=X fair and square of course...... But with the help of some advance thinking lolx. I could read their obvious scizzors paper stone patterns and juz counter on the spot the elder little kido would always use stone first followed by another stone if draw then a paper lolx. For the other kid it would be scizzors stone then paper, rinse then repeat. Too easy =X.. But anyway we had lots of fun cuz i would play mind games wif them and lure them to not move their hands away whle i go PIAk~! Well they seemed to enjoy the pain. Until i made the elder kid cry. SRRY quan quan...

But anyway when i left they were like sad and i was also, i wish i could stay longer and \escape from school life lolx. But crapz zomg!!. Nvr TOUCH any homework. DOOOMMzz~!! ARGHh~!

last thing, receontly, ive been reading aikeen and eileens blog alot and aikeen said he was gonna message me. I hope its not sumthing bad...... =X

Well thats all, bye to whoever is here, cuz its still quite dead... nobody sobz.

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