Sunday, August 16, 2009

I is BACK for MORE~~!!!

O lolx Hi every1!!! Yeah im back to post at last after super duber long, ya exam marr... muz mug rite?0.o =D. Ok fine i did play a little but IM HUMAN! SUE ME. Overall i think i did ok for this test, well wont be VERI good but at least i tried my best. But u noe wad guys, I can see that by end of year I WILL be ready.
Well I kinda promised Dion, my most faithful and loyal cult guy, that i will post on last Friday... but ya had excuse....

Very real but crappy excuse:
You got to let take pity on me....
I came back at arnd 11 pm, had to settle some stuff in St John and also eat Lunch wif Bertz (for those of you whom dun noe him, he's my officer but also my super awesome fren who toks cock wif me yar? Quite a special person to me, He's a lawyer-in-training Btw.) So yar during lunch we were talking about the Homosexual act on law lolx.
 Quote TIME:
Section 377A ("Outrages on decency") states that:
Any male person who, in public or private, commits, or abets the commission of, or procures or attempts to procure the commission by any male person of, any act of gross indecency with another male person, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 2 years.

Ya if you tot this is bad, in the past HOmoz have to be IMPRISONED for LIFEEE! 0o At least it beats Hilter and his anti homo gig.

Well that was during meals, in the buz we talked abt Chun Juan(some china fag) abt him having the middle child syndrome lolx. Supposedly to make you both bossy and a Bootlicker...Stereotype ROX..... =D
Then he asked me to guess abt him lolx. I tot he was either a elder or youngest bro, but i got the Suanz for that...( I mean cuz he's like the type of person wif the Papa Feeling and also the playfull didi feeling so yar..)
But anyway he's a Didi.
Bert, Didi, Bird, Little bird....?0.o

And anyway after all that crap, i got home and i was tired..I had to rush to malaysia at 4am on Saturday for some funeral Stuffz.. So cannot Post...... =D

Ok real reason:
I got too lazy went i got home and got sucked into the bottomless pitz of DotA. Nvr came out again. =.=

Hey gib me a Break la! Exam over, im not about to come home and MUG?!! Lemme PLAY LA~CCB~!
Why ty for ur understanding.=D
Plus: Ian Muggers haz Been paparazzied to have been Spotted MUGGING AFTER exams..!
(God plz take him away into your luvin bosom and spare this sad creature from its cruel existence TY.)

Well ok now that you have forgiven me, Or FUCKED OFF, prepare for a Veri long read ahead. It is suggested to go for a toilet break now, or u'll nvr make it.

Random Stuff b4 i forget.
EVERY1 it's TIME! We nid to Adopt a  

Ok enough of that random crapz. Ya so Malaysia was quite nice.......
ZZzzzz.. Waking up super duper early...Like 2 hrs of SLP?!( Yar ok i played till 2 but hey im human..)
Then reach liao DO some ritual..... Haiz burn this burn that and listen to tat OLD Conman Dancing arnd in his F*ckin dress!! I can't believe  they pay that guy THOUSANDS juz to dance arnd, sing ancient songs and
clang his Cymbols around.... Well.... It;s all right i guess.. Since the person whom went off waz really special to me and like i ACTUALLY cried over the phone wif Jiao bin on the other side..Embarrassing mayb...But ya it was REALL pain...Not like shows, the feeling is real... Ya u guys whom haven experienced it yet will someday. So yar...

Morning Rituals was one thing, crazy taxi ride to hell is another....
Ya i tot going to Dinner at a restuarant was gonna be simple...
According to the PLANZzz Was supposed to take a buz to the Restaurant... But since the bus apparently had already set off... So yar nidded another way to get there...=.= Yeah! Got TAXI!.........
DOOMZ is ON the WAY....


Ya it was some super-death popcorn combo.... It was an old Man... Wif one COCK EYE... Furry Jeanz.wif a uber deep voice to go wif it.... He talked like Satan..(Uber slow and deep voice)
"Zheeee.... Shiiii.. Quuu.. Juu.. LUAN...ZUII..KUAI. DE...BANNnnn...Fa...~!"
(Chinese for: Ok let's go, express passage to Hell.)

