Saturday, August 29, 2009

AFA testz

Yar today if like nothing much juz like went for AFA tests. For those not St John de is "ADULT FIRST AID" test so yar....

It was Uber easy to me. =D Juz wasted i like cant haf the same confidence in my normal school tests... == mayb cuz i got mug my First aid nvr mug studies. XP... Lolx

Haiz Eileen cry again today. I thinks she abit too siao liao. But then you noe i  feel that she really does care such a waste that the other person dun noe how to appreciate lolx. But the other way to see it is that she dun noe how to stop.. So yar i dun noe who to side lolx... (Im Such an extra fag..)

Apparently, today When Eileen walked past ya-noe-who, and said hi, Other guy juz Daozz... So yar  QUITE cruel if you ask me i mean does it HURT u to juz HI back, i mean you WERE once tgt anyway....

But the strange thing about Eileen is that she actually cried so yar...... WEIRD..... O.o.

Two Weirdos..

Anyway, After my AFA was gonna stay at the HQ lolx... Bu suddenly sum ppl say 1 go *THE FUN PLACE* ( censored for previously stated reasons), so go lo, Quite sian though, cuz all N00b, Lolx ps Juz jking.

Tzz Pukedz lolx.
Apparently,I found sum1 who gets even more nauseous then ME when CookSnakeing lolx lolx.

Well on the way home, brought Dinner for meselfz, Like sum Chai fan and some tidbits. Cuz today my parents go eat lobster on an island...... =(
Had to miss it for a FAGGOTLY easy test...Wad to do if dun go no promotez....

Tidbits for MUGGIN-Supplies tomorrow i wan mug le. =D (TRY......)
Gonna use last time that time table and TRY do it this time. Waking up early.. =D cuz i realize cannot work late lmaoz.

OK thats all. ByeByez

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Muz Stop the Evilz.....

Omggg... Like 5days nvr post le. Sorry lolx guys i spent the last few days, ACTUALLY mugging lolx. Cuz the last few days got sum tests for me... And yar i think i tio a little trauma cuz of my super sucky results... LOLX. Actually Today was gonna not post again de, cuz tommorow got 1 last linear law test for me and i got to do sum workz....

But HEYZ i promised my super loyal Dion liao that today muz post! And i dun wanna lyez again so yar. So sorry if today's post super summarized lolx..

Last Sunday
Ya last sunday i was at MacRitchie, supposedly on a hike reccy. FAIL! Ianz, Guan jie, Jia Wei and me +extra Chun Juanz walked for like from 9 all the way to 3pm?0.o, 6 bladdy hours in the BRIGHT DAY!! INSIDE a SHYT-HOOL called MacRitchie. Ya it was like almost pure Mud and soil lolx the path FAILS!

Ok now that u see that imagine that STRETCHING for about 20km?
BTW, the nice light at the end that APPEARS to be civilization is a LIE!
It never ENDS!
Well at least we managed to walk up to the treetop walk, hey even though the rest of it really suxed. up there was really not bad.=D

Lolx, it may not look much, but after walking for so long, it was really sumthing lol. We like crazy yelled there untill sum angmo came along and said we were really noisy lolx. Lolx and sumhow the water there tasted nicer. Hahahha Chun Juan got fear os hieghtz =D. He was rushing us to get off lolx. But cant blame him lolx, we threw a leaf down and it took more then 20 seconds to reach the bot lolxz... 
Quite High O.O.

Well that's pretty much all the fun there was to it, after that i got sumsort of after drug effect or sumthing, i like couldn't help but do hardcore hopscotch lolx.. Like the terrain was damn hardcore, like super unleveled, many weird rocks sticking out and UPHILL lolx.Plus: like veri wet and muddyz.

Lolx random ps. Well lucky for me i nvr fall or anthing, but damn i was going so fast =D.
HUrt leg later, but oo well worth it.

Eventually we got out of that shytHOOLLZ yar, but we all like dying le.. So you noe WAD??!!!!

After walking for 6 hours they decided that, hey you noe WADD? Too far.... Lets CANCEL THIS PART!

























WAlked for 6 HRS and YOU say CANCEL???!!!!?!?!??!?!?!?! 
O Bah nvr mind... At least after that go play play awhile lolx. But ya cuz i now suspect my mom reads my blog so i cannot say, WHERE.... Or When i go..... But for you guys out there who noe me can guess lolx.
Still can't believed i walked so much for nutz.....=,=

This Mondayz
As like every mondayz, it sux.... Almost nothing... Juz lots and lots of work i realised i haf and nid to hand in the next day..... Also the day i started to feel "REALLLY sick". ._.
 LIES Truth.
Believe it fags.

This Tuesday

Aiyoo "soo sickk"...
The day b4 planned a timetable for nextday, goes like this.

