Sunday, August 9, 2009


Hi every1!!! I juz finished watching the National Parade on TV and strangely, i feel quite good, it was really weird actually...Cuz it's like everyday we complain about school and how evil the singapore government really is. But u noe for that short instant that i read the pledge and sang the national anthem, along wif all the others in Singapore, that i felt really moved...Like not cuz im a emo whore, but juz cuz it gives u this uber nice feeling, like "Hey Maybe..I DO belong here and this IS a place i can call home....and that we actually take many things we haf for granted....." Ya that kinda feeling, i noe it's long. But if i ya noe its not a feeling 1 word can describe.

Lolx after the parade ended and every1 was like HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE!!! I juz like yelled outside the window "I LOVE YOU SINGAPORE!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" Ya i probably spooked quite alot of ppl and interupted their activities.. like....

Ooo well...But nvr mind that. Herez wad i think of when i hear SINGAPORE.... =D  
1stly, I think of Singa the courtest Lionz..(But like wad is that Gurlz doin on Its CROTCH??!)                        

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