Friday, September 4, 2009

Uber long Post~ PT 1

Ok guys it's been like 3 days since i posted..... Haiz wanted to be all happy and all that.... But it would juz be fake.
Today has really been a super mood spoiler, Report book came back and also im kinda sick so yar.....
But Hey i promised a certain sumbody i would haf to post today, so you know wad? For the sake of that person as well as a way to prove to myself that i can do sumthing when i wish to do so, i'm gonna spam post today.
But GOD! I do really feel abit dizzy now =D.
Anyway continuing wif my last post.
Last Monday
After hardcore wrapping and card writing LATE EARLY into MONDAY 2.00am, i slept till about 6.00am.
Waking up for me was really strange.. Cuz it was like on normal days, i would DRAG myself outta da bed and crawl my way to the toilet. But strangely......I felt fully awake... like i could juz leap outta bed. O.o. I really felt kinda good to not be uber tired.. But i was worried that i was looking like a guy on hardcore caffeine.
Apparently, i came to learn that as long as you sleep within a four hour cycle, your body will love you for it. But for normal people it would be 8, so ya it is gonna come haunt me later on.
Ya so passed my presents to the teachers.....
Lim Seah was like Wrap till quite NICE leah!. =D
Mr Quay was like giving me talk about how my physics can do well de and that usual your SMART?? Stuff. I gave him a card and sumthing else lolx. ONly to haf it returned to me later on cuz it might haf appeared to him as a bribe. But i SWEAR i din noe wad to gib him at first as i new he was a practical person. SO i thought... Maybe since he's always hungry, hey maybe i shuda buy him lunch. So ya i kinda gave him moneyz as a treat him for lunch.
*URghhhh! The epic face palm*.Feels downright stupid now... But i din wanna JUZ gib him a card only, so thats y i screwed around.
Our class made this T-shirt wif the respiratory organz and circulatory system on it, wif our signatures behind it. Strangely, the first thing he asked was where is the Peniz? Then he self-concluded that iti was because he nvr teach yet lolx.
I also handed them the homeworkz i owed them so i would not feel so guilty, giving them stuff and still owing stuff. Wasted though, my chinese teacher present haven gib yet, cuz still owe her crapz.
It was a half day, so got released earlier then usual. O yeah =d.
But when i got home, i was kinda hungry, cuz i haven ate my lunch yet that day. I was waiting for my Primary school friendz to come over and haf lunch together.

Waited....... Waited...... Waited........

And Waited..... THen

Sumhow they decided to eat with the other ex Maris Stella ppl. So i was like F*ck this.... Juz buy me SUMTHING. ANYTHING..( OHhh i regret it naoz.!!)

They came wif this super unexpected meal lolx...

(from subway =D)

 As scary as it looks, it's actually kinda nice. =D The bread was crispy and the veggies were quite fresh. Even the stuff i usually dun eat, like olives and tomatos, i suddenly decided to take a try lolx. Even if i wanted out it would be damn troublesome to remove it all anyway. And i nvr regret. It tasted almost NOTHING like olivez and tomatos which and was great =D.
As much as i noe you guys won't believe this, i actually got too full after eating HALF of the sandwich........
Dude guys... I noe you care about me and my hungryness, but PLZ LA im not such a FATSO that i NEED to eat 2 ppl worth of sandwich in 1 meal DAMN IT.... >.< 
Extra note: There goes me $11 ($11.70 at first, but my fren is SOOO nice lemme $11 =.=)

Ya we talked crap the rest of the way, tried to go for movie, but all juz TOO damn lazy to move. We catched up on each others lives, as we usually did, for the past 3 years now .=D ( Hey guys even though i may not look like it, i feel really glad i still haf such super awesome friends!! Call outs to: RANDY AND MOSES!!!)

Laziness was so awesome we even stayed at home for dinner, ordered KFC chickenz and Pizza Hutz Lasagnia and Curry baked rice... COSTS ANOTHER BOMB!!!!! And Omg so F*cking Fattening!! 

Ya, after the super fattening meal, chiong into room again lolx... 
Watched Mozzy FAIL at DotA... =.= (IM srry, but u nid to go a long way b4 u become HALF PRO....)

THEN, THE CALL.... at 12am.....

Ok its the next day rdy. That's alll!

PS. abrupt endingz

Im sorry, will continue tommorow, i have a BCLS(Basic Cardiac Life Support) course tommorow and my sickness making me feel really dizzy now. So i haf to go now bye. =D

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