-Wake up
-Brush up, drink miloz.
-Solubility table, Cation table, Anion table, Preperation of saltz + Test self.
-Bio-Cardiac cycle(transport in humanz)+Worksheet
- Lunch+slackz
-Maths linear law. Pgs 30-36 Q1,5,10,15,18,20
-Chinese compre 
12.30am- 1.00pm
-Pack physics file
-Mindmap for river+river management
Buffer timez,blog,playz.

Problems wif this almost perfect looking plan...
1stly, wook up too late, cuz my godma haven leave the house and dun wan her nag me say wad stay at home blah blah.
2ndly, Ignore everything after 11.00am, rest nvr do ....
Apparently, had to relieve stress... by playing, ponz, and shocksite MARATHON!!! dun do it u'll regret it.
Ya witnessed murder, selfmiltilation(if you tot emos are ghey, wait till you see wad I SAW ....), people eating crapz...Literally. +++So on so forth. 
Dun do it.
Last note.

Well, at least i got a good day of rest. You noe they shud let students haf a choice of 1 day to break per month... Could really help lolx. I mean even working adults haf leave days...... Students SAD LIFE..

This Wednesday
More tests come back for despair... Dun wanna talkz.
Apparently, my notes say got sum gay stuff happen during carpe diem, but i forget le.( Btw, i got super sucky memory, so i write down wad i wanna blog lolx psps....But still forget lolx.) Also nothing much. =D
But CCA waz fun. taught first aid wif Bertz and Spring Chicken. Lolx Spring chic veri nice suan lolx. His engrish power is gay so yar.. =D EnterTAINMENZZ. ... Ya but i waz kinda evil lolx... Pump my juniors like 80?+ O.o, wad to do bad muz punish is litat. PLus it gibs u muscles lolx. Like how Wolverine last time train me.Anyway i quite sure all my sec 1s will pass lolx


First period maths... lolx teach teach again... Talk about her husband and stuff... AGAIN =D But hey it was damn fun. She got scold me abit lolx, cuz wen i nvr come school miss the test supposed take yesterday, but i wasnt rdy, so nvr go lolx... So tommorow muz take XD. Muz mug later....

Chinese got homework again...... She suanz every1 as usual, but not that i care. I like immune to suan de from teacher la, cuz if student i juz KILL talk NICELY to them. XP

Maths 2nd period.... Froggurlz come in again lolx... ppl arnd me cheating... But wont say name.. Like sibei talk to each other obvious.. But nvr mind that..
ZOMG!@!!!! I CAN PASSS ==DDDD Yesterday mugging pad off though only like 2 hrs. But today i can do all!! Abit slow cuz tnot enuff practice, but im proudz of myself lolx. Wastyed not enuf time do last question. And that ChickenBurger azaacmushroom bully me again, kope my parer run, dun lemme cancel 1 wrong working, sian 1 mark gone... Freak u!.

Uhh huh ENglish =D. Rmb my suan english post..? Yar
Link for rmbz
Epic linkzz

Today was wad i was juz hoping for... LOLx it was kinda lame still cuz we juz READ wordz of the board wif the teacher like kindergarden Kiddyz. But hey at least it beats compo and compre every lesson? 
New Discovery BTW! 

File1/IPA reading: faɪl

File is Failz.

OMG finally DONE! 
.........Short post goes long.. Lolx yar thats juz me i like either do work well or dun do at all. So yar hope you enjoy this post lolx... Cuz i really pump in my timez into it. Tommorow got Linear law test X( and chinese HW zomg haven do!!! Chiong Chiong CHiong! BYEzzz

Plus: Im a Bleach fan so TODAY's Episode 234 IS AWESOME!!!!
Finally Complete Hollowz form Ichigo come Out AWWww Right~~!!!!

For those guys who nvr watch bleach b4 GO TRY from the website i linked! You guys dun noe wad u are MISSING =D. Ok nao i shuddap.

BYEZZ!!! XD (phew done)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Haiz.....Soul Ripz....

Hey guys....Hi there... Ps past few days nvr post lolx....
(Emo-post warnings, sorry today de not fun juz wanted output for my shyts. So yar ps for mood drag.)
My results came back and it's like _l_.
Scored lowest in class for 2 subjects...=.=.Chinese and Chem lolx..
Sad sia first time i got bottom in class leah CCB...~!!!!!
The worst thing is that I CAN do well, juz that i nvr put in the effort....
Waz! Wanted to shoot myself in the foot sia.
Hermzzz I cant remember much about past few days, but i remember 1 thing. I got FUGGING ANGRY when Darren KOPED my chem paper without asking.....LIke REALLLY angry, almost like i wanted to falcon punch him...

