Thursday, August 27, 2009

Muz Stop the Evilz.....

Omggg... Like 5days nvr post le. Sorry lolx guys i spent the last few days, ACTUALLY mugging lolx. Cuz the last few days got sum tests for me... And yar i think i tio a little trauma cuz of my super sucky results... LOLX. Actually Today was gonna not post again de, cuz tommorow got 1 last linear law test for me and i got to do sum workz....

But HEYZ i promised my super loyal Dion liao that today muz post! And i dun wanna lyez again so yar. So sorry if today's post super summarized lolx..

Last Sunday
Ya last sunday i was at MacRitchie, supposedly on a hike reccy. FAIL! Ianz, Guan jie, Jia Wei and me +extra Chun Juanz walked for like from 9 all the way to 3pm?0.o, 6 bladdy hours in the BRIGHT DAY!! INSIDE a SHYT-HOOL called MacRitchie. Ya it was like almost pure Mud and soil lolx the path FAILS!

Ok now that u see that imagine that STRETCHING for about 20km?
BTW, the nice light at the end that APPEARS to be civilization is a LIE!
It never ENDS!
Well at least we managed to walk up to the treetop walk, hey even though the rest of it really suxed. up there was really not bad.=D

Lolx, it may not look much, but after walking for so long, it was really sumthing lol. We like crazy yelled there untill sum angmo came along and said we were really noisy lolx. Lolx and sumhow the water there tasted nicer. Hahahha Chun Juan got fear os hieghtz =D. He was rushing us to get off lolx. But cant blame him lolx, we threw a leaf down and it took more then 20 seconds to reach the bot lolxz... 
Quite High O.O.

Well that's pretty much all the fun there was to it, after that i got sumsort of after drug effect or sumthing, i like couldn't help but do hardcore hopscotch lolx.. Like the terrain was damn hardcore, like super unleveled, many weird rocks sticking out and UPHILL lolx.Plus: like veri wet and muddyz.

Lolx random ps. Well lucky for me i nvr fall or anthing, but damn i was going so fast =D.
HUrt leg later, but oo well worth it.

Eventually we got out of that shytHOOLLZ yar, but we all like dying le.. So you noe WAD??!!!!

After walking for 6 hours they decided that, hey you noe WADD? Too far.... Lets CANCEL THIS PART!

























WAlked for 6 HRS and YOU say CANCEL???!!!!?!?!??!?!?!?! 
O Bah nvr mind... At least after that go play play awhile lolx. But ya cuz i now suspect my mom reads my blog so i cannot say, WHERE.... Or When i go..... But for you guys out there who noe me can guess lolx.
Still can't believed i walked so much for nutz.....=,=

This Mondayz
As like every mondayz, it sux.... Almost nothing... Juz lots and lots of work i realised i haf and nid to hand in the next day..... Also the day i started to feel "REALLLY sick". ._.
 LIES Truth.
Believe it fags.

This Tuesday

Aiyoo "soo sickk"...
The day b4 planned a timetable for nextday, goes like this.

-Wake up
-Brush up, drink miloz.
-Solubility table, Cation table, Anion table, Preperation of saltz + Test self.
-Bio-Cardiac cycle(transport in humanz)+Worksheet
- Lunch+slackz
-Maths linear law. Pgs 30-36 Q1,5,10,15,18,20
-Chinese compre 
12.30am- 1.00pm
-Pack physics file
-Mindmap for river+river management
Buffer timez,blog,playz.

Problems wif this almost perfect looking plan...
1stly, wook up too late, cuz my godma haven leave the house and dun wan her nag me say wad stay at home blah blah.
2ndly, Ignore everything after 11.00am, rest nvr do ....
Apparently, had to relieve stress... by playing, ponz, and shocksite MARATHON!!! dun do it u'll regret it.
Ya witnessed murder, selfmiltilation(if you tot emos are ghey, wait till you see wad I SAW ....), people eating crapz...Literally. +++So on so forth. 
Dun do it.
Last note.

Well, at least i got a good day of rest. You noe they shud let students haf a choice of 1 day to break per month... Could really help lolx. I mean even working adults haf leave days...... Students SAD LIFE..

This Wednesday
More tests come back for despair... Dun wanna talkz.
Apparently, my notes say got sum gay stuff happen during carpe diem, but i forget le.( Btw, i got super sucky memory, so i write down wad i wanna blog lolx psps....But still forget lolx.) Also nothing much. =D
But CCA waz fun. taught first aid wif Bertz and Spring Chicken. Lolx Spring chic veri nice suan lolx. His engrish power is gay so yar.. =D EnterTAINMENZZ. ... Ya but i waz kinda evil lolx... Pump my juniors like 80?+ O.o, wad to do bad muz punish is litat. PLus it gibs u muscles lolx. Like how Wolverine last time train me.Anyway i quite sure all my sec 1s will pass lolx


First period maths... lolx teach teach again... Talk about her husband and stuff... AGAIN =D But hey it was damn fun. She got scold me abit lolx, cuz wen i nvr come school miss the test supposed take yesterday, but i wasnt rdy, so nvr go lolx... So tommorow muz take XD. Muz mug later....

Chinese got homework again...... She suanz every1 as usual, but not that i care. I like immune to suan de from teacher la, cuz if student i juz KILL talk NICELY to them. XP

Maths 2nd period.... Froggurlz come in again lolx... ppl arnd me cheating... But wont say name.. Like sibei talk to each other obvious.. But nvr mind that..
ZOMG!@!!!! I CAN PASSS ==DDDD Yesterday mugging pad off though only like 2 hrs. But today i can do all!! Abit slow cuz tnot enuff practice, but im proudz of myself lolx. Wastyed not enuf time do last question. And that ChickenBurger azaacmushroom bully me again, kope my parer run, dun lemme cancel 1 wrong working, sian 1 mark gone... Freak u!.

Uhh huh ENglish =D. Rmb my suan english post..? Yar
Link for rmbz
Epic linkzz

Today was wad i was juz hoping for... LOLx it was kinda lame still cuz we juz READ wordz of the board wif the teacher like kindergarden Kiddyz. But hey at least it beats compo and compre every lesson? 
New Discovery BTW! 

File1/IPA reading: faɪl

File is Failz.

OMG finally DONE! 
.........Short post goes long.. Lolx yar thats juz me i like either do work well or dun do at all. So yar hope you enjoy this post lolx... Cuz i really pump in my timez into it. Tommorow got Linear law test X( and chinese HW zomg haven do!!! Chiong Chiong CHiong! BYEzzz

Plus: Im a Bleach fan so TODAY's Episode 234 IS AWESOME!!!!
Finally Complete Hollowz form Ichigo come Out AWWww Right~~!!!!

For those guys who nvr watch bleach b4 GO TRY from the website i linked! You guys dun noe wad u are MISSING =D. Ok nao i shuddap.

BYEZZ!!! XD (phew done)

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