Thursday, December 23, 2010

Holy Crap my holidays~

Damn! I missed 2 weeks in a row? Really? o.o

Really no excuse for missing so mani days.


2 weeks ago, on a Friday after my Wednesday post,
I was brought to KL, and spent the whole weekend there, shopping and stuff, sadly i wasn't feeling all too well and had to drag myself around for 3 days.

Can't believe it, but i realized that it was games withdrawal,
when De-Shen(my godma's brother-in-law) brought me to the arcade and for a movie, I suddenly became chirpier.

Darn.... am i becoming a spoilt brat?
Really don't wanna become like that....

Came back with lots of clothes and stuff, was a trip worth the go.

Monday and Tuesday, last week, Jovin and Friends came over, for a CLEAN day at home...

My mother with a patience of a god decided to raeg against majong
and i decided to respect her for that and we really did not gamble at all for the whole day,
a miracle considering that we never failed to gamble at every meeting.

Spent the whole of monday Jubeating
(on Ipad, which was the first time in my life i began to covet a Pad.)
and playing the game of life.
I was the first to "die"
and ended up in the millionare estates with EXACTLY 1million lol.

Went out to buy RISK, but it turned out to be the new 1.
Which was deemed to be less cool, due to its use of arrows, rather than awesome soldiers and cannons.

If by any chance, sum1 from the RISK manufacturing company is reading this....
Plz revise ur product, ur about to lose ur customers soon....

Bladdy game dragged from 10pm to 3am the next day.
Was fun, but after 5 hours, ppl were begging to end it.... o.O

I insisted that i got 7.5 hours of sleep at least.
And slept though others remained awake.

Next day we went to LAN, only to find that most people were too tired to fire a damn bullet.
(Jovin's eyes were SOOooooo red, it looked like a raw bear testicle.)

Slept the moment i got home, could not take the shit.

Thursday and Friday were spent doing almost nothing....

ALMOST FORGOT~!!!! Spent these 2 days shopping for a present for dad,
it was a bribe really, for i had decided to ask for an Ipad, due to (SEE ABOVE)
Yes, im a devil of a child, but hey it was a worthy bribe, it took me 8 hours to construct, through midnight till 3am, while messaging that SPECIAL person as well as the next day while crying all over the pieces, due to the Temptation of the Wife.

(Which i finally got the whole DVD collection for) <3 you mom XD

Blue Dolphin and
Pink Heart

Saturday and Sunday were spent at my dad's house.
Ipad bribe failed....

Sure I was sad, but i guess life went on....
I actually gave my step mom a head and foot message for Christmas
meant for it to be ANOTHER bribe, but I thought it probably wouldn't work,
so whynort~ juz do it for Christmas. :)

Apparently it was pretty good, she feel asleep when i finished.
I think i used like 5 spoonfuls of Skin moisturizer on her feet and calfs. o.o

Well unknown to me, i stayed up till 3am that day and couldn't wake up on Sunday.....

Ended up missing my Subway meeting, for which still astounds me for its stupidity.
Why the hell do you need to meet at 7.30am at J8 for ALL EMPLOYEES.?

Even uniform group in schools, have a proper system of disseminating information.

Juz talk to the bladdy managers la, then get the managers to talk to us after that la...
Isn't that wad the managers are for???

Anyway, missed it.
My alarm woke me up, but i was too dizzy to get off the bed.

Turned out to be blessing in disguise.

I got SACKED....

Would have had to do it myself if not for being sacked, my holidays are ending already and really, I had no intend of going back, P.S already attained another job, it gonna start on the 28th of December, for the countdown party.

Which honestly has a WAY better pay of $6.50 per hour with free food and Taxi to boot.

Moses, my best friend from Primary school came over for a stayover, Randy was supposed to come over, but he said he would join us later....

Had a late brunch at Ajisen Ramen, which i still LOVE so much. XD
Went back home, only to leave house 5minutes later....
To meet ......

KEITH CHIA..... o.o
Never expected it.

Background story behind Keith..
Used to be quite notorious in school, till a sudden change made him wake up and aspire to improve himself.
Became deeply religious and i MEAN DEEPLY........... o.o

Well, it a good thing, though sometimes the spiritual obsession of his gets alittle overboard and unnerving....