What has EDUCATION DONE!!!! 
It was really strange....Cuz i dun get angry easy and especially over studies, which i normally heck care about. More importantly, Darren is my fren so i feel kinda shity now.. Well at least i did not lose my temper at that time... I juz emo talked him.. Heyz Darren! Sorry about that. =P

But this time my results litat got reason de lolx. My chinese main paper actually is quite good de. Juz my compo and formal letter screw up..=.=. Make me lowest in class like FTW.
Chem was like i pump in more then half my exam time in the stupid hardcore MCQ, then that caused me to do only abit of the behind. Haiz worse still my MCQ copy WRONG!!! ZOMGGG ARHGGHGHGHGH!

Like WTF! All my answer all shift up... DIE LE!!!!! =.= Haiz.

Well that was enough to make me Emo for sometime le....
Went home yesterday, and did chinese HW at LAST! I cant't imagine how many times i nvr do her HW le..
Ya so copied 4 pages worth of work. Not like from ppl that type of copy.. I mean copy passage that copy. Strangely, i think i learnt something, while copying.

Next day appeared in School with my HW, but in chinese lesson, my teacher like heck care me...
Still hates me for bein worst in class..
Herms I called her a rude,slut in her face, but in english lar. Not cuz she dao me due to my results, but cuz i felt that she was really mean wif others, especially this guy called Jeremy Ong, i noe he is quite messed up in his life, like how i saw him tio own by Mr Tio after school today, but the way she ostracize him from the rest was damn evil. Like she asked the class directly who they felt is the troublemaker, and also how to b1tched about him in CLASS, to suck c0rk "fish scales" (in chinese, wif wrong pronunciation). She also screw around wif Darren, which oddly,  kinda reminded me of Henjz Gie "Rearranged".

And yes Luis, Im sorry i haf no life....Do not noe where is "THAT" shop in Orchid.... Playing too much game, getting out too little...

OK not that bad yet, but u guys get the point.

CCA.... Pumped quite a few ppl... Cuz i got pissed when i had to walk to the Police station and back for nothing... To settle some shyt for 1 irresponsible sec 2 i haf. Not only that he's irresponsible.. I even think he is hiding sumthing really bad.... But dun wanna say too much.......

Went home liao muz chiong out like awhile later again..... It's my father's week...

Ate turtle soup at Macpherson Road....
Hey weird...... Ya i got this from the INTerWEbz, but the strange thing is that it looks exactly the same... Even the chilli, the spoon and the bowls.... For all i noe it IS the same.
Ya it is my 2nd time eating this. If you think it is grosss, well to bad cuz it tastes quite nice actually. Abit like a softer cuttle fish for the skin, VERI NICEE. And the meat is like a cross between pork and chicken, tender but sweet. 0.o SERIOUSLY IT's THAT good. 
And learn to identify anti-soup propaganda, reliability FAIL!

Well, after that got home and yar here i am posting stuffz to u guys lolx. Did not haf enuf slp these past few days, so nid go slp slp soon. But anyway, Apparently, someone posted some crap on Jacelyn's blog wif MY name. Lolx cheap Lmaoz. But it's not like i really SHUD care anyway...
O ya plus: After epicly FAILING at so mani subjects, Darren and i decided to tweak to Mugger mode b4 too late.... So this test comin up maths de, im gonna MUG. We wan see who can win Ian MUggerz lolx. Jiayou ppl!!! Btw i found out that i dun dislike Ian muggerz cuz he mugz, i mean look at out great chairman. I dun mind him, it's juz his screwed up character that's all. But so far its all from what i heard. 
Maybe i shud be fair and gib him a chance?? Wait till he actually DOES sumthing to me b4 i hate him, like how i swore to Torture Paper Niax(super word scrabble), the DOG, after the openly slander me in front of my science teacher last time. lolx now HE deserves it. =D
PLus: Im now a Sergeant!! Promoted todays =D if not so tired would be SOooo happy. But im sad for Brendan cuz he cannot double promote 2 times, i mean he really put in the effort, like he deserved it lolx.
Ok that's all, sorry my this post so emo... Really slpy and rather bad moodz... So yar Ps guys .=D Ok that's all now Bye byez.!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Time drifts by slowly....Mayb pain is wad we NID?

Hi there everybody.......
Today is like a dull dull day...=.= Even Luis thinks so...
Heyz u noe wad? I got this theory that when your are not put under pressure, school seems like a boring place...  Thanks God for friends. =D
Talked though most of today. I moved to Aika's seat today and ya. Talked wif Darren and Luis. Stuff like crazy taxi drivers and how Darren's Grandfather collects CARZ, BOATZ and wad other stuffz..... Rich people....Talk about Filthy Rich.


Narh juz joking, I think that while it is normally for ppl to be envious of the rich. I am contented wif what i have. =D Well sometimes it's only when ur not SO rich that life has it own unique set of challenges and thats wad makes it interesting. But still, it be nice to be able to go overseas like every year..... -.-....

