Sunday, August 9, 2009


Lolx the bottom 2 pictures of my last post block my typing lolx...Well nvr mind.. Juz continue here lor..
2ndly, i think of the merlion....(With its awesome ability to puke water for as long as i can remember..)

3rdly, our super mixed up people, of all languages and religion.

Lolx nice mix if you ask me =X. But hey though we often make fun of other races, despite it being Super illegal and all that. I think that it's really sumthing how Singaporeans dun actually mean much harm when they insult other races, mostly juz for fun or a good laff. Not like other countries where ppl tear each others' asses out over race and religion, how STUPID.

Ya so basically, i LOVE you SINGAPORE XD!! Btw half way while doing this post i was dragged outta my house ya... So apparently... i was dragged all the way to Changi Airport terminal 2 for DESERT???O.o WTF
Well the only thing i found REALLY AWESOME was sumthing at a jewelry store....... It was the MOST AWESOME name ANYONE could gib to a necklace....






























Uber!! Necklace 

Lolx. Ya it was literally that..... Uber necklace. O.o. Like WTF....

Well that's all People. =D I hope u actually liked this post lolx.. If u dun u muz be from China. XP Anyway you guys can tag the board about wadever u felt. If you actually gib a damn. Ok bye NAOz!! CYA.

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