Well met up with him, some other guy named Marcus and Amanda, supposedly the girlfriend of Marcus.
On first impression, they appeared like real punks and stuff, typical jacket and long fringe over eyes....
But turned out to be really decent people.

Though i was honestly quite shocked when Keith start to read a piece of paper, presumed to be given out by the church and proclaiming that it SPEAKS to him EVERYDAY and gives him strength.....

Good for him??? o.o

But nonetheless awkward much.

Due to the unfortunate combination of extreme 5 hour starvation as well as Moses' pig-headedness, ended up with an epic war between us.

We will skip the details, but we ended up in an epic war that was sooo bad that even though i Muay-Thai-ed him in the nuts, and locked him out of my house for 2 hours, he still owes me...

Luckily, we made up after that....
God it was awkward but we had those classic make-up scenes with tight hugging and exchange of apologies, combined with his weird habit of talking to me like I was a displeased girlfriend, it would have been the perfect scene for a random gay-flick.
p.s brought him a Liang-Cha(cooling tea to soothe the tension.)

BUT GORD!!! I swear we are NOT involved with each other.

Lol he even has a girlfriend and there's already someone else whom i like lol. XD

Extra: I'll come back to the lord someday...... just mayb. Xd

Yeah, so...
happy patch up,
happy overnight sleep,

wake up next day, breakfast, he leaves,

Went all the way to bloody Orchid, bought a pair of shoes for Ken, but I didn't buy any, cuz they didn't look right on me. xP

We also brought a present for Ken to give someone.
Quite damn nice.

Lol I feel quite proud, cuz the present was really damn elaborate.
It consisted of a teddy bear, holding a secret card, a trap door, a tiny box filled with chocolates tied up wif a pink ribbon.<<<< Entire thing wrapped in a Christmas gift wrap in a box.
took me a hell lot of effort, but i did it, for the glory of helping a friend.

And YES, i LOVE to brag about helping others, Deal~
Heck, if it motivates me to help more people, why the fuck not.

Let me take a fucking picture.
Shall upload it tomorrow, its freaking 2.45am, I'm about to die.

He spent the night again at my place, only to burn most of today away, by watching temptation of the wife again. XD

At episode 76 le RAWRRRRRRRRRR~~!!
30+ more episodes to go.

He was supposed to join us for dinner but had to leave earlier than usual.

Next up...
Awkward Christmas BBQ at Adoptive grandmother's house, filled with false smiling, fail deco and itchy Santa Caps.

Nuff said.

So that's about it for all....
Its freakin 3.20am.

Extra random corner:

Talking to that special person..........

Sadly, I decided to end it now.
God it really sucks.....
But i did it for the both of us............

Damn I hate being mushy but it really crushed my world.
But at the same time, I feel strangely happy again......

Mayb i've been holding on too tight for too long.

They say that holding on to a sculpture too tightly only breaks it........

Mayb it is time to let go.....

At least we are still good friends.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I feel like im in the Para-lympics.

Damn, missed a day again. XP
Sorry but even then, i would have to do a rushed 1 today,
leaving for KL later today.

Lets see....

After waking up completely shack from the blogging, I slowly made my way to work that day, at 6pm.

Came back at 11pm,
strangely happy.

Every1 else was really shack, but i was just glad,
that my TYRANT boss didn't come. XD

Actually, work at subway is quite enjoyable and time really passes damn fast.
Also, I'm finally getting the hang of the job.
(It kinda feels like passing the magical nirvana threshold, like in maths for me this year. o.o)

So yeah, quite happy. XD


Woke up, at around 10am, quite late, but still feeling like shit, cuz I slept at 1am that day.
And that was even though I didn't talk to any1 on the phone for hours.

It's like a weird inner conflict each night.
To sleep early each night and look healthy for the person I like.
Or to talk to that person to bond more, due to both our busy schedules......
Haiz. =(

Had an early morning stomach ache, which really sucked, cuz i was late to meet Aikeen, to try out Jubeat.

The way to AMK hub was a torture.
Apparently, it was like 1pm and i still had not eaten anything the whole day, also,
I only had 1 subway sandwich the day b4 for dinner.

I was walking diagonally on the sidewalk, tilting awkwardly at a 45 degrees, while miraculously walking in a straight line.
Felt like a damn hangover.

Had a quick 15minute pepper lunch meal, wolfed down the burning hot rice and salmon.