Entertainment for roughly 2hrs, during Lim Seah's lesson.
Lolx she digressed quite abit today lolx.... She talked about her daughter's small eyes, like how it was a curse cuz she laughed at her nephew about his small eyes when pregnant lolx.Was gonna post about this yesterday de lolx... Yar on the way down yesterday to cut hair...... I met evil on the way down in the lift.....
This man came in wif 2 dogs...
1bigger, 1 smaller.
The smaller og started to lickz me...
It LOOKED UP..............................

 It has monsterously BIG AND BULDGING EYES ZOMG!!!!

 OK it was abit smaller... but freaky nontheless.....The bigger dog had smaller eyes soo yar....
Luis' ne law os the internet has began to take effect:
Everything innately evil has a cute and small version sumwhere....(SO TRUE)

Ya then she also went on about learning styles... Audio or Visual.. Im a Audio btw.. lolx i nid jovin to read to me during exams to learn lolx.... Could be due to my nid to hear music while learning,
Heyz I now really hope sumhow she noes of this post cuz its like he really deserves wad i am about to say about her.

Commentz: She is the type of teacher, who commands respect but at the same time has this aura about her that makes you feel like you WANT to listen and WANT to engage with her. This is unlike sum teachers whom command respect via punishments and threats. She also shows real passion in what she does, you can feel her love for the subject, that is juz so genuine in her, sum other teachers juz so so freaking openly that they HATE wad they do and juz want to get over it. The effort she puts in her teaching is also veri much commendable, she is not afriad of the time she has to put in for extra lessons or remedials. Also she ACTUALLY SWEATS for us..... Guys from 3-9 look at her closely next time u'll she her sweating. And that is what really makes me so proud of having such a devoted teacher. =D

OK that's all. Sure u think im juz exaggerating, but its true. I write wad i see and feel. (See my blog isnt always the bad stuff, i believe in complimenting ppl also.) Well look forward to another year wif her lolx.

Ya sadly, after that that was about it le.....after maths got double physics and chem.... SIANNZZZ....... Boree..... But the thing is actually i find it ok, juz when it comes together, it's really unbearable. For me sound was easy.=D and extraction seemed fun. Juz the teachers abit sian... so like sianess SPREADS yar?

Home nothing much... ate like Sakae sushi today... Haiz.... Getting WORSE and WORSE......Dun wanna explain too much... Bad food, bad service, bad chefz.. Hougang branch btw...

Well anyway wasted my day away like playing DotA wif 2-3 frenz again... Lolx ownage as usual.. Me and Jiao bin too own le. =D. Well i also read up about high platelet count... Its wad happened to Aika...
Btw news!:
He's disscharged le =D Thanks godz... I din wan anything to happen to ppl around me i cant take it lolx...
But im not sure if he is really better... At least he comin school tommorow.=D.
Aiyo... but that means i haf to shift back to be sian again... Oo well.. i had my fun =D time to live like a sian person again.=.=.
Plus: Ian mugger returned today.
PLus plus: Benjamin still sick... taking H1N1 test... May fail ZOMG!!!

I asked Dion about my new song.. He says its ok but i love it lolx. Anyway He also introduced this song to me by Nickelback: Gotta be somebody

Hermm maybe im not used to it.. but i find his voice veri like a hardrocker type.... But his songs are all meaningfull and emotional..Sorry but i find it to be like some mismatch... If its emo songs i prefer David Archuleta and for hardcore like Linken Park. But well thats juz me.

Dionz also commented that he was not used to me using non japanese music.....
Ans: Ok Dion here the thing.. actually i always like english songs.. Juz that getting to noe Aika led me to listen to some jJap music, but dun get me wrong i like Jap music... But juz that after some time i found my passion again. =D and that is in english music lolx. =P.

Ok Bye nowz ... Ps about it being dull cuz boring day ya. Tommorow got some electronics thing course for St john sec 3 from 3 to 430 lolx.. Then muz go for the noob chinese play performed by the SILVER chinese dramam team...Sineh..=.=. You noe wad guys.. I sense emminent sickness tommorow so maybe i cant go . =DDDDDDDDDDD. Well i nid go slp slp le. NIte all Byez!

Wednesday is a slack day Hurrayz.

Monday, August 17, 2009

I is Hating Monday,,,,,

ERRRggg.... Monday death row.....

On hold~! Brb for postings later.
Got to go play DotA first, and exercise and Bathe and EAT. ( Yes This is MY LIFE i get to choose wad i wanna do so yar. XD)

ZZZz play play wif my 2-3 fren awhile only. so late le.... Haiz was gonna post quite alot of things de.... Sorry guys feeling abit feverish... Srry.. I nid go rest le. BTW so wad if i like Twilight lolx.. Desmond also likes it. Maybe if you try watching it be better. WEll good Nite. And Aikeen plz get well soon....

plus: I cut my hair.....abit too short...but quite nice.
Plus plus: Benjamin also get well soon...
Triple plus: My blogger program screwing around in my face again.....Got sum weird design now...
K thats all bye...Sry about short postz

Sunday, August 16, 2009

I is BACK for MORE~~!!!

