Saturday, October 31, 2009

Pt 3 of previous, previous post


Sumthing new. O.o
Well take it as payback for the super long slackers period i had.
Anyway, i am getting really kinda bored already from playing, especially since that now Jiao bin's com crashed, no 1 left to hardcore wif, and i DON'T intend to start a new game.

Apparently, i DID learn that playing a new game, would juz end up wif me spending LOTS of money, particularly Maple..... $300++.... =.=

On top of that, i will experience INTENSE RAGEE~!! When i quit, which we got to admit, happens to every1 sooner or later, enless you are gonna play a game ur whole life.... O.o

Ya, took me long enuff to learn, but ya.

Anyway, i haf decided to post this after much yapping about it like 3 weeks ago. O.o
Apparently, i have come to become very much in tune wif my inner long, so when i so LONGCAT, i felt like i had come home..... 

 Ok disregard that, i juz became a ED-tard, and really like longcat, 
Before linking, scroll down FOR MOVIE =D

Linkz to Epic lulz
 LongCat is has LONG Article

and Cat-Lightenment 


Ok guys, i hope you enojyed your uber long 3 post, POST. Imma gonna sleep early today, so that Monday my OBS will go smooth.
P.S GKY, is a FUCKING PEDOPHILE and a GRUDGE HOLDING, perverted, bad fashion sensed, Goatse owning, 2G1Cup faced, inverse penis owning, Father-FUCKING, CANNIBAL. May he BURN in FUCKING HELL.

Ok i feel better now. =D
(P.S that you all had to read that. XD)
P.SS i didn't say whose GKY, so if you think of that person, you NOE it's TRUE. =D

Ok thanks thats all.

Extra fact about me: My feet are abnormally big, but i'm ussualy proud of them, UNTIL, i could not buy my water booties, cuz of my big foot........

Yes Ian, i noe i amuse you wif my huge Feets......


Part 2 of the previous post

OK guys, im back, and i FEEL AWESOME!!!!!!
I walked in the rain for like 5minutes, rain not as strong as i hoped it would be, but it was still worthwhile, as i speak, my rain drops are falling on my keyboard lolx.

Extra facts:
1.The air in singapore is CLEAN, cuz the water i drank while walking in the rain tastes fine.
2: If you don't fight the rain, it doesn't make you feel cold, i feel perfectly fine in the rain, chilling, but not cold.
3. When you walk in the rain for extended periods of time, your entire body literally gets soaked, except miraculously, your ass cheeks and any part bellow, your pockets particularly, remain dry.
( probably due to shirt and like huge butt) Kept my keys dry =D.)
But your legs get soaked, cuz of ginormous PUDDLES POOLS/LAKES, apparently, Singapore's drainage is not as awesome as they claim it to be..

Gonna bathe now, brb...

Forgive me ppl =X

O hi there........
For those of you whom actually come to see this veri dead blog.
Im sooo srry.
It's like i really wanna post all the time, but i get so damn lazy and juz shiew it away.
But hey the thing is i've not been slacking entirely, i've been doing research on dance, alot, like every night, i would source out some vids of good dancers, but damn, i still reallyl ike ITNW(into the new world)
Examples of nice dance vids i found:
Sorry Sorry (the song i claimed to hate, cuz of the crappy hand rub)

Apparently it is not as easy as it seems. O.o
Tried it, its quite fun, but

DBSK : Mirotic(quite cool also)

Ya its cool, but i find it ait too EMO? O.o.......
Sorry still prefer ITNW. But dang, i shud learn this. =D

Ya, throughout these few days, i felt alittle unconfident of this dance and more importantly, of myself, i felt that, hey maybe i did make a wrong choice, and so i decided to find other dances.

But i thought, if i juz changed like that, all the effort i had previously put in would juz go poof in a puff of smoke, like juz this tuesday or wednesday

Ya, i got really bored of practicing after awhile, so i ran around the 4th floor 2 rounds, felt really quite long. O.o more then 1 round of track?. BTW it was raining b4 that, so the track was wet at that point of time. So had to run elsewhere.
P.S i am a proud member of RUN RUN RUN club,=D, was wearing shirt all the way. 

Ya, tlaking of rain, its raining like crap now, so Im kinda sian alone at home, gonna go buy dinner soon, i wanna walk in the rain, juz for the feel of it later, i hope i dun get caught by mental hospital, or like tio lightning.... =D FOR THE LULZS IM going now. 

If i dun come back, u noe wad happened, but im going anyway. Tell u about it later, last vids im gonna post if i die. =D

(My mass collection of farts when i got SOOO bored.)

