Sunday, January 16, 2011

Damn it 3 weekz already? ==

the font goes all crazy later on, sorry, still don't know how to fix it...
Any1 noes? o.o

Damn it 3 weeks already?!?


Well, im about to pay back for all that slacking. XP

Sorry to all the readers whom must have been raeging at my dead blog...
Forgibz me. =(

Well, for those who know me, u'd probably noe that I'm sum1 wif extreme short term memory.
So sorry if i miss out some days. o.o

So far, it's been rather eventful, i hate to do nothing anyways.
(In extreme summary mode, so I don't do this till 1am, *its only 9.02 now*)

23th Dec---->27th December

Can't rmb anything....... o.o
O Ya~
Hitman Reborn. XP

I decided to watch it, after realizing that I've not touched anime for quite sometime.
More Importantly, I was getting strangely depressed for no apparent reason. o.o
(I was randomly raeging at people and sulking alot, thought alot about revenge and stuff and got really spiteful)

Rmb that fake-ass christmas party at my adoptive grandma's house?
I was silently "plotting" against my abusive, bipolar grandma and my abusive uncle, whom used to torture my dad.
P.S he has 2 daughters now wif a beautiful wife. (GAWD is sure unfair) =3

Also he was responsible for giving my dad the fear of tomatoes, by stuffing sh1tl0ads of it in his mouth when he was a boy. Crude huh? o.o+ he NVR apologized for it, even ONCE.

O well, nvr mind that.
Baseline was,
I was an emofag.

THEN it hit me...

It was temptation of the wife lol.
Sure its nice,
the plot's good,
acting's GREAT,
but the story is juz plain emo.
Revenge, revenge, more revenge, vendetta on revenge.
Revenge on the "revengees"

You getit.
Pure depression content,
it didn't help that i wasn't watching anything else but DotA, which involved asskicking 24/7.

O well then came Hitman Reborn. XD

Sure it's lame,
Heck i even swore i wouldn't watch it, cuz Marcus recommended it to me.
And he had a reputation for not being the best recommend-er on such things. (Lol D-greyman)
Don't get me wrong, he's cool and real nice, and BUFF.?.
But can juz be plain lame at times.... o.o

But o well, took a dive..
HATED IT!!!!!!!
( You expected me to say I instantly fell in love??
Neh, I hated it)

At least for the first 23 episodes, it was pure filler nonsense,most people recommend skipping the whole lot of crap, but i just watched it anyway.
At least Reborn was cool. =3
Yeah, that's reborn, saying DIE NOW, wif a smile. : )

O 28th of December,
First day at work,
Was early for once. XD
Got to sentosa wif my TCC card,
If after you read this post, it interests you and you wanna join, plz tag in my board and tell me, I'll recommend the job to you. XD
(and collect a recommendation fee of around $100+ for 5people after they work for 30 hours

Random Advert, don't read it, IM POSSESSSED~~~~~
TCC card,
can be obtained by joining the company, which is basically an employee agency, the card requires a $5 deposit, but offers FREEEEEEEE
trip*S* to sentosa, all the way into the heart of the Resort World.
Also, employees' cards are LIFETIME, no topup, or anything, u don't even haf to work to keep it.
Added Bonus:
Employees recieve a 40% discount for Iphone plan by M1.
And working hours are REALLY flexible, juz make a booking 1 week in advance wif da boss and you get to work on wadever day at wadever time.

P.S pay owns the hell outta normal fastfood. Rmb Subway? Fcuking $5?
This job comes wif free meal and slurpz(More on this later) pay of around $7 per hour.

O that's it, if you are interested, plz make sure to make me your recommender.
THanks. XD

Eww, wad haf I done...... o.o

Ok nvr mind that.

So, first day at work was casual, but i wanted to wear a tie anyway, for the lolz.
First day, we were paid,

For doing nothing.

They told us it was a 5hour job, but really we only were paid 3 hours,
but who could complain, we did NOTHING at all.

There was nothing much taught either, all i did was carry an Oval tray ONCE.
IN the Ballroom,
OUT the Ballroom, that's all. o.o

Retarded huh?