O lolx Hi every1!!! Yeah im back to post at last after super duber long, ya exam marr... muz mug rite?0.o =D. Ok fine i did play a little but IM HUMAN! SUE ME. Overall i think i did ok for this test, well wont be VERI good but at least i tried my best. But u noe wad guys, I can see that by end of year I WILL be ready.
Well I kinda promised Dion, my most faithful and loyal cult guy, that i will post on last Friday... but ya had excuse....

Very real but crappy excuse:
You got to let take pity on me....
I came back at arnd 11 pm, had to settle some stuff in St John and also eat Lunch wif Bertz (for those of you whom dun noe him, he's my officer but also my super awesome fren who toks cock wif me yar? Quite a special person to me, He's a lawyer-in-training Btw.) So yar during lunch we were talking about the Homosexual act on law lolx.
 Quote TIME:
Section 377A ("Outrages on decency") states that:
Any male person who, in public or private, commits, or abets the commission of, or procures or attempts to procure the commission by any male person of, any act of gross indecency with another male person, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 2 years.

Ya if you tot this is bad, in the past HOmoz have to be IMPRISONED for LIFEEE! 0o At least it beats Hilter and his anti homo gig.

Well that was during meals, in the buz we talked abt Chun Juan(some china fag) abt him having the middle child syndrome lolx. Supposedly to make you both bossy and a Bootlicker...Stereotype ROX..... =D
Then he asked me to guess abt him lolx. I tot he was either a elder or youngest bro, but i got the Suanz for that...( I mean cuz he's like the type of person wif the Papa Feeling and also the playfull didi feeling so yar..)
But anyway he's a Didi.
Bert, Didi, Bird, Little bird....?0.o

And anyway after all that crap, i got home and i was tired..I had to rush to malaysia at 4am on Saturday for some funeral Stuffz.. So cannot Post...... =D

Ok real reason:
I got too lazy went i got home and got sucked into the bottomless pitz of DotA. Nvr came out again. =.=

Hey gib me a Break la! Exam over, im not about to come home and MUG?!! Lemme PLAY LA~CCB~!
Why ty for ur understanding.=D
Plus: Ian Muggers haz Been paparazzied to have been Spotted MUGGING AFTER exams..!
(God plz take him away into your luvin bosom and spare this sad creature from its cruel existence TY.)

Well ok now that you have forgiven me, Or FUCKED OFF, prepare for a Veri long read ahead. It is suggested to go for a toilet break now, or u'll nvr make it.

Random Stuff b4 i forget.
EVERY1 it's TIME! We nid to Adopt a  

Ok enough of that random crapz. Ya so Malaysia was quite nice.......
ZZzzzz.. Waking up super duper early...Like 2 hrs of SLP?!( Yar ok i played till 2 but hey im human..)
Then reach liao DO some ritual..... Haiz burn this burn that and listen to tat OLD Conman Dancing arnd in his F*ckin dress!! I can't believe  they pay that guy THOUSANDS juz to dance arnd, sing ancient songs and
clang his Cymbols around.... Well.... It;s all right i guess.. Since the person whom went off waz really special to me and like i ACTUALLY cried over the phone wif Jiao bin on the other side..Embarrassing mayb...But ya it was REALL pain...Not like shows, the feeling is real... Ya u guys whom haven experienced it yet will someday. So yar...

Morning Rituals was one thing, crazy taxi ride to hell is another....
Ya i tot going to Dinner at a restuarant was gonna be simple...
According to the PLANZzz Was supposed to take a buz to the Restaurant... But since the bus apparently had already set off... So yar nidded another way to get there...=.= Yeah! Got TAXI!.........
DOOMZ is ON the WAY....


Ya it was some super-death popcorn combo.... It was an old Man... Wif one COCK EYE... Furry Jeanz.wif a uber deep voice to go wif it.... He talked like Satan..(Uber slow and deep voice)
"Zheeee.... Shiiii.. Quuu.. Juu.. LUAN...ZUII..KUAI. DE...BANNnnn...Fa...~!"
(Chinese for: Ok let's go, express passage to Hell.)

The Old man Drived LIKE A MADMAN! On crack! He stuck one arm outside the window and held this black clipboard to COVER HIS FREAKING MIRROR!! O.O... He was going at around 140km/hr on a NARROW road!! I swear to godz i nvr saw him step the brake ONCE! He would juz let the thing glide to slow down wen on the road.....The seat belt was like.... FURRY...apparently too old... Wind down windows...and this air con that made it WARMER?0.o. I seriously tot it was the end of me....
But thank god the old man heart nvr gib way..
I MADE IT!!... YElpz!=D.
Well that was that for malaysia....
When i got home i gained 2 kg(in 2 F*CKING DAYS).. Malaysia has its way of feeding you..It was sumthing like a pig farm.. only that after they fed u they would leave u to die of heart failure and not simply butcher you...Rather cruel if you ask me. And the farmers were nice old ladies.. whom didn't see how they were fattening and killing all the men there.. May my uncle rest in peace...