Looks something like this,
(Yes, i did copy this from google,

Met up with Aikeen and tried Jubeat for the first time in my life. XD

Pretty awesome~ =D

I was quite surprised, cuz i wasn't as fail as i thought i would be,
(since i had a reputation for sucking at music games)

But Jubeat juz felt different, like wack-a-mole, which is a crude comparison, but I really felt that hitting the markers popping out on the screen was like Whack-a-mole, WITH MUSIC. o.o

But dang it was fun. XD
I even made a card,
thought long and hard for a name,
but i decided i would go with PandarZ, not that it was a best choice, but since i used Pandar in almost every game i play, like DotA or L4D, y not lol. XD

Here's a sample, for those of you whom never herd of Jubeat, like Jiaobin, which was quite shocking to me, for all the craze over it. O.o
Classic Song, EVANS

The 2nd Song i herd, which I liked quite alot.
(Sadly i found that i can't play this song, cuz it requires that I play to a certain level, before i can unlock the song.)
Im So Happy

O Damn the stupid font became big again, sorry. =(
O well
,I tried Haru-Haru, (Korean song, knew the song thoroughly, but didn't know to press lol.)
But I must say, the Jubeat interface is really quite accurate to the beats.

But bah, im still a noob. XD

Wanna try it again ASAP.
but alone bah, for the first time, I wanna be anti-social and try on my own.
May its cuz Aikeen influenced me to play on my own. XD
But really it's Kinda a solo game. o.o

After that, rushed to work without a bathe, which sucked, but still ended up kinda late.
Again the big boss is not there, only the very nice assistant manager, whom closed 1 eye.
Thank god for him.
Makes my work life so much more enjoyable.

Learnt more about my fellow colleague, Angelo,
we are the same age, but have such different lives.
He intends to go ITE (Which i have been cynically been drilled to recognise as *It's The End*.)
But he does seem like someone with a head on his shoulders, really do think he will still make it out as someone useful in life.)

But for someone my age, he is really much more mature...
Mayb my life is really too good eh...
Makes me really think about how unfair life is actually, well mayb not unfair, but juz so different for people living in the same world, same country.

Also feel kinda awkward, like I don't wanna offend him, by acting smart and stuff,
Juz makes me realize how damn elitist our school is.


Woke up early to rush for my hotel banquet service crew provider.
Dun even wanna talk about it.
Bad experience.

Fat Whore trainer + Attitude + Ginormous ego, thinking that becoming a HOTEL SERVICE MANAGER in 5years is every1s final goal in life. + Non-stop blabbering and lame jokes+ Irritable me, whom happened to not have his breakfast nor lunch, till 5pm.
= Fuckfest.

O I now noe that some ppl actually do read this blog. and thank you for taking your time.
Sorry if sometimes i spew vulgarities, I generally use them only in cases of EXTREME FRUSTRATION.

But enough raeging online,
Imma gonna go unwind, after this, gonna enjoy myself thoroughly in KL.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Wow Im getting lazy

It's been an entire week already.

Sorry for missing out on updating.
(Dun noe who exactly im apologizing to, juz feel a need to say so =X )

Lets see.....

O crap, now to fill in all the days missing.
Sowie about it being point form, too much to talk about.

>First day at work, ended up going to work too early 6am rather than 6pm, I was pretty damn sure the person told me 6am though...

But o well, I met nice ppl there and had to pick up lots of stuff, though i was mostly juz washing dishes and weighing meat, cuz they say i need to start from the humble kitchen. O.o

I carved out a reputation on the first day, as the blur, slow, nice guy, who likes to wash, alittle TOO MUCH. =X

Which is quite sad, cuz its not really who i am, but juz who i pretend to be, to deal with my devil boss.

Attitude vs Attitude= Die

Attitude vs Adorably stupid= Every1 happy

At least its working for me. XD

>Unlike Monday, i reported to work at 6pm rather than 9am, so ended up ending off at 11pm
And god, given the choice i would take day shift anyday, Night shift involves too much bullsh1t, like dreadful clean up without air-con and hardcore dinner rush hour. DX

>Supposed to be my last day of training, but i took an mc, cuz i had a crappy flu and cough that kept getting in my way when i was making sammiches.

>Taught my morbidly obese nephew some exercises in a desperate hope to help him lose weight.
But at least he WANTS to lose weight, unlike my stepmom, who doesn't even have the tiniest shred of willpower to want to lose weight, claiming that its all an inevitable fact of life.