The Old man Drived LIKE A MADMAN! On crack! He stuck one arm outside the window and held this black clipboard to COVER HIS FREAKING MIRROR!! O.O... He was going at around 140km/hr on a NARROW road!! I swear to godz i nvr saw him step the brake ONCE! He would juz let the thing glide to slow down wen on the road.....The seat belt was like.... FURRY...apparently too old... Wind down windows...and this air con that made it WARMER?0.o. I seriously tot it was the end of me....
But thank god the old man heart nvr gib way..
I MADE IT!!... YElpz!=D.
Well that was that for malaysia....
When i got home i gained 2 kg(in 2 F*CKING DAYS).. Malaysia has its way of feeding you..It was sumthing like a pig farm.. only that after they fed u they would leave u to die of heart failure and not simply butcher you...Rather cruel if you ask me. And the farmers were nice old ladies.. whom didn't see how they were fattening and killing all the men there.. May my uncle rest in peace...

Then i still had 1 thing to do b4 posting this stuff on... I had to WATCH TWILIGHT!!! 

Ya i had the craze since the Week of the exam.... Juz NIDDED TO WATCH it... It was juz So DAMN appealing to me.... IM sorry im A Nut! But i juz have strange fantasies sumtimes...
Since young im juz dying for the day that something extraordinary can happen to me.... Even if it meant i would die for it... I wanted to lead a life outside the ordinary.... Ya... Srry im weirding you guys out... But thats juz me ._.
Anyway here's how it all started.. I like was hunting for this new song i suddenly liked lolx... It's quite nice.. By a lesbian group lolx... I used to listen to this group's song like 2 years ago i think... But time passed and u noe the rest.. By some odd shyt, i heard thir song on Luis' Blog and Ya there u haf it, got addicted again.
The group is Tatu and they haf this strange alure i dun noe y... Like they really d feel for each other? And the pain of not being able to be tgt is so great you can feel it in their singing.. Ok enuf talk..
Juz watch this and SunBian haf a sneak Peekz of TWILIGHT.

Hope you liked that. =D anyway the thing is after that i read up on Twilight abit in WIkipedia.. Apparently it is quite the popular book and this is juz One of the Four stories in the series.. Sumthing like Hairy Potty. You noe wad Fug Hairy, this would probably be the new thing! Juz watch for yourself =D.
Hohoho Piracy TIME!! Juz go this Website watch it free and in HD. Btw there is a Bug.. Dun press the enlarge button on the player, it gibs u some dum popupz. Juz right click the screen and select " Switch to Fullscreen" and Enjoy the movie! Quite long.. But i swear u'll enjoy it. It's worth the time.
(Tear him Up and Burn the Pieces =D!)
Ok go Now my loyal subjects and watch. =D
Twilight the Movie year 2006(Awesome)
Well anyway, The sequal is comin OUT SOON!!( NEW MOON) ROARAARRRRR...!! Btw the Jacob black guy is comin back and with 12 pounds more muscle to make him LOOK GooD.. Lolx. This is the thriller...

Can't Waitz!!
Ok Spam Picture TIME!! O ya the vampire guy is Robert Pattinson..Weird cuz in real life he really is THAT white O.o

Well thats for the vampire guy.. The girl was described to be GODLY beautiful.Not exactly, but ya she's actually quite sweet looking after u look at her for awhile..Tough Girls... Me Liky =D.

Hoorrzzz.. Finally Finish the POST!! Like almost 1am le... Omg...=.= But hey i hope u guys enjoy this!.Still got school tommorow.. I think will look really tired tommorow.. I mean today. Ok nao THATS ALL!! I gonna sleep now.!! Btw Changed song at last. =D

P.S guys enjoy thoe AFTER EXAM MOOD!!=D
It won't last long.=.= Sadly. ='(.

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