Then i still had 1 thing to do b4 posting this stuff on... I had to WATCH TWILIGHT!!! 

Ya i had the craze since the Week of the exam.... Juz NIDDED TO WATCH it... It was juz So DAMN appealing to me.... IM sorry im A Nut! But i juz have strange fantasies sumtimes...
Since young im juz dying for the day that something extraordinary can happen to me.... Even if it meant i would die for it... I wanted to lead a life outside the ordinary.... Ya... Srry im weirding you guys out... But thats juz me ._.
Anyway here's how it all started.. I like was hunting for this new song i suddenly liked lolx... It's quite nice.. By a lesbian group lolx... I used to listen to this group's song like 2 years ago i think... But time passed and u noe the rest.. By some odd shyt, i heard thir song on Luis' Blog and Ya there u haf it, got addicted again.
The group is Tatu and they haf this strange alure i dun noe y... Like they really d feel for each other? And the pain of not being able to be tgt is so great you can feel it in their singing.. Ok enuf talk..
Juz watch this and SunBian haf a sneak Peekz of TWILIGHT.

Hope you liked that. =D anyway the thing is after that i read up on Twilight abit in WIkipedia.. Apparently it is quite the popular book and this is juz One of the Four stories in the series.. Sumthing like Hairy Potty. You noe wad Fug Hairy, this would probably be the new thing! Juz watch for yourself =D.
Hohoho Piracy TIME!! Juz go this Website watch it free and in HD. Btw there is a Bug.. Dun press the enlarge button on the player, it gibs u some dum popupz. Juz right click the screen and select " Switch to Fullscreen" and Enjoy the movie! Quite long.. But i swear u'll enjoy it. It's worth the time.
(Tear him Up and Burn the Pieces =D!)
Ok go Now my loyal subjects and watch. =D
Twilight the Movie year 2006(Awesome)
Well anyway, The sequal is comin OUT SOON!!( NEW MOON) ROARAARRRRR...!! Btw the Jacob black guy is comin back and with 12 pounds more muscle to make him LOOK GooD.. Lolx. This is the thriller...

Can't Waitz!!
Ok Spam Picture TIME!! O ya the vampire guy is Robert Pattinson..Weird cuz in real life he really is THAT white O.o

Well thats for the vampire guy.. The girl was described to be GODLY beautiful.Not exactly, but ya she's actually quite sweet looking after u look at her for awhile..Tough Girls... Me Liky =D.

Hoorrzzz.. Finally Finish the POST!! Like almost 1am le... Omg...=.= But hey i hope u guys enjoy this!.Still got school tommorow.. I think will look really tired tommorow.. I mean today. Ok nao THATS ALL!! I gonna sleep now.!! Btw Changed song at last. =D

P.S guys enjoy thoe AFTER EXAM MOOD!!=D
It won't last long.=.= Sadly. ='(.

Monday, August 10, 2009

OMg Epic scare.....

Wooo i juz had to post this lolx.. cuz i HARDLY get scared and finally sumthing came that gave me SHOCKZ. Even the offended page on EncyclopediaDramatica din get me spooked.(As warned by Luis dun go or the innocence and sanity of your spirit will be lost 4EVA!....SERIOUSLY!)

Ya so wad happened was that i just got home from my father's house and when i got home, i ONed (if even a word) my com and naturally my screen.... So that's when IT HAPPENED!!!

  .........................................  .........................................  .........................................  .........................................  .........................................  .........................................  .........................................  .........................................  .........................................  .........................................  .........................................  ......................................... ......................................... .........................................  .........................................  ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... .........................................  .........................................  .........................................  .........................................  .........................................  .........................................  .........................................  .........................................  ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... .........................................  ......................................... .........................................  .........................................  ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... .........................................  ......................................... ......................................... .........................................  ......................................... .........................................  .........................................  ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... .........................................  .........................................  ......................................... .........................................  .........................................  .........................................  .........................................  ......................................... .........................................  .........................................  ......................................... .........................................  .........................................  .........................................  .........................................  ......................................... .........................................  ......................................... ......................................... .........................................  .........................................  .........................................  .........................................  .........................................  ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... .........................................


My Life WAS OVER!!!! I was like zomg computer cant work juz cuz of my STUPID SCREEN BUTTON..
I tot it was payback time for all the times i pressed the ON button on my screen wif uber force lolx. ( i now sincerly apologize to my screen for all the times i ABUSED it....) Ya experienced about 5minutes of epic screams and PURE HELLL... I mean no Acelearn? No Anime, No MUSIC , No GAMESSS!!!,
NO PORN?!!! ARGHHGHHGHGHGHHHGHGHGH. Yar Im probably the only one who would feel that way, but it was like a piece of my face came off.