Only complaint was that the travelling and waiting was 3hours too... ==
My day was gone juz like that.
P.S waiting time is

Don't worry, if you guys get there, u will know wad i mean. =3
Which reminds me now it took me 5hours inclusive of waiting time.(Unpaid of course)

29th of December,

Was late, RAWWRRRRR!!!
Ran for me life,
my ass, im too chill to run. =3

So i strutted my late ass to the Mrt and took a completly random bus, which i paid for. ==
It ended up in the front of the Resort,
Where i strutted my ass into the huge, elaborate guest entrance, rather than the fcuked up, unpainted, employee backdoor. o.o

It was cool. =3

More importantly,
thanks to the gay wait time,
i was just in time,
despite being 1hour 15minutes late. o.o

It was another 3 hour work, but finally, we learnt real stuff, like the proceedings and proper arrangement, table assignment, partners, full-dress rehearsal and stuff.

Went home ridiculously late again, thanks to gay wait time.

P.S had free nomz provided at their canteen, food ranged from
Really nice to sh1t-like.
Really depends on wad you choose. o.o
(Choose at your own peril)

30th of December,
Slacked, at home, break for the big event.
MAWR Rebornz.

31th of December,
Highlight of the work.


But MORE gay waiting time. ==
This time it was a gay 5 hour wait, from 1pm to 6pm,
including changing time
and sign-in-time
AND waiting for slow guest to arrive time, which was 2hours on its own.
P.S the 1hour travel time.

Finally, the main EVENT!!!
At 7pm. the guest strutted ALL their late asses into the ballroom.

We all smiled really hard, =3
But were really kinda raeging, cuz they were only
2hours+ late.

I stood at my table,
the ballroom was full,

I was


The guests at my table didn't come.

P.S in our excruciatingly long wait, I realized that Malaysian have a much better sense of punctuality than Singaporeans...

Expect, but proven that day.

And yea, my table was a Singaporean table, expected as much. ==

Turned out to be a blessing anyway, since I had nothing to do.
But it ended up that every1 served every1 anyway since it was eventually so messy we juz helped anywhere we could.

3 things that caught my attention.

The type of people attending the PARTY/event
It was really a full array of different personae at the event,
some came in sat down and said NOTHING,
Nothing at all,
stared blindly at each other for god noes how long.

Some came in, put on PARTY HATS. Literally
and blew party horns, provided by the hotel, wif the hatz.
Began running around in suits and dresses, snapping pictures and ordering copious amounts of beer and wine.
And that was B4 the party even started.

Then there were girls, i say girls, bcuz they were relatively young, compared to the other guests, around 20+ though, elegantly dressed, proper looking, makeup, everything well done.....

but most of them ended-up pissed drunk on the floor by the end of the party anyway.
So much for proper. o.o

2nd thing,
It LOOKS good, but really,

its not. ==

Cheap stuff made elaboratedly.
Only thing SLIGHTLY ex, was the abalone, which I was freakishly afraid of dropping,
it meant losing my pay in 1 spill.
6 abalone+Glassware= gg

O well good thing it went smoothly anyway, even the soup wif I thought i would spill,
reminded nicely in the bowl,
thanks to the puff on top of the soup.

It smelled heavenly though, waiting outside the kitchen for the food to be prepared,
it was still cheap crap though. =P

3rd thing,
the shows, it was alrite,
classic sh1t,
Opera by 3 fat ladies,
Noodle making,
Wang Lu Jiang/Bryan Wang hosting,

Lady stripping on stage.
Yeah the usual.

But it was kinda pathetic to watch old men get horny,
probably nvr seen internet porn in their lives.

Which is probably why im still a firm supporter of
exposure= education,
censorship= dangerous curiosity.

O well, finally it ended wif a a Crazy countdown

Of course every1 was pissed drunk and sprawling all over as they counted-down, other wise, most would juz be stoning at their seat.

Alcohol is a blessing indeed.

The guest left, most drunk like no1s buisness.

Then fun started, for US.

Their was like sum epic nomz and slurp party going on.

