Sunday, November 28, 2010

Series of unfortunate events.


I hate to turn my blog into a complaint fest, but it's really all i got for today.

So yeah, sorry about missing 2 days again,

Friday was nothing really, juz recouping and resting at home, been feeling kinda unwell recently,
like MASSIVE coughing all of a sudden, at night, in the day, etc.

Saturday was fun though, went rock climbing at Yishun Safra, if you read my older posts, i talked about Safra Yishun. Nothing much has changed, was still nice.

Due to my rock climbing, I didn't have time to pay for my JK pop dance course, which i will come to regret later.

It was quite fun, Marcus, Darren and I.

But Darren was kinda depressed. =X
Cuz EVERY1 there, with the exception of me, was damn freakin buff.

But i managed to climb 3 different walls, surprisingly, i made it to the top quite fast. o.o

But kinda a waste, cuz Marcus got tired kinda fast, he had been very shack for this entire week,
due to his work, we had to leave kinda early cuz of that.
(Who knew that chocolate manufacturing can take so much outta you eh?) O.o

Had a decent meal at the nearby hospital =P
Quite good, surprisingly
It was quite a fresh feeling to it, like there was a BMI machine at the corner of the food court.
And for the 1st time in my life, stalls had calorie labels on their food.

Marcus had a 100+ calories seafood soup.
Darren had a 200+ Calories mee rebus
I didn't even bother looking at my calories, but i had a Nasi Bryani,
strange random Indian food feeling. ._.

After that, we actually went back to the club to play pool, but there was nothing but RAEG,
which pisses me off so much, i do not even want to talk about it.
Missing white balls and bad service, nuff said.

After that episode, i was completely drenched in sweat and real sticky, but i still didn't want to go home.

So i went to Marcus' house. =D

It was my 2nd time there, with the 1st being his Bdae Barbecue, which was damn awesome.

I took a nice bath there, well at his clubhouse actually, cuz his maid was cleaning the toilet.

I managed to sample some of the chocolate he smuggled out of the factory.
Was quite delicious. XD

Didn't look that faulty to me.

But wow, he had like shit-loads of chocolate in his fridge, like 3 plastic bags FULL of chocolate bars. o.o

I tried the lychee martini, was quite good. XP

I intended to camp there awhile, but Marcus' mom decided to SEND Marcus to PICK A PHONE.
(Gosh, i wish someone would force me to pick a nice phone and pay for it. )

So i followed,
was probably the first time I went to ask about phones.

It was *Enlightening*
Found out about android phones, lol there was much hilarity when Marcus found out it wasn't an actual phone, but a program IN the phone, which i had kinda guessed. =X

Now I kinda feel like getting an android phone wor. =P
Especially this,
Samsung Galaxy S

But apparently, Im told that i should wait if i want to get it, like still February, when more android models come out and the price drops crazily.

Quite a nice day, relatively speaking.

Well that was that for yesterday...


Nothing but Anguish and regret

Started wif me being rudely awakened

by HARDCORE door banging by my step mom.
(Yes i was at my father's house this weekend.)

It was 11am, but i still felt like shit, cuz i slept late and had sleep debt from the day b4.

I woke up at 6.00am the day b4 to help my stepmom set up her *auntie* store.

B.T.W, for those of you whom do not know, my dad remarried and married a nice, short young, chubby lady, whom is actually quite nice.

O well, hence, i spent most of the day out of the house, being dragged around Singapore, by my dad, in the MOST UNCLE clothes in the world, with undesirable body oil and messy hair.

This lasted till 5pm. ==

The good thing outta all the grumpy dredging around, was that i managed to get a nice pair of pants, for tomorrow,
(Starting Work tomorrow at 6am XDDD)
Excited and worried at the same time, dun wanna be late or dead tired on my first day. >.<


Missed a stop or 2,
went all OVER the TPE which even though is 1 stop away, is like 6 stops distance. ==

I called my mom, asking if I could be fetched to dinner, but apparently, I accidentally told them it was 5 stops away, rather than 2.

Just as i realised my fatal mistake, and was JUST about to call back....

MY PHONE BAT WENT FLAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S : It didn't help that the last thing my mom told me was that the dance course was full and that i could no longer join.

So i had a long time to maul about it, as i took the lonely road home...........