Lolx, lucky for me after like 10 mins of dismantling all my parts of my screen, on and offing EVERY single switch..Finding ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! ( Life almost seemed over for me at that time)

.... that i bent down and found this small little power converter thingy>>>>>

and saw Oooohhhh =.=..... It LOOKS loose. PoP!.Pushes in*. Screen Flashes ON*....... O.O......

Eurphoria!! Awesome!!! Even Better then CRACK! 
Ya it's that kinda feeling....

Well tommorow is the test... nvr study yet... DIE. Juz needed to blog this shyt.... =P For those of you out there who think this is pure fiction. Wait till 1 day your com go Poof!. Then u noe how i feel.  Well i hope you guys now noe how computer addicts feel. =D Wish the best of health to all ur coms! May the LORDZ watch over ur PCs. Ok thats all ByeBYE!!!! (got to go exercise, bathe and try study now lolx...)

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Lolx the bottom 2 pictures of my last post block my typing lolx...Well nvr mind.. Juz continue here lor..
2ndly, i think of the merlion....(With its awesome ability to puke water for as long as i can remember..)

3rdly, our super mixed up people, of all languages and religion.

Lolx nice mix if you ask me =X. But hey though we often make fun of other races, despite it being Super illegal and all that. I think that it's really sumthing how Singaporeans dun actually mean much harm when they insult other races, mostly juz for fun or a good laff. Not like other countries where ppl tear each others' asses out over race and religion, how STUPID.

Ya so basically, i LOVE you SINGAPORE XD!! Btw half way while doing this post i was dragged outta my house ya... So apparently... i was dragged all the way to Changi Airport terminal 2 for DESERT???O.o WTF
Well the only thing i found REALLY AWESOME was sumthing at a jewelry store....... It was the MOST AWESOME name ANYONE could gib to a necklace....






























Uber!! Necklace 

Lolx. Ya it was literally that..... Uber necklace. O.o. Like WTF....

Well that's all People. =D I hope u actually liked this post lolx.. If u dun u muz be from China. XP Anyway you guys can tag the board about wadever u felt. If you actually gib a damn. Ok bye NAOz!! CYA.


Hi every1!!! I juz finished watching the National Parade on TV and strangely, i feel quite good, it was really weird actually...Cuz it's like everyday we complain about school and how evil the singapore government really is. But u noe for that short instant that i read the pledge and sang the national anthem, along wif all the others in Singapore, that i felt really moved...Like not cuz im a emo whore, but juz cuz it gives u this uber nice feeling, like "Hey Maybe..I DO belong here and this IS a place i can call home....and that we actually take many things we haf for granted....." Ya that kinda feeling, i noe it's long. But if i ya noe its not a feeling 1 word can describe.

Lolx after the parade ended and every1 was like HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE!!! I juz like yelled outside the window "I LOVE YOU SINGAPORE!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" Ya i probably spooked quite alot of ppl and interupted their activities.. like....

Ooo well...But nvr mind that. Herez wad i think of when i hear SINGAPORE.... =D  
1stly, I think of Singa the courtest Lionz..(But like wad is that Gurlz doin on Its CROTCH??!)                        

Tart Chokez

Ok ppl herez ur freakin assignment today. =D You are to watch this crap and waste ur life away( best done while eating), while i TRY to mug for tests ok? So that Ian Muggerz will stand a CHANCE to win us ok? Ok guys here it is.

Every1 VOTE for Turd Sandwich!!

I hope U ppl CHOKED ON TARTS or any alternative, such as noodles or Turd sandwich, while watching that crap, and sum of it came of ur nose, then you have conpleted the task i haf assigned you, if not go linch yourself.....
Btw Lich is a Word, Luis>>>>a dead body; corpse  (reanimated into an intelligent form of undead being).Beat that?!!=P

After that, go find the other episodes of the video.

Ok that's all the junk i haf for you Bye Bye ppl.
=D CYA!!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Lord of Fliez Fail....

Worr probably shud not be posting this seeing that it is like after 12 and Tommorow Got PARADEEZZ! =.= But nbr mind in view of holiday spirit, lets share the joy yeah?. Ok first thing/titcher i saw in the morning waz not THIS<

 For those of you who know wad i mean by TOADWOMAN may lolx in their homez, for those of you whom dun noe it's fine =D. So much for HOT CHIC? wif long hair and specs. Apparently, if u note expression on froggirl, you'll see AWESOME resemblance.

Lucky for me, froggirl came in for like 5 minutes, which i spent talking crap, then released us for epicly early recess. =). RICE at 8.30am!!!?? I sense indigestion incoming. After that had 2 veri nice tests..... First one, Bao Zhang Bao Dao... I THINK can pass lar hor? Then the freaking MATHS TEST.....................................
...............    ...........................................        ..........................                   .........................            .............
Juz awesome =D. Also, Im like WAD is a detective traiter and loyalist question doing in a MATHS PAPER?. The only math part about it was that i had to COUNT the number of traitors after i spent 5minutes of hardcore thinking. Barhh! Dun care le =D. Not counted so not important....