Every1 rushed to clear the food,wine and champagne to the "decoy area",

Juz to nomz the food.
Well, most of the food was cleared, which was fine by me since it was mostly crappy bullsh1t anyway.

But the dessert was awesome. XDD

I nommed everything almost once,
delicious chocolate coated fruitz and chocolate coated chocolate AND CHOCOLATE COATED CREAMCAKE.!!!! RAWRR!!

Sure it was fatty and unhygienic, but fcuk that, we nommed anyway.
It was like a scene straight out of the movies, poor workers,
eating the food that rich fags choose not to eat.

O Gord!
The white wine was HEAVENLY. ~.~

The champagne rocked too.
Aww~~ slurp slurp...
Pure happiness, after all, the work was practically over.

Clearing up was actually fun,

It was juz rolling sheets up and pouring all the random drinks into 1 big pail,
it actually smelled really nice, like sum awesome cocktail.
(Coke+ F&N + Wine+ Champagne+ Beer+ Juice= nomlicious slurpz)

After that, there was an epic table rolling spree, over 300 tables to be rolled to a corner.
Chairstacking too.

Every1 was wearing the left over party hatz,
really interesting scene indeed.

Really don't have a shred of regret for working at the event. XD
Probably do it again next year.

Well, the high ended when we realized it was Freakin 3.30am...

took the free coach home wif Jiao Binz and Andy..........

So TIRED....

Fell asleep on the bus right away.

Arrived at home, it was freakin 4.50am

O GORD~~~ the eye hurt.

Had a super-early-morning coconut drink,
which strangely did wonders, felt-less like dying immediately,
I still wasn't revived in any way.

Jiaobin and ND came to me house,
where i took a bathe and slept for awhile, for 1hour+

at 6am, we left the house for Macdonalds......

It was

Every mouth was like hell,
kinda like my brain was saying,
"FUCK YOU! Samuel, FUCK YOU~ We nid sleep damn it, not fcking MACS?!?"

Yeah, every mouth i took was juz sickening, and the butter made it worse,
never eating Macdonalds' butter again, leaves an unpleasant aftertaste.

Dredged our ways home,
fell asleep IMMEDIATELY,
good thing i bathed, clean lol.


1st and 2nd of January pass by just like that,
wif lots of sleeping, slacking and noming.

forgot =P More Reborn??? o.o

4rd or of January....

STILL tired,
slacked at home till around 3pm
and made my way to our class chalet,
fell kinda bad, like Im always late for stuff. =P

First day at chalet, nothing much going on, juz lots of lazing around and cards, without money.

It was sad, like eating pancakes without syrup,
but i didn't want to look like a gambling nut, which I am. =3
So i didn't push too hard for it.

5th of January,
At 2am, we were still playing wif cards,
Martin was getting alittle to comfortable wif me....
It was alittle weird.
Of course i didn't say anything, but wadever.
( Lol if your reading this I'm sorry, well probably 1 of the many readers on this blog would tell ya, but I juz blog wad i feel lol, don't be sad. =X)
P.S that's kinda why i wanted to blog privately lol.
Wait-a-go Dion. ==.
Juz Jking, im glad ppl read this, juz that i have to be more careful about wad I type now.

Or not.

Dear Readers:
If anything I type here involves you in the Not-so-positive-light, Im sorry, but its usually true, and sure, you can rage back at me in your blog, I'd probably nvr read it anyway. =3
(I don't blog surf lol, writting 1 is hard enough. =3)

Well back to that, I don't know,
I'm all for contact wif girls and even guys,
I don't know....
sumthing about the people in between makes me feel uncomfortable of sorts and its not because they might be gay,
heck I love gay people, but effeminate people.......
Sure they can be really nice people and good friends but.......
Ya noe. o.o

O well after that, wif about 6hours of sleep, we wake up
and go Kbox, XD
Every 1 was so bored, they juz decided to take up my suggestion and go Kbox. lol.

It was Fail, since none of us culd sing, and even though i thought i can sing OK, it juz sucked that day, I think i was trying too hard.