What she says is,
*In chinese* : Im already eating only two meals a day, your father whole day say me, diet summore i die le

I say:
*In Chinese* Your doing its wrong......
Starving yourself will only cause your body to store more fats.

She says:
*In Chinese* Don't care already la, fat than fat lor,
(Stompz off)


This took place on Saturday Btw.

Went over to my dad's place, for dinner, didn't bring any clothes out, in the attempt to NOT be dragged over to his place.

Ended up being dragged there anyway.


>Wore crappy shirt and pants out again, with messed up hair.
(think im making it a habit, like for once in a long time, juz completely dun care how i look like and go out looking like a beggar child XD )
(Juz hope no1 i noe sees me lol. )

Came back home and dressed up properly, to look NORMAL.
And left for Yong Peiz BBQ.

Ate quite little there, but it was quite nice to see every1 again. X)
Played basketball, blackjack and DotA there.
Though the internet was damn lag, so i had to vs A.I
After playing wif ppl for so long, owning A.I was pie,
1vs 5 Insane bots, rape-age.

Also ate at Icekimo,

treated Luis and Jonathan to Chocolate brownie with Tiramisu ice-cream.
(cuz it be too sinful to eatz alone. XP)
Pretty damn good. XD
First went there with Moses and his parents, good old memories.

Speaking of Moses, he's overseas on a missionary trip now, sumwhere in Thailand.
Joked with him, telling him to not die there, but its kinda scary that the danger is real.

If my best friend really died like that,it would really sux so bad.

Ken also, his c0ck mother, bring him go to freakin Egypt, (I jkingly asked him for a camel)
but really, why take the risk and go somewhere that you might die in.

But there's also a part of me that kinda envies Moses, wanted to do some community work this holiday, but with all the work going on, its gonna be hard. <---excuses.

woke kinda early rushed told that had pay debt someone print details another job interview on which i also brought christmas mom ended being broke after was gonna buy wrapper presents for my dad and stepmom but nvr still a long way to can save up money till then.

A BONUS!!!!!
type "Can I haz present? XD"
in the chatbox, and if i noe you, i will buy u something for christmas eh? XD
Plz rmb to leave your name.

Roar!!! Imma Santa!!!!!


Woke up kinda early today, cuz i had to rush off to an early morning interview,
YES! Im indeed taking a second job, at a hotel, called MICE lol, along wif like 6 other friends.

Jiao Bin,Chicken, Andy, Xing Yu, Joshua and Gavin lulz.

Mass interview,
kinda regretted it, cuz the prospect were so damn good. RAWRR!!!

But i have no intention to leave Subway,
not cuz its really THAT fun, but because I kinda got a moral obligation with boss, to stay till January.

So wad i will probably do is work Monday and Tuesdays at Subway and at the Hotel on other days.

need to go get my black leather shoes though. XP

3rd day at Subway today,
My first day at Subway was a full Malay group, excluding me and today it's all Indians, other than the Assistant manager who is philipino.

No, Im in no way racist about this, but I had to say i was kinda not used to being around ppl of other races, due to the supreme Aran Catholic High, with all chinese, almost students.

Im kinda grateful for this job, despite the hardcore washing, cuz it gives me the opportunity to learn more about other people, from different backgrounds.
(So much for the slow-witted, nice guy in the kitchen, with nothing running through his mind XD)

One of the Indian ladies was really nice, taught me many things patiently and did most of the washing which i strongly despised.

I did the cleaning though, which im ok with.
Different> washing not= cleaning.

The other Indian lady, was a real bitch, she spent most of her day doing the easy stuff and getting me to do the sh1t work, but enacting the dumb, simple persona, i juz reluctantly took on everything with a smile. :B

Well that was it for work today.

Apparently, this blogging process really takes a heck alot of time, its already the next day.

No actually, its also cuz i spent most of my time talking to someone on the phone.

Mushy corner:
Had been feeling secretly hollow in the heart recently, despite the various personas i put on.
Just feels like something had been missing.
I wanted to get closer to that special someone this holiday, but with the both of us being so caught up in our work, it's almost impossible to meet up.

That person had previously told me that it would be inconvenient for us to talk, seeing that its really late and that work was a real pain.

My heart crumbled at that initially.