 Dear Failure of English Dept,

OOO had 2 periods outside the clas for english lesson..... I FEEL GOOD TADATADA TADA!XP. U noe wad if a teacher sumhow reads this, plzzz REWORK THE DAMN ENGLISH SYLLABALS. The students are NOT learning......ANYTHING! I mean if occasionally, do a compre or compo here and there ok la, BUT WTF ARE U ACTUALLY gonna STUDY the compres u done b4?? I mean english shud be about real use or at least a simple mastery of the subject, i mean if you gave me sume crappy but juicy article, i think i can learn even better la, or maybe can do more interactive things like argue session or sumthing?. O.o
Ya to u MESSED UP ENGLISH DEPT, plz Relook at ur F*cking  syllabals and put ur old asses into our young asses for once(zomg epic butttsecs =D(ignore)) and juz look at how SUPER PATHETIC ur lessons are, then perhaps you would rethink how to go about teaching yeah? I mean next time u teach, juz look arnd the class and juz TRY counting who actually LOOKS interested.(Muggers such as Ianmugger not included).

Yours Faithfully,


Ok awesome formal letter has juz been posted, love it, live it , eat it.

Ok then dismiss WOOTTT! Hahah Ken came my house... He was like worried pedopanda would eat him.. O.o...No Ken i dun eat AIR sadists. Apparently, Ken got traumed by me and my boxers... lolx he was like MY EYESS!!  Welll after watching some Wolf team vids, courtesy of Ken, OBVIOUS, and my 10 minute change, we finally got outta the house. YY was already waiting at MRT le buyt Ken was like Oooo we on the way READY.... ._.. Well strangely, YY was the one who was late lolx cuz he waiting at wrong place, Me and Ken like ran around the Mrt station for at least 3 times..? YY hunting lolx. Yeah then we finally got the T-shirt =D!! Im 69 Pedopanda!!! Awesome!@!!! Lolx then Luis is 96 Thunderpussy, i hope the shirts dun come to school direct or the Go like open to check check......then OMGGG!!!

But narh i think they meeting at Hougang to gib yar Costs like $720 LOLX. OO yy cough out all the money, but he say if he doesn't get the money back by today, he's gonna be camping outside in the garden wif his husky tonite..I hope he not camping now....

 Hahahha Piggy!! Wad a name!! Hey thats enough! (Piggy runss on Wooden platform, platform goes SQUEAK! Shakes DANGEROUSLY.......) hey mayb it was juz sum effect to make it a point that he is 

Gib me your STICK!!!! 
You are my master,I will do anything to SERVE you....or sumthing along that line.. 
Darren said that Simon appeared to have found some Mountain Marajuana and was quite high, when he was supposedly talkin to the LOTFlyz. 
Noted, Piggy's Man Boobz During Solo scenes...
Ralph and Piggy Man hugging and going like, ok lets get to Sleep..... O.o
Who is CumminG!?? WE ARE!!! Who is CUMMINNGG!@! WE ARE!!!!!! n1

After that i like went out wif my frens to Mcdonalds...... Ok Ice cream at 11pm is not good for u, major turnoff...... Spammed shaker fries. And Through some ingenious ideas, We came to the CONCLUSION that some people store their MOMS in their LEFT BALLZ and their DADS in their RIGHT BALLZ. As well as the FACT that balls grow on supposed TESTIS trees and can be sold at $2 per ball, $3 per pairz. And apparently, testis trees occur when u slice off some1's and plant then in the ground, and wif Sufficent Sunlight, water and tender loving care...... ya u get  wad i mean....

I LOVE 2-3..

O After that haf epic walkz from buangkok to Home at around 12midnight..... Ya Jking about me Getting Assraped... Probability of Success: 0..Rather sad, but ooo well.... at least i get to keep my ASS. =D

Hoorr... Finally home, first thing i do blog lolx,,, SHOWS HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU CULTISTS!! Zomg 1am, tommorow IM gonna faint in the parade lolx. ST JOHNNN!!!!! But Yeah! got LAN after that =DDD.
Gonna PWN LEEHAKBOON(jiaobin lolx(character introduction:my good fren for those of u who dun noe))

Final Note: HORNET's(name rearranged to preserve privacy)
GF is like.....................................................................................No Commento...


Thanks for READING!!! Like won't post again till after exam... cuz today is SPECIAL,,,, so i post lo... Mom scold me like for blogging,,, so ppl reading this FEEL PRIVILAGED XP. 

Extra Info, Im trying out to Learn a New dance again!! It's damn hardcore!!! Like super fast lolx.. Btw i pretty much master the previous dance le XD!
Ellen Kim and Kyle's Circus by BSpearz.