But sum songs were juz plain fun, like I got the Magic and girlfriend. Juz lots of shouting lol. XD

But then me and tried to sing a Japanese song, it was a really old song from Shakugan no Shana,
Which i had almost completely forgotten,
and it was cuz Marcus asked us to sing it lol.
And he panged us, i raeged. =(

Anyway, it was pure fail....

But the entire thing was quite fun. XD
Next time i go, im gonna sing like a pro.
I wanna pick up singing lol.
Juz enough to NOT suck at Kbox at least. XP

After that, we went cycling,
Fail in


First of all, my bike's seat was fucking,
it could tilt on it's own lol.
So i got it repaired and thought everything was gonna go all right....

Well, before that, we played truth or dare, cuz Wee Kiat was still learning how to cycle, which was fine by me, since the night was awesome.
Really cool, complete wif toads getting it on under our "pavillion"

And I herd the song i had been looking for for a long time, from Chiu Yang's phone,
in fact, in listening to it now.

Help Urself. XD

One of the best songs, ever. =3

It's probably one of the few songs that keep me from completely leaving english songs.
Lol, you can thank Gaga , Bieber and other talentless english artistes,
for getting me to going to Kpop.

Used to love Davids(cook and Archuleta), Taylor Swift, Avril Lavigne,
but moved to Kpop, cuz of reason 1 on top
and also cuz i can't focus, constantly singing to the lyrics and NOT studying for my "O"s.

O well, mayb i could get alittle of both now? =)

Ok anyway truth or dare was fun, but, Kinda panicked when it hit me, thanks to you stalkers reading my blog. =X

Good thing nothing troublesome came out/
They only asked me,
Are you a porn addict?
And i said,
Really o.o
I'm not.

In fact this holiday, i've only watched it 3 times.
And don't really need it, i juz think that it's good to clear the spermatic glands every now and then.
Go google it,
It's true, you're more susceptible to prostrate cancer and other problematic issues, if you don't wank.

U can ignore wad I'm saying, but lol,
you'd be the 1 wif the impotency.

Ok, massive digression much,
ok back to the cycling trip.

On my way to Changi, I was in front, but i felt oddly tired, like sumthing was wrong,

I told Ken who was leading the way, that it felt like my bike was breaking down on me...
He juz shrugged it off and I also juz tot mayb I was thinking too much,
till i realized that for every 1 rotation of the pedal Ken makes, i had to peddle 2times, to cover and SAME distance and that was when we were on the SAME gear, on the SAME bike. o.o

Then halfway to Changi from Pasir Ris,
My PEDAL broke off....



The WHOLE damn thing came off.


And i got a contusion and laceration. AIDS. =(

Had to take the disgraceful taxi back.

I hate being the loser whom has to be back halfway,
even in night walks in St John or Cycling expeditions, i hated quitting, felt all dirty inside.


Sorry, Im keyboard venting. ==.......
Sad =(.....

Forget i typed that...

Anyway, got back to find Marcus still sleeping,
shud haf stayed wif him lol if i knew. =P

Gabriel too, but fcuk, he was occupying the bed wif Marcus,
I had to sleep wif KEANE.........



Wadever, I was too tired to be unhappy about it.

and only slept minutes at a time, in fact i was awake when they came back. o.o

Anyway, left the chalet earlier, cuz my mother was there,
and she told to to RUSH out.

Only to find her drinking coffee at the Coffee shop...
and i had already ask Marcus to help me return the bike.
(It made me feel like a dick to ask him to return 2 bikes.)

Worst of all,
When i joined my mother, whom was still all like,"Aiyo,nvr mind la", about it,
Ken and Marcus pushed their bike by me, while i was slurping milo......

Awkward much....


And Embarrassing!

Wadever, so i rushed home and
2 hours later, I was on my flight to Hongkong.

I'll leave that super long Hongkong story and other stories for tomorrow.

Its 11+
and i haz to sleep, cuz imma going Canoeing try-out tomorrow. XD

OK nite nite bye~~
Don't hate me if i SUDDENLY forgetz to update. =X
Ok fine hate me, make me update, I don't want you guys to miss out either.

P.S too sleepy to check for errors and grammer, dun't raeg if u find funny typoz. o.o

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