But its patched again, today. XD

Happiness is coursing through my veins.

So scary how love can make or break a person so easily.
But u noe wad?

Im willing to take the fall. =)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Series of unfortunate events.


I hate to turn my blog into a complaint fest, but it's really all i got for today.

So yeah, sorry about missing 2 days again,

Friday was nothing really, juz recouping and resting at home, been feeling kinda unwell recently,
like MASSIVE coughing all of a sudden, at night, in the day, etc.

Saturday was fun though, went rock climbing at Yishun Safra, if you read my older posts, i talked about Safra Yishun. Nothing much has changed, was still nice.

Due to my rock climbing, I didn't have time to pay for my JK pop dance course, which i will come to regret later.

It was quite fun, Marcus, Darren and I.

But Darren was kinda depressed. =X
Cuz EVERY1 there, with the exception of me, was damn freakin buff.

But i managed to climb 3 different walls, surprisingly, i made it to the top quite fast. o.o

But kinda a waste, cuz Marcus got tired kinda fast, he had been very shack for this entire week,
due to his work, we had to leave kinda early cuz of that.
(Who knew that chocolate manufacturing can take so much outta you eh?) O.o

Had a decent meal at the nearby hospital =P
Quite good, surprisingly
It was quite a fresh feeling to it, like there was a BMI machine at the corner of the food court.
And for the 1st time in my life, stalls had calorie labels on their food.

Marcus had a 100+ calories seafood soup.
Darren had a 200+ Calories mee rebus
I didn't even bother looking at my calories, but i had a Nasi Bryani,
strange random Indian food feeling. ._.

After that, we actually went back to the club to play pool, but there was nothing but RAEG,
which pisses me off so much, i do not even want to talk about it.
Missing white balls and bad service, nuff said.

After that episode, i was completely drenched in sweat and real sticky, but i still didn't want to go home.

So i went to Marcus' house. =D

It was my 2nd time there, with the 1st being his Bdae Barbecue, which was damn awesome.

I took a nice bath there, well at his clubhouse actually, cuz his maid was cleaning the toilet.

I managed to sample some of the chocolate he smuggled out of the factory.
Was quite delicious. XD

Didn't look that faulty to me.

But wow, he had like shit-loads of chocolate in his fridge, like 3 plastic bags FULL of chocolate bars. o.o

I tried the lychee martini, was quite good. XP

I intended to camp there awhile, but Marcus' mom decided to SEND Marcus to PICK A PHONE.
(Gosh, i wish someone would force me to pick a nice phone and pay for it. )

So i followed,
was probably the first time I went to ask about phones.

It was *Enlightening*
Found out about android phones, lol there was much hilarity when Marcus found out it wasn't an actual phone, but a program IN the phone, which i had kinda guessed. =X

Now I kinda feel like getting an android phone wor. =P
Especially this,
Samsung Galaxy S

But apparently, Im told that i should wait if i want to get it, like still February, when more android models come out and the price drops crazily.

Quite a nice day, relatively speaking.

Well that was that for yesterday...


Nothing but Anguish and regret

Started wif me being rudely awakened

by HARDCORE door banging by my step mom.
(Yes i was at my father's house this weekend.)

It was 11am, but i still felt like shit, cuz i slept late and had sleep debt from the day b4.

I woke up at 6.00am the day b4 to help my stepmom set up her *auntie* store.

B.T.W, for those of you whom do not know, my dad remarried and married a nice, short young, chubby lady, whom is actually quite nice.

O well, hence, i spent most of the day out of the house, being dragged around Singapore, by my dad, in the MOST UNCLE clothes in the world, with undesirable body oil and messy hair.

This lasted till 5pm. ==

The good thing outta all the grumpy dredging around, was that i managed to get a nice pair of pants, for tomorrow,
(Starting Work tomorrow at 6am XDDD)
Excited and worried at the same time, dun wanna be late or dead tired on my first day. >.<


Missed a stop or 2,
went all OVER the TPE which even though is 1 stop away, is like 6 stops distance. ==

I called my mom, asking if I could be fetched to dinner, but apparently, I accidentally told them it was 5 stops away, rather than 2.

Just as i realised my fatal mistake, and was JUST about to call back....

MY PHONE BAT WENT FLAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S : It didn't help that the last thing my mom told me was that the dance course was full and that i could no longer join.