Approaching home, i knew i was screwed, as my mom and my godmom were probably on the road looking for me.==

And looking indeed they were. =(

Glad they weren't pissed, juz worried.

But I was pissed. o.o
At myself i guess and the phone, and the course and the day in general.

Hence the raeg spewing fest now.

O well, time to clear my mind, have an early sleep and experience a new environment tomorrow.
Also going out wif Jonathan, Xingyu, Vincent and Aloy, hope i can forget everything by tomorrow. XD

OKOk sorry if you read all of my raeg and spoilt your mood.
Im sowie.

Im sure better days are ahead, life is like that. =)

OKOK BYE!~~!!!

(Phew, feel so much better now, for real XP)

Thanks to

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I actually thought of choosing an interesting title, but after awhile i thought,
what the heck probably no1s gonna see this anyway.
And if a title took so much effort to think up, it probably won't really suit the content anyway.

O well, I missed yesterday, cuz i was SOOO tired, after a whole day at Dylan's house.

We did badminton, squash ,swimming.

But swimming was a flop.
I was damn surprised,
first time i swim 2 laps i got tired le.
Felt so fail in the pool, like
for a person who exercises so much at home, getting to tired so easily.

But apparently, Jonathan had the same problem.
He died at the 3rd lap, half way.

Think was cuz the water was REALLY warm, to me at least.
I felt like my body was taking IN heat from the pool, which is weird for me. ( prefer cool waters)
Or mayb i waz just tired from the squash, which i discovered i had no talent in wadsoever.

Which was also REALLY strange, cuz i was quite good at badminton.
Managed to beat Yuk Tim on the whole.
But holy shyt~
Yuk Tim is damn good at squash. XD (Y)
Chiu Yang too, but he was kinda TOO good, like bully lol =P

I tot we were having a BBQ, but ended up juz eating sashimi,
( which was really nice and cheap too, like a PILE, for $2.50 )

Ya, but at the end of it, I insta-lost $45 in IN-BETWEEN.
Damn the whore is good. ==
But uh well, i won $100 from a friend b4 that, so it was Ok~


Lol about the enlarged font all of a sudden, blogger is screwed-up lol.

Woke up at 9am, and yes, i wake up this early almost everyday, even after school ended.==
Habits? =D

Chionged like crazy and TRIED to look decent for my interview.
But who knew, the first thing that greeted me in the toilet was this little fcker.

It was sitting beside my toothpaste, so when i reached over, i was like
(Btw, sorry if the pic aint clear, its a mantis lol)

Interview was really damn smooth, but it didn't feel like an interview, more like a ASKnLearn session, wif ME asking HIM questions. o.o

He juz told me the basic stuff.
I guess the conversation itself was enough to judge character ehh? ._.

The whole thing was like only 10minutes?

So at 11.10am, i had nothing to do.

So I went over to Jiao Binz house.

I TOT we were going to LAN at 1pm, but no~~ apparently, they were coming to MY house to gamble. ==

So i had to suddenly accommodate 13 people at my house. (RAEGGGGGGG~~~!!)

But O well, it was fun i guess....... =)
Though after playing for 6 hours, I ended up losing 10 dollars. ==

After they left, I had to clean up most of the mess.

Finally started clearing my 'O' level mess,
it was WIN. =3

Juz see for yourself.

And it wasn't even the entire stack.

Lol it was quite a shiok feeling, crushing all that junk and throwing it randomly.

Clean-up was a bitch though.

O well, work starts on Monday, better enjoy myself to the max, better work starts. RAWR!!

Actually worried about the fact that i have nothing to do tomorrow, cuz my friends sure jio me play DoTA the whole day. ==

I mean it's fun, but I dunt know.....
I'm beginning to find it a complete waste of time. =(

Also some sad feelings.
If someone doesn't reply a message asking
"Can i talk to you?"
It usually means they don't wanna talk but are too polite to say so huh?.

O well, mayb I'm thinking too much.
Should probably give that person more personal space. =P
Also might be good for me, can sleep early, if not sure talk until damn late again. XD\

Ok nitez~
its 12.30 le =3


Monday, November 22, 2010

New Job, new lease of life.

