Monday, August 3, 2009

Despo Attempts at Mugging

Ok guys this is it! After this final post =( Im gonna tryyyy Mug =D. In view of the crappy tests comin up nex week. Ok fine we all noe im Most likely not gonna mug, but hey it's a good start =D.
Haiz today i tio ownz by my stupid Gong Han....=.= Brainfreeze in test.. (not like literally but u getit.)

Oh Yar YONG YI!!!! U better dun Send that Fuggin Message!!!!! For those of u whom noe yar u can Lmao all u like. For Those of you whom dun noe..... U'll see.

Oo Ken tio ownz by Yong Yi and Jonathan today.... Yong Yi try prank him lolx,
'I Called Ur mom'.0.o? Then Ken was like I Swear Im GOnna f*cking KILL YOU!!
Hey Yong Yi i noe u Fun and all that, but nid control abit la, quite irritating sometimes. Like You Keep Highlighting me today. P.S DAMN YOU u are not FAT DAMN IT! ~.~

Ooo lesson today nothing much, juz the usual Lim Seah Entertainmenz,"U Noe Ur Acute Angle Small right? So is A SMALL SMALL CUTE CUTE LA! Then Obtuse is a little fat, OBESE LA!" Interesting Much?

After that was like sian lor, Monday is always litat de. oo but sadly after school got NDP rehearsal, But i wanted to PONz!!! Darren was like after we Pon eat lunch ar OK? Quite sad la i wanted to Pon but conscience called me back lolx.You juz can't turn Ianz Down.....It would be like Slaying Live KITTIESS! So yar u like get the point.

O.... I was like first Aider so got to slack and talk crapz =D, not complete slack lar, got take shiftz. But after training was realy epic lolx, Cuz got some sec 2 tio punish, so they ask me cut sum slack. I Like nice lar so let them abit...2roundz off lolx, on the condition that they muz all run faster then me on the first round. Wa sia la the Sai Run like Sum %@(*&s? He like ALMOST own me flat sia.... But ya i wasnt tat shabby either, quite fast also la(self conplimentary). Wa then the rest at the back like slowly catch up...... But hey Bryan Quah I now clapz for u! I see flarez in u good that U chiong with all ur heart ehh? Lolx i Feel kinda bad now,cuz like i scolded the Bowlin Ballz, cuz he jogging like so uber slow, the rest of the sec 2s were like I thinkz that is the fastest he can go lolx. I was like O.o? So yar i Uber Roared Him and Pumped him for takin his own sweet time strolling arnd the track. Yar Feel quite bad now, cuz mayb that was really his Best? Though damn it It was Really UBER SNAIL PACE! I think Dead snailz can like roll faster then him la.

Well after that, i got sob callz again. So yar talked, comforted and stuff like that. Hey Aika, Gib sum chance la, at least so she can haf a peace of mind? She juz wanz a Goodbye talk.....

Well that aside, I realize that Aika has been sick for i dun no how damn long, coughing and sneezing in class isn't gonna help you. Go see a F*CKING specialist Damn IT! Btw... Ken and me got this strange mild sickness also, i hope it wont spread or get worse lolx.. Maybe H1N1 already come to our class le... HORHHHSS O.o

Ok So yar thats like all and So yar, shud be posting after exam. Or if i got sum random funny stuff to post. DUn Miss me!! Too much X P. Yar so like Byezz!!

Btw is u get bored, go to here and search for Rtarted Thingies, it shud help wif ur personal developement, or ur conversion to a Luis/Ian formed InterWebz Organism yeah?

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Encyclopedia Dramatica
“In lulz we trust.”

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