So i had a long time to maul about it, as i took the lonely road home...........

Approaching home, i knew i was screwed, as my mom and my godmom were probably on the road looking for me.==

And looking indeed they were. =(

Glad they weren't pissed, juz worried.

But I was pissed. o.o
At myself i guess and the phone, and the course and the day in general.

Hence the raeg spewing fest now.

O well, time to clear my mind, have an early sleep and experience a new environment tomorrow.
Also going out wif Jonathan, Xingyu, Vincent and Aloy, hope i can forget everything by tomorrow. XD

OKOk sorry if you read all of my raeg and spoilt your mood.
Im sowie.

Im sure better days are ahead, life is like that. =)

OKOK BYE!~~!!!

(Phew, feel so much better now, for real XP)

Thanks to

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I actually thought of choosing an interesting title, but after awhile i thought,
what the heck probably no1s gonna see this anyway.
And if a title took so much effort to think up, it probably won't really suit the content anyway.

O well, I missed yesterday, cuz i was SOOO tired, after a whole day at Dylan's house.

We did badminton, squash ,swimming.

But swimming was a flop.
I was damn surprised,
first time i swim 2 laps i got tired le.
Felt so fail in the pool, like
for a person who exercises so much at home, getting to tired so easily.

But apparently, Jonathan had the same problem.
He died at the 3rd lap, half way.

Think was cuz the water was REALLY warm, to me at least.
I felt like my body was taking IN heat from the pool, which is weird for me. ( prefer cool waters)
Or mayb i waz just tired from the squash, which i discovered i had no talent in wadsoever.

Which was also REALLY strange, cuz i was quite good at badminton.
Managed to beat Yuk Tim on the whole.
But holy shyt~
Yuk Tim is damn good at squash. XD (Y)
Chiu Yang too, but he was kinda TOO good, like bully lol =P

I tot we were having a BBQ, but ended up juz eating sashimi,
( which was really nice and cheap too, like a PILE, for $2.50 )

Ya, but at the end of it, I insta-lost $45 in IN-BETWEEN.
Damn the whore is good. ==
But uh well, i won $100 from a friend b4 that, so it was Ok~


Lol about the enlarged font all of a sudden, blogger is screwed-up lol.

Woke up at 9am, and yes, i wake up this early almost everyday, even after school ended.==
Habits? =D

Chionged like crazy and TRIED to look decent for my interview.
But who knew, the first thing that greeted me in the toilet was this little fcker.

It was sitting beside my toothpaste, so when i reached over, i was like
(Btw, sorry if the pic aint clear, its a mantis lol)

Interview was really damn smooth, but it didn't feel like an interview, more like a ASKnLearn session, wif ME asking HIM questions. o.o

He juz told me the basic stuff.
I guess the conversation itself was enough to judge character ehh? ._.

The whole thing was like only 10minutes?

So at 11.10am, i had nothing to do.

So I went over to Jiao Binz house.

I TOT we were going to LAN at 1pm, but no~~ apparently, they were coming to MY house to gamble. ==

So i had to suddenly accommodate 13 people at my house. (RAEGGGGGGG~~~!!)

But O well, it was fun i guess....... =)
Though after playing for 6 hours, I ended up losing 10 dollars. ==

After they left, I had to clean up most of the mess.

Finally started clearing my 'O' level mess,
it was WIN. =3

Juz see for yourself.

And it wasn't even the entire stack.

Lol it was quite a shiok feeling, crushing all that junk and throwing it randomly.

Clean-up was a bitch though.

O well, work starts on Monday, better enjoy myself to the max, better work starts. RAWR!!

Actually worried about the fact that i have nothing to do tomorrow, cuz my friends sure jio me play DoTA the whole day. ==

I mean it's fun, but I dunt know.....
I'm beginning to find it a complete waste of time. =(

Also some sad feelings.
If someone doesn't reply a message asking
"Can i talk to you?"
It usually means they don't wanna talk but are too polite to say so huh?.

O well, mayb I'm thinking too much.
Should probably give that person more personal space. =P
Also might be good for me, can sleep early, if not sure talk until damn late again. XD\

Ok nitez~
its 12.30 le =3


Monday, November 22, 2010

New Job, new lease of life.