Hey, sorry about missing 2 days of blogging, or was it 1?. o.o

Lol kinda strange that i speak as though im talking to someone in my blog, even though, i dun actually expect any1 to read it. =X

Bah well, juz makes it more comfortable for me.

As for today, hermm~
Wanted to go swim at first, but decided otherwise, cuz tomorrow imma gonna Dylan's house for a BBQ + a swim, so might be troublesome to settle my wet swimming trunks.

So instead, i went over to Jiao Bin's house.

Had lunch and watched Final Destination 2.
Not bad, alittle predictable at times, but on a whole it was nice, alittle scary though,
no wait,
not really scary, more of shocking.
Like when ppl suddenly start dying.

I actually bought a bag of chips, but was too grossed out to even open it.
It's like still in my drawer.
(Lays BBQ (Y) =D )

Did quite a few things today other than going to Jovin's house and gambling AND starcraft2ing.

1) Signed up for a job interview.
It's going to be on Wednesday. 11am

Decided to work at subway lol. =D

> Love the sandwiches
> Nearby, like REALLY near, 2 minutes walk. =D
> Always enjoyed service related work.
> Decent pay, nice environment, owns the shyt outta macs.

> Need the money. =P

2) Talked to Studio Wu, planning to sign up for December JK pop dance course. =D
Probably didn't talk about this, but I really got into Korean-pop dances this year.

Honestly, unlike other blind trend followers, i honestly like Kpop.
Kind of a life saver.
During the imba stressful 'O' lvl period, during dance was an awesome destresser.
1 of my fav dances which i can do, but have to yet to perfect is Lucifer.
(no it's not a satan worship song, its juz a controversial title, advertising gimmick sort of, but its about a double sided love actually, harmful but at the same time tempting.)

I learn from this video mostly. =D
(Sorry the thing is a little too big, u can click on the video twice to watch it on Youtube. =P )

3) Bought my first eva hair serum, it's juz

No really.
It smells great, and really fixes the split ends. Muacks this.
Im using.

Damaged Hair Reconstruction Serum

Really Good =D

It smells really mild, not like a chemical scent, or anything like that.
It also doesn't have a distinct gender smell,
no musky men smell, but also no girly flower smell.
It juz smells "NICE"?
But ya I think it will run out quite fast, needs quite alot to feel it completely covering.
Costs $6.60 per bottle.
Will try somemore.
Probably something I would continue using. =DD

Well i would say today was quite fruitful, gonna seek out more things to do and ways to further improve myself.

I don't know why either, but somehow i THINK that my love for that someone special, has made me want to change myself.

It's alittle difficult at times, and i wonder if I am losing myself. (Sounds so damn corny)
but mayb i do NEED the change.

Whatever it is, where ever the road leads to, I'll go.
Hope i end up a better person at the end of it though.

Well that's all for today, will try to update everyday and hopefully bring sumthing fresh to the blog. =)

Bye bye~ XD

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I'm Finally Back~

After an EXTREMELY long period of time,
'O' Levels was a pain, but somehow, it already feels like a distant past.
(Will talk about 'O' Levels in my next post)

Today was my grad nite,
( im quite sure no one is gonna see this anytime soon. =X)

First off, congrats to Dion for winning Ipad, REALLY unexpected but sincerely happy for him, was just beside me. LOL Jeffrey and I were juz talking about stripping Dion if one of the 3 of us win. =D

But of course we didn't strip him.

I was quite sad today,
( though i kept quite a happy facade the whole day,
must be quite the surprise huh? that the chirpy Samuel can become sad too. =P)
Mainly due to my fail contact lenses, which became green after mixing with my original dark brown eyes.

Despite my really conscious effort to run, eat right, drink lots of water, sleep early, I actually still remained chubby.
Which fcked up my outfit, overly tight vest.

Also Chubby+Contacts = loser

Ya quite a grim sour loser feeling today.

Worse off, I felt and am still feeling really lonely now, without a person to share my life with.
(Never felt this way before)

Mayb bcuz i fell in love, and that person already has someone......

I had always been the one to help others through these sorta things, but who will be here for me now? ._.

Well but knowing myself, I'll pick myself up from here on, learn stuff and get a life.

Will continue to update this. =D
(Probably no1 is gonna read this anytime soon eh?) =D

To that special person,
know that I still like you very much, and my heart feels empty without you.
Will be waiting for you.....