 Yes EPIC indeed.  =D

When accidentally is not enuff, go pranks>>

It's not always you pi jiu fang, you hua jiu shuo . =X

in 1 epic VID

Herms rain is calming down, but im gonna go now to run in the rain while i can. BRB.
Wish me not death. =D

Kthx BRB
i hope

Monday, October 19, 2009

Holiday b4 holiday =D

Hi everybody. =D

Today is (insert holiday name here)* so it's like a holiday b4 the BIG holidays, well i dun mind, cuz today i am actually feeling kinda sian at home.

Juz like whole day, DotA, DotA, Charmed,
Peanut Butter SANDWICH?? O.o,

Salmon? SANDWICH, rice and ya thats about it.

Kinda reminds me of this guy, AGAIN........
( i think i used this pic b4 O.o)

Juz shows the extent of my couch-potato-ish life =D.

Well at least i spent 3 hours hardcore exercising, like dance rehearsing the INTO THE NEW WORLD....

God for sumthing that looks so fun and slack, its really quite TIRING. I actually think that the girls are like BIONIC?
Not even panting.
WTF..... O.O

Anyway, after that i still did my normal exercise routine, but DANG, the whole day of slacking and TV hogging is still pawning my ass.

P.S Cramps from yesterdays rock climbing shows up on my lower arm muscles and F*CK!

BTW, To that person who told me "You are gonna haf ass cramps the next day" You are so wrong, my ass transcends all cramps. =D


Anyway, ps about short post, its a 1 day post anyway.

( Ya, i was deprived durin EOY exam period, so i went on some random POLE dancing spree.) 

 (I hereby apologize for any eye balls that have been bleached, fell to the ground, or any other oddly highly impossible event,
HOWEVER this those not apply for sick fucks whom think 'old lady in the Bedroom'.)

For those whose parents are not there, or SUPER open, plz watch this more CONVENTIONAL version. =D)
Haf fun, watch at your own discretion. X D

For those who watched: AWESOME~~~~
Amirite?!!!!!!. =D

Ok maybe not, but hey it was quite pro.
Bleh, Today's post abit empty, but wad to do its so late and im tired,

I Shrink when i exercise and GROW when i sleep, so im kinda short now, height change about 3cm? O.o

FREAKY but true =D.

P.S note : Sorry to moses and Randy again, for not letting you come today, =(. Really srry)

P.SS note: Yelled at Jiao bin for slacking in DotA feeling kinda bad nao...
Aww..... =(

Ok that's all, thanks for reading this exceptionally DRY post.
BYE~!! =D

Sunday, October 18, 2009

I IS BACK!!! After SUPER LONG!!! pt 2.

O hai every1~! P.S my pt 2 is like 4 days later XD.
Haf been like REALLY buzy, by GOD it's holidays and im so tired. =.=

Suddenly, i decided to become some sorta family guy.

No not this.

But the really nice son, spend time kinda thing.

Thursday : Eat at Sushi Tei wif my Momz ( Can't say i was any loss here. )

Friday : Was FORCED to go eat at a restaurant wif my dad, food was kinda nice, but i was too full =.=.

Saturday: Homecooked. Sambal Petai wif La Chang Fried rice. =D
(Yes i noe, AZN food, but wad am i gonna do about it? Im asian.= ( )

Ya it looked hell lot like that. Though home cooked food is the BEST~!
The day was really kinda simple really, all i did was like slack around the house and like play games, but had to buy ingredients for cooking, and also had to clean duh house.

While i was cleaning duh house, my mom was spliting the petai seeds, ( for those of you whom nvr tried petai b4, its ok its really an acquired taste, some ppl eat it and go WTH is this nigga-shyt, ppl like me juz love it, so ya. if u dare try. GO AHEAD. o ya, but be warned, you haf to split the thing b4 u cook, cuz got sum bastard worms living in some petai, and i juz fucking hate them, i was asking if i could flame thrower the worms out. =D)

Worm Pic: ( Say hii You Nigga worm =D )

And that is a SMALL 1.

Well, had my meal and after that, i was juz too full to blog XD.

So i played DotA instead.

Anyway, the next day, which is todae, i went for a ROCK CLIMBING Sports climbing course.
(Apparently, i figured out that the crap GKY teaches in our school is sports climbing not rock climbing, you haf to do it in the wild for ROCK climbing)

God it was the first course i went to on my own, cuz i finally decided to do sumthing wif my life.

It was at Yishun Safra Club, which was really nice, damn big facilities and stuff.

This was Da pool i walked past like 6 times today, DAMN~!! the weather was like
So tempted to swim. =(. NO equipment DAMN IT.
This shud be the view from the bridge, so imagine wif me

Next pic, the wall i climbed 4 times XD all finish.