Hey, sorry about missing 2 days of blogging, or was it 1?. o.o

Lol kinda strange that i speak as though im talking to someone in my blog, even though, i dun actually expect any1 to read it. =X

Bah well, juz makes it more comfortable for me.

As for today, hermm~
Wanted to go swim at first, but decided otherwise, cuz tomorrow imma gonna Dylan's house for a BBQ + a swim, so might be troublesome to settle my wet swimming trunks.

So instead, i went over to Jiao Bin's house.

Had lunch and watched Final Destination 2.
Not bad, alittle predictable at times, but on a whole it was nice, alittle scary though,
no wait,
not really scary, more of shocking.
Like when ppl suddenly start dying.

I actually bought a bag of chips, but was too grossed out to even open it.
It's like still in my drawer.
(Lays BBQ (Y) =D )

Did quite a few things today other than going to Jovin's house and gambling AND starcraft2ing.

1) Signed up for a job interview.
It's going to be on Wednesday. 11am

Decided to work at subway lol. =D

> Love the sandwiches
> Nearby, like REALLY near, 2 minutes walk. =D
> Always enjoyed service related work.
> Decent pay, nice environment, owns the shyt outta macs.

> Need the money. =P

2) Talked to Studio Wu, planning to sign up for December JK pop dance course. =D
Probably didn't talk about this, but I really got into Korean-pop dances this year.

Honestly, unlike other blind trend followers, i honestly like Kpop.
Kind of a life saver.
During the imba stressful 'O' lvl period, during dance was an awesome destresser.
1 of my fav dances which i can do, but have to yet to perfect is Lucifer.
(no it's not a satan worship song, its juz a controversial title, advertising gimmick sort of, but its about a double sided love actually, harmful but at the same time tempting.)

I learn from this video mostly. =D
(Sorry the thing is a little too big, u can click on the video twice to watch it on Youtube. =P )

3) Bought my first eva hair serum, it's juz

No really.
It smells great, and really fixes the split ends. Muacks this.
Im using.

Damaged Hair Reconstruction Serum

Really Good =D

It smells really mild, not like a chemical scent, or anything like that.
It also doesn't have a distinct gender smell,
no musky men smell, but also no girly flower smell.
It juz smells "NICE"?
But ya I think it will run out quite fast, needs quite alot to feel it completely covering.
Costs $6.60 per bottle.
Will try somemore.
Probably something I would continue using. =DD

Well i would say today was quite fruitful, gonna seek out more things to do and ways to further improve myself.

I don't know why either, but somehow i THINK that my love for that someone special, has made me want to change myself.

It's alittle difficult at times, and i wonder if I am losing myself. (Sounds so damn corny)
but mayb i do NEED the change.

Whatever it is, where ever the road leads to, I'll go.
Hope i end up a better person at the end of it though.

Well that's all for today, will try to update everyday and hopefully bring sumthing fresh to the blog. =)

Bye bye~ XD

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I'm Finally Back~

After an EXTREMELY long period of time,
'O' Levels was a pain, but somehow, it already feels like a distant past.
(Will talk about 'O' Levels in my next post)

Today was my grad nite,
( im quite sure no one is gonna see this anytime soon. =X)

First off, congrats to Dion for winning Ipad, REALLY unexpected but sincerely happy for him, was just beside me. LOL Jeffrey and I were juz talking about stripping Dion if one of the 3 of us win. =D

But of course we didn't strip him.

I was quite sad today,
( though i kept quite a happy facade the whole day,
must be quite the surprise huh? that the chirpy Samuel can become sad too. =P)
Mainly due to my fail contact lenses, which became green after mixing with my original dark brown eyes.

Despite my really conscious effort to run, eat right, drink lots of water, sleep early, I actually still remained chubby.
Which fcked up my outfit, overly tight vest.

Also Chubby+Contacts = loser

Ya quite a grim sour loser feeling today.

Worse off, I felt and am still feeling really lonely now, without a person to share my life with.
(Never felt this way before)

Mayb bcuz i fell in love, and that person already has someone......

I had always been the one to help others through these sorta things, but who will be here for me now? ._.

Well but knowing myself, I'll pick myself up from here on, learn stuff and get a life.

Will continue to update this. =D
(Probably no1 is gonna read this anytime soon eh?) =D

To that special person,
know that I still like you very much, and my heart feels empty without you.
Will be waiting for you.....

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The END........

Hello Guys~!!!

