Thursday, December 23, 2010

Holy Crap my holidays~

Damn! I missed 2 weeks in a row? Really? o.o

Really no excuse for missing so mani days.


2 weeks ago, on a Friday after my Wednesday post,
I was brought to KL, and spent the whole weekend there, shopping and stuff, sadly i wasn't feeling all too well and had to drag myself around for 3 days.

Can't believe it, but i realized that it was games withdrawal,
when De-Shen(my godma's brother-in-law) brought me to the arcade and for a movie, I suddenly became chirpier.

Darn.... am i becoming a spoilt brat?
Really don't wanna become like that....

Came back with lots of clothes and stuff, was a trip worth the go.

Monday and Tuesday, last week, Jovin and Friends came over, for a CLEAN day at home...

My mother with a patience of a god decided to raeg against majong
and i decided to respect her for that and we really did not gamble at all for the whole day,
a miracle considering that we never failed to gamble at every meeting.

Spent the whole of monday Jubeating
(on Ipad, which was the first time in my life i began to covet a Pad.)
and playing the game of life.
I was the first to "die"
and ended up in the millionare estates with EXACTLY 1million lol.

Went out to buy RISK, but it turned out to be the new 1.
Which was deemed to be less cool, due to its use of arrows, rather than awesome soldiers and cannons.

If by any chance, sum1 from the RISK manufacturing company is reading this....
Plz revise ur product, ur about to lose ur customers soon....

Bladdy game dragged from 10pm to 3am the next day.
Was fun, but after 5 hours, ppl were begging to end it.... o.O

I insisted that i got 7.5 hours of sleep at least.
And slept though others remained awake.

Next day we went to LAN, only to find that most people were too tired to fire a damn bullet.
(Jovin's eyes were SOOooooo red, it looked like a raw bear testicle.)

Slept the moment i got home, could not take the shit.

Thursday and Friday were spent doing almost nothing....

ALMOST FORGOT~!!!! Spent these 2 days shopping for a present for dad,
it was a bribe really, for i had decided to ask for an Ipad, due to (SEE ABOVE)
Yes, im a devil of a child, but hey it was a worthy bribe, it took me 8 hours to construct, through midnight till 3am, while messaging that SPECIAL person as well as the next day while crying all over the pieces, due to the Temptation of the Wife.

(Which i finally got the whole DVD collection for) <3 you mom XD

Blue Dolphin and
Pink Heart

Saturday and Sunday were spent at my dad's house.
Ipad bribe failed....

Sure I was sad, but i guess life went on....
I actually gave my step mom a head and foot message for Christmas
meant for it to be ANOTHER bribe, but I thought it probably wouldn't work,
so whynort~ juz do it for Christmas. :)

Apparently it was pretty good, she feel asleep when i finished.
I think i used like 5 spoonfuls of Skin moisturizer on her feet and calfs. o.o

Well unknown to me, i stayed up till 3am that day and couldn't wake up on Sunday.....

Ended up missing my Subway meeting, for which still astounds me for its stupidity.
Why the hell do you need to meet at 7.30am at J8 for ALL EMPLOYEES.?

Even uniform group in schools, have a proper system of disseminating information.

Juz talk to the bladdy managers la, then get the managers to talk to us after that la...
Isn't that wad the managers are for???

Anyway, missed it.
My alarm woke me up, but i was too dizzy to get off the bed.

Turned out to be blessing in disguise.

I got SACKED....

Would have had to do it myself if not for being sacked, my holidays are ending already and really, I had no intend of going back, P.S already attained another job, it gonna start on the 28th of December, for the countdown party.

Which honestly has a WAY better pay of $6.50 per hour with free food and Taxi to boot.

Moses, my best friend from Primary school came over for a stayover, Randy was supposed to come over, but he said he would join us later....

Had a late brunch at Ajisen Ramen, which i still LOVE so much. XD
Went back home, only to leave house 5minutes later....
To meet ......

KEITH CHIA..... o.o
Never expected it.

Background story behind Keith..
Used to be quite notorious in school, till a sudden change made him wake up and aspire to improve himself.
Became deeply religious and i MEAN DEEPLY........... o.o

Well, it a good thing, though sometimes the spiritual obsession of his gets alittle overboard and unnerving....

Well met up with him, some other guy named Marcus and Amanda, supposedly the girlfriend of Marcus.
On first impression, they appeared like real punks and stuff, typical jacket and long fringe over eyes....
But turned out to be really decent people.

Though i was honestly quite shocked when Keith start to read a piece of paper, presumed to be given out by the church and proclaiming that it SPEAKS to him EVERYDAY and gives him strength.....

Good for him??? o.o

But nonetheless awkward much.

Due to the unfortunate combination of extreme 5 hour starvation as well as Moses' pig-headedness, ended up with an epic war between us.

We will skip the details, but we ended up in an epic war that was sooo bad that even though i Muay-Thai-ed him in the nuts, and locked him out of my house for 2 hours, he still owes me...

Luckily, we made up after that....
God it was awkward but we had those classic make-up scenes with tight hugging and exchange of apologies, combined with his weird habit of talking to me like I was a displeased girlfriend, it would have been the perfect scene for a random gay-flick.
p.s brought him a Liang-Cha(cooling tea to soothe the tension.)

BUT GORD!!! I swear we are NOT involved with each other.

Lol he even has a girlfriend and there's already someone else whom i like lol. XD

Extra: I'll come back to the lord someday...... just mayb. Xd

Yeah, so...
happy patch up,
happy overnight sleep,

wake up next day, breakfast, he leaves,

Went all the way to bloody Orchid, bought a pair of shoes for Ken, but I didn't buy any, cuz they didn't look right on me. xP

We also brought a present for Ken to give someone.
Quite damn nice.

Lol I feel quite proud, cuz the present was really damn elaborate.
It consisted of a teddy bear, holding a secret card, a trap door, a tiny box filled with chocolates tied up wif a pink ribbon.<<<< Entire thing wrapped in a Christmas gift wrap in a box.
took me a hell lot of effort, but i did it, for the glory of helping a friend.

And YES, i LOVE to brag about helping others, Deal~
Heck, if it motivates me to help more people, why the fuck not.

Let me take a fucking picture.
Shall upload it tomorrow, its freaking 2.45am, I'm about to die.

He spent the night again at my place, only to burn most of today away, by watching temptation of the wife again. XD

At episode 76 le RAWRRRRRRRRRR~~!!
30+ more episodes to go.

He was supposed to join us for dinner but had to leave earlier than usual.

Next up...
Awkward Christmas BBQ at Adoptive grandmother's house, filled with false smiling, fail deco and itchy Santa Caps.

Nuff said.

So that's about it for all....
Its freakin 3.20am.

Extra random corner:

Talking to that special person..........

Sadly, I decided to end it now.
God it really sucks.....
But i did it for the both of us............

Damn I hate being mushy but it really crushed my world.
But at the same time, I feel strangely happy again......

Mayb i've been holding on too tight for too long.

They say that holding on to a sculpture too tightly only breaks it........

Mayb it is time to let go.....

At least we are still good friends.

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