NAH, juz kidding, this bladdy wall is like 25 squares, each square is 1 metre. O.o i not so hardcore yet.
But Hey i did the 9 square wall 4 times. And i tried a 15 square wall 2 twice, wif less then complete results, too full.= P

Speaking of which, lunch was at the nearby restaurant. I had it wif sum new friends i juz made. But damn they were all adults! Not that i not mature la =P. But I mean 1 person was like 32. O.o (Victor) But he was a really nice guy, banker, wif the CUTE old man face. O.o hardly a combo, but really, he was more childish then me. O.o

Then there was this Canadian Chinese guy lolx. ( He was like 82 Kg, damn big, but shoter then me =P) Damn sporty, HUGE muscles, bigger then mine 2 times, climbed as much as me, he was my climbing partner today.........

>.<" First time got sum1 so heavy that i cannot take the weight, i was like FLYS~~ when he fell from duh wall.......

Then there was this woman, around 20+ also, called Sandy, BTW the big Canadian guy is called *FIRMIN*.?WAD?
She hurt her finger, so the whole day she was like emo, cuz me and Firmin were having climbers fun, Victor, was like sum nerdy guy, so he was also

Anyway, my lunch was Fish Fillet wif LYCHEE SAUCE~! I was like hermm... Wad is this. =D?.
So TRY.....

Ok now im telling you guys, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT eat it. Every drop of LYCHEE sauce u add to ur fish fillet, a kid dies in Africa.
So ya.
That bad.

Anyway, learnt alot of other crap other then juz climbing, like bouldering and chimney scaling,fucking GHEY activity. Butt too big, cannot wriggle up the chimney.... Haiz.

But hey, look on the bright side, i got way fitter today and i am gonna get a SPORTS CLIMBING level 1 cert. =D

But damn..
My Arm muscles become too big le..........

Random VID TIME:

( also the relax video for my UBER Brain kill EOY exams. =D )

YESSS FEEL duh nose pains. =D

If you felt the last part thru the screen, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!  =D
God bless his nuts.

Ok so, nvr mind that crap.
Tomorrow is another VERI energy sucking day for me, cuz i will haf the luxury of SUFFERING for St john AGAIN*. I am in this Dance Competition for St John, more like an audition for a 1 group performance, and we haf decided this use....
Into The New World, by SNSD

Ya there are sum hardcore GHEY parts, so i haf to re-choreograph the dance, MAINLY the Girly Ballerina part,  1.12-1.40 of the video....... UN-DO-ABLE.

Anyway, so WISH you guys a HAPPI holiday, JY wif your lives, I'm thinking of going sports climbing level 2. =D.

AND IM SORRY MOSES AND RANDY, Can't let you come tomorrow, I'm really too tired to take anymore le, IMMA nidda REST. DX.

Ok that's all, will still update. XD

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Hi~!! EVERY1!!! =D
Super long nvr update le, srry cuz of exams. I still can't believe it's finally OVER. =D
Ok guys this is gonna be quite a long post, to fill you guys in all the craps that haf happened so far.
1) I was to express my SUPER thanks to those ppl who support my blog, and threaten to gas me if i don't post, i thank you for that.=D
2) I am currently listening to this song.

3) I got sudden flash back, I remember talking wif Darren and Luis about sumthing about a new blog? But it was brought up that if the blog does not revolve around a ain topic, it would not be popular......
So i got myself thinking am i too random???


So ya never mind that.

4) It is VERI important that i express my HUGE HATE!!!


O Lolx I Made a HATE WALL~!! =D

Ya I was saying i hate EOY exams.
For Mani Mani reasons that i can just think of like now:
> It FORCES EVERY1 to become a mugger, even slackers like me and Darren aren't spared.
It gives me a freaking REASON to snack........( not entirely bad, but damn it....... FATSSS! DX )
> It drains away my DotA time, and for that, i suffered immensely, as my standard deteriorated to uber noobness.
> Stop exercising, juz to squeeze out time to study, ( Ok this is juz cuz i was lazy) but damn i did study =(.
> Mani other things i was deprived of, like Charmed....(Still at season 2 out of 8 =.=)

So anyway after all that exam stuff, here's my i think i will get SHEET,
Physics: B3- A1
Chemistry: A2-A1
Biology: A2-A1
"A" maths: E8-B3
(F*cking Irony that A1 is hardest for A-maths.)
"E" maths: B4-A2
(I did not touch maths for 2 months... =.=, only started like 1 day b4....)\
Geog Pure: B3-A1
Lit Elect: B4-A2
( Haiz they putting the bladdy test last, so all the history students were like playing DotA and i was like FUCKKK~~.... So like played all day and ya pay back)

BTW, KEN is a PSYCHIC, he can spot everything...O.o Spotter Guru?
E.g History, Lit, BIO??!?, Ya and he's trying lottery now =D.