Lol You might actually read this like WAYWAYY after my posting date, cuz my blog pretty much died. This post is like a good 1 month 21 days late.

Well, alot has changed since then, first of all and most importantly, my holidays has ended, it's back to school again.

Sec 4 this year, the beginning of all EVIL.
Well 2nd of all, it's kinda unbelievable, but i quit computer games, and the last time i played was 1 week b4 school reopened, i haven't touched DotA up till now. But luckily for me i tried the new heros b4 i QUIT. XD
NightCrawler, Slark :

Ancient Apparition, Kaldr :

 Yeah, the thing is that i DO miss playing, but I haf managed to put it aside, believing that there are in fact more meaningful things to do, like Exercise and READING? O.o XD.

OK who am i kidding, I can't not play ANYTHING.... So imma turned to playing Fishville, XD
The world's slackest game, i juz nidda log in 1nce a day and play for 5minutes. O.o like juz feed ma fish lawl.

Well Kinda nice for a person like me who NEEDs  to play sumthing and enjoys taking care of animals. So yar..

Then there's Vamp wars.... But nvr mind that.... =P

3rdly, As of recently, I realized that the later we progress into the sec 4 year, conversations that revolved about our LOSS of childhood has been recurring more and more.

Not long ago, we had a long discussion ( THanks to the absence of Ling ) about the old cartoons or shows we watched.... A.K.A the good old days. O.o

There was The Amanda show, All THAT, Billy and Mandy, Danny Phantom (o gord we sang the F*ckin theme..), PowerPuff Girls FTW~,
Shaolin Showdown,

Lilo and Stich,

Mega XLR, orsumthing like that which i did not like. all i rmbed was a fat dude wif a neverending Burger in his mouth, on a transformer lol.

AND wad i considered my personal Favorite, Courage the Cowardly Dog

Yeah. The Good Ol Days, when cartoons did not suck.
But ya courage was my fav, cuz it was so scary and yet Epic funnehz.
Randomness was a 100%

In fact i juz watched a few episodes recently and i found it kinda freaky for sum episodes, brain sucking, human zombification, phantoms and stuff like that.  (Ya Imma horror Fanatic, fantasy, Comedy, so this was just awesome for me)
So Luis mentioned how he got freaked as a kid by a floating head and strangely, i Found it. O.O
Enjoy Rofl...

Then there was Marcus' Horror Human Puppets, Imagine it in a real life kinda scenario... Sheesh~

Then my Personal fav... Possession Rofl O.O
(Like sumthing outta Exorcism of Emily Rose sorta thing...)

Well I got the entire collection of it lol. Mayb u guys can enjoy it for the Lulz and OMGs too. XD Season 2!
Courage the Cowardly Dog series.

Well, I admit, as much as life isn't as fun as it was, I won't say that life has come to the stage of me dreading it, as ii would Say in class.

Actually, life is still veri much enjoyable for me. I mean i still get to learn Dancing every now and then, now imma learning Happiness and U by SuJu. And more importantly, Imma still a K pop lover.

Few vids to Love.
FIRE!(by 2NE1)

Super Juniors Sub group: 
Super Junior M!!! Me ( Damn nice song XD)

1 Of the Few rain songs that i like when i wanna get the Cool Mood~ lolx. ._.
Bi Rain Feat C-luv, 더 끌려

Favorite Song of all Time + most meaningful MV of all time, see if u get the Video the first time u see it. No its not juz about Punkism lolx..=.=
Haru Haru_BIG BANG

Well, I'll Continue to enjoy life, but at the same time, i have to accept reality as it is, and the fact is that this is an important year, and I do need to spend more time on my studies, and mayb even TRY to enjoy it.

The sad thing however, is that this time needed to study has to come from sumwhere, so as much as it pains me, I decided to drop blogging AS WELL as games, to make time for simpler forms of enjoyment, like reading i guess.

So ya, this is the Final Post of my Blog.......
The Finale

Thanks everyone for reading my blog so far....
I really mean it when i Thank u guys, because u made blogging so special for me.
Well i guess this is it.


But hey, mayb when this year finally, passes, I'll be back after my 'O''s to Give the hopefully good news.
That, then will be a whole new chapter of my Life.....

Hope u guys enjoyed this post!

P.S If u realli needa read sum1s blog, go read Luis's blog, still the most Awesome blog in the world.