Saturday, October 31, 2009

Forgive me ppl =X

O hi there........
For those of you whom actually come to see this veri dead blog.
Im sooo srry.
It's like i really wanna post all the time, but i get so damn lazy and juz shiew it away.
But hey the thing is i've not been slacking entirely, i've been doing research on dance, alot, like every night, i would source out some vids of good dancers, but damn, i still reallyl ike ITNW(into the new world)
Examples of nice dance vids i found:
Sorry Sorry (the song i claimed to hate, cuz of the crappy hand rub)

Apparently it is not as easy as it seems. O.o
Tried it, its quite fun, but

DBSK : Mirotic(quite cool also)

Ya its cool, but i find it ait too EMO? O.o.......
Sorry still prefer ITNW. But dang, i shud learn this. =D

Ya, throughout these few days, i felt alittle unconfident of this dance and more importantly, of myself, i felt that, hey maybe i did make a wrong choice, and so i decided to find other dances.

But i thought, if i juz changed like that, all the effort i had previously put in would juz go poof in a puff of smoke, like juz this tuesday or wednesday

Ya, i got really bored of practicing after awhile, so i ran around the 4th floor 2 rounds, felt really quite long. O.o more then 1 round of track?. BTW it was raining b4 that, so the track was wet at that point of time. So had to run elsewhere.
P.S i am a proud member of RUN RUN RUN club,=D, was wearing shirt all the way. 

Ya, tlaking of rain, its raining like crap now, so Im kinda sian alone at home, gonna go buy dinner soon, i wanna walk in the rain, juz for the feel of it later, i hope i dun get caught by mental hospital, or like tio lightning.... =D FOR THE LULZS IM going now. 

If i dun come back, u noe wad happened, but im going anyway. Tell u about it later, last vids im gonna post if i die. =D

(My mass collection of farts when i got SOOO bored.)

 Yes EPIC indeed.  =D

When accidentally is not enuff, go pranks>>

It's not always you pi jiu fang, you hua jiu shuo . =X

in 1 epic VID

Herms rain is calming down, but im gonna go now to run in the rain while i can. BRB.
Wish me not death. =D

Kthx BRB
i hope

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