English: B4 to B3 ( yes it's that bad)
Chinese: B3-A2
(Chinese WINS English??? O.O)


Speaking of big guy up there, I was talking to Luis and Darren some damn long time ago and like we talked about how just those emo bastards have Death Metal, we got White metal now........

If You dun get a word of this it's ok, no 1 understands.

I got some translation for that crap.

All have been forsaken
who will stand up, fight for our tomorrow
I will take the hard stance
still shining bright in this desolate black
all have been forsaken
so coalesce, league of the first born
I will take the hard stance
still shining bright in this desolate black
some thing is after me
search and destroy all the lives of the past
and of my generation
we are all the enemy so chose your battles well
opposition will only betray us
I rise above for the city of lost children
valuable hearts are forgotten, torn, torn
if I back down for your fear of my conviction
then we all lose not the battle, war, war
embrace the one who will stand for us till the end
all are forsaken by the world
we though forgotten are not alone
league of the first born
darkness surrounds will it swallow you
or take his hand and we will rise to our feet
who do you think is going down
when you stick the pistol to your face
and say its pointed at me
so I will stand for all the broken ones
for all the cities, the lost children
weight of the world is pressing down
but I will press back
I will press or martyr
darkness, violence, bleeding, lost, fall
we are all
still shining bright in this desolate black

Actually, the tune is stll ok =D.
But dang the singers are ....CMI. =.=

Actually, i always felt that HardMetal is quite nice, juz the beat, cuz the singing sucks so bad.
Ok next song! X D

O lolx. Your probably wondering what the FUCK is all this random vids. =D
LULZ I turned into a fan guy for SNSD during the exam period.

Sorry guys i really felt like i had to share their music, it's like at first you are not really used to their music and cuz its in Korean, its like ok ok only. But After listening it for a few times. you find that it Stays in your head.

Anyway, SNSD is also So Nyu Shi Dae ( Girl's Generation ) In Korean.

Honestly, they pawn the balls out of Wondergirls.
Quote from hater,

(No seriously, this i agree, they once had a showdown wif SNSD they got pawned so bad =.=)

( but damn it, this cuzed my life during the during exam, the music keep poping out... Haix Especially this song.)

So anyway, i juz thought that they are just like any normal Teen group, nothing special there.
But i found out that they are really sumthing special, they are like all DAMN talented and come from different backgrounds, 2 of them from USA and speak reasonably good English.

So anyway, this is a group pic, I got my favourite girl already, so ya you can find the girl you like most too. =D
Hey how bout this, you guys guess the girl i like. =D
Of course you can scroll down and cheat, but that would juz kill the lulz ehh? =D Ok here are some pics:

Anyway the Girl that i like most would be:
*SeoHyun* =D

I noe she's not the prettiest, if in terms of prettiness, i would think Yuri and Tiffany.
( In fact, when i first ever saw a group pic of SNSD, she was 1 of the 2 i managed to pic of from 2 group, cuz i felt that all of them looked the same, but now of course i can recognize.
Sad to say it's cuz of her HUGE BLACK EYE RINGS. =.=
So i spent a whole week calling her black eye girl lolx.)

Anyway sum pics of her and also a vid about her character.

MTV SNSD Seohyun Part 1/3 [ENG SUB]

Got 3 parts and kinda long, don't watch if you find her not as awesome. =D I juz put on for face value. XP

Ya anyway she's really kinda nice and likes KERORO. =D. o lolx.
Hope you guys find your Favourite girl too if u suddenly get high on SNSD.


Though the edible Strongylocentrus droebachiensis is found in the North Atlantic, it is not widely eaten, though it is exported, mostly to Japan;
In Maine, sea urchins are known as whores' eggs.
( Read this crap when i wanted to know sum stuff about sea urchins) Apparently, i found out that they're all whores in disguise.)

Anyway juz Looking at them, you can't really tell what their like, this vids are like a VIDEO diary about how SNSD came to success and if you are as no life as me go and watch for the lulz. =D

There's like 9 episodes and it's a playlist, so you can like auto play and juz watch slowly. =D
( I muz warn you, only watch if you are FAN ed or else, this would juz be an epic waste of your time. Dun say i din warn you.....)

Girls Go To School

SONGS to try liking:
>INTO THE NEW WORLD ( debut song)
>GENIE ( The song that haunted me in the exams)
>KISSING YOU BABY ( Cute cute)
>GEE ( One of the first songs i liked)

Ok that's all i can post for today, tomorrow will add on, got lots of random stuff to show. LIKE my collection of random crap over the exam period. =D

Ok got St John tomorrow.