Friday, August 21, 2009

Haiz.....Soul Ripz....

Hey guys....Hi there... Ps past few days nvr post lolx....
(Emo-post warnings, sorry today de not fun juz wanted output for my shyts. So yar ps for mood drag.)
My results came back and it's like _l_.
Scored lowest in class for 2 subjects...=.=.Chinese and Chem lolx..
Sad sia first time i got bottom in class leah CCB...~!!!!!
The worst thing is that I CAN do well, juz that i nvr put in the effort....
Waz! Wanted to shoot myself in the foot sia.
Hermzzz I cant remember much about past few days, but i remember 1 thing. I got FUGGING ANGRY when Darren KOPED my chem paper without asking.....LIke REALLLY angry, almost like i wanted to falcon punch him...

What has EDUCATION DONE!!!! 
It was really strange....Cuz i dun get angry easy and especially over studies, which i normally heck care about. More importantly, Darren is my fren so i feel kinda shity now.. Well at least i did not lose my temper at that time... I juz emo talked him.. Heyz Darren! Sorry about that. =P

But this time my results litat got reason de lolx. My chinese main paper actually is quite good de. Juz my compo and formal letter screw up..=.=. Make me lowest in class like FTW.
Chem was like i pump in more then half my exam time in the stupid hardcore MCQ, then that caused me to do only abit of the behind. Haiz worse still my MCQ copy WRONG!!! ZOMGGG ARHGGHGHGHGH!

Like WTF! All my answer all shift up... DIE LE!!!!! =.= Haiz.

Well that was enough to make me Emo for sometime le....
Went home yesterday, and did chinese HW at LAST! I cant't imagine how many times i nvr do her HW le..
Ya so copied 4 pages worth of work. Not like from ppl that type of copy.. I mean copy passage that copy. Strangely, i think i learnt something, while copying.

Next day appeared in School with my HW, but in chinese lesson, my teacher like heck care me...
Still hates me for bein worst in class..
Herms I called her a rude,slut in her face, but in english lar. Not cuz she dao me due to my results, but cuz i felt that she was really mean wif others, especially this guy called Jeremy Ong, i noe he is quite messed up in his life, like how i saw him tio own by Mr Tio after school today, but the way she ostracize him from the rest was damn evil. Like she asked the class directly who they felt is the troublemaker, and also how to b1tched about him in CLASS, to suck c0rk "fish scales" (in chinese, wif wrong pronunciation). She also screw around wif Darren, which oddly,  kinda reminded me of Henjz Gie "Rearranged".

And yes Luis, Im sorry i haf no life....Do not noe where is "THAT" shop in Orchid.... Playing too much game, getting out too little...

OK not that bad yet, but u guys get the point.

CCA.... Pumped quite a few ppl... Cuz i got pissed when i had to walk to the Police station and back for nothing... To settle some shyt for 1 irresponsible sec 2 i haf. Not only that he's irresponsible.. I even think he is hiding sumthing really bad.... But dun wanna say too much.......

Went home liao muz chiong out like awhile later again..... It's my father's week...

Ate turtle soup at Macpherson Road....
Hey weird...... Ya i got this from the INTerWEbz, but the strange thing is that it looks exactly the same... Even the chilli, the spoon and the bowls.... For all i noe it IS the same.
Ya it is my 2nd time eating this. If you think it is grosss, well to bad cuz it tastes quite nice actually. Abit like a softer cuttle fish for the skin, VERI NICEE. And the meat is like a cross between pork and chicken, tender but sweet. 0.o SERIOUSLY IT's THAT good. 
And learn to identify anti-soup propaganda, reliability FAIL!

Well, after that got home and yar here i am posting stuffz to u guys lolx. Did not haf enuf slp these past few days, so nid go slp slp soon. But anyway, Apparently, someone posted some crap on Jacelyn's blog wif MY name. Lolx cheap Lmaoz. But it's not like i really SHUD care anyway...
O ya plus: After epicly FAILING at so mani subjects, Darren and i decided to tweak to Mugger mode b4 too late.... So this test comin up maths de, im gonna MUG. We wan see who can win Ian MUggerz lolx. Jiayou ppl!!! Btw i found out that i dun dislike Ian muggerz cuz he mugz, i mean look at out great chairman. I dun mind him, it's juz his screwed up character that's all. But so far its all from what i heard. 
Maybe i shud be fair and gib him a chance?? Wait till he actually DOES sumthing to me b4 i hate him, like how i swore to Torture Paper Niax(super word scrabble), the DOG, after the openly slander me in front of my science teacher last time. lolx now HE deserves it. =D
PLus: Im now a Sergeant!! Promoted todays =D if not so tired would be SOooo happy. But im sad for Brendan cuz he cannot double promote 2 times, i mean he really put in the effort, like he deserved it lolx.
Ok that's all, sorry my this post so emo... Really slpy and rather bad moodz... So yar Ps guys .=D Ok that's all now Bye byez.!

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