Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunday Already.......

Hi there every1.........
HAIZZZZ....... =.=

Its already Sunday and tomorrow is the last day of "holidays".
Useful things done:
ONE chem worksheet
TWO Remedial (Physics and Chinese)
Three Of nothing....

The rest of the time was spent doing completely unproductive stuff like....

Watching Charmed.

Playing Games......

Cutting Hair....
(Which btw was done today. I finally convinced myself to get my ass downstairs to buy food lolx. =D and shun bian cut hair. It was kinda strange lolx. Cuz at my place de hair salon got 2 main hair stylist.)
1. A barber from Hell, strangely by coincidence exactly like the nigga in this random story i found while searching for pics.
The Barber From Hell
When I walked into the Barber Shop, the Barber was a different gent
I saw the sign on the wall which read "Under New Management"
Well, this Barber was built like an out-house, he looked rough and he looked hard
He had arms like a bloody Wharfie, and a head like Brute Bernard

"You don't look like a Barber," I said, "You sure you know how to cut hair?"
He said, "I'm a qualified Shearer mate, now get in that bloody chair!"
So who was I to argue with a six-foot monster like him
Thus I sat myself in his Barber's chair and said, "Just give me a trim."

But he hurled me out of the chair and roared, "I only do one sort of cut!"
Then he trapped me into a headlock, and took the shears to my nut!
Me head was shorn like a bloody sheep, then he started on me chest
Under me arms and up me back, then he started on the rest.

He made some nasty flesh wounds, which were certain to leave their scar
But he dug into a bucket and slapped on a handful of tar!
I was screaming blue-bloody murder! I roared, "Let me go, you scum!"
But he threw me onto my stomach, and shaved all the hairs off my bum

Then he took ten bucks from my wallet, and then took a few bob more
Picked me up by the scruff of me neck and hurled me out the back door!
I lay there bald and freezing, then glanced around to see
Ten more totally shaven blokes all lying there next to me

"He's a rough as guts bloody Barber!" I said, understating the fact
"I've got a good mind to march back in and ask for me ten quid back!"
But the others all lay there fearful, saying "The worst is yet to come.
He's coming back shortly to crutch us, and to clip all the dags from our bum!!!

 Looked a little like this:
( I couldn't find a single pic, so try to imagine a combo wif me ehh?)







>That guy<
YA, Short too. 
Rest can see for urself.

2nd guy was like this friendly guy, with this Damn COOL hair, abit more tidy then the pic, but color is similar.

And most importantly, he ACTUALLY noes how to cut  hair WELL. Ironically, he looks abit like cloud too lolx. Juz that he speaks Chinese only =D.

The other guy is like........................................... 
Hairclip in his dog hair. O.o......... White shirt..... RED PANTS, Black sneakers???? 
I mean if he wore it outsides it's still barely acceptable, but DUDE u are WORKING!!!
The rest wore like proper suits and jeans and stuff. So ya.......
Juz From seeing the way he dress i dun dare let him cut le... O.o.

So when i arrived.....
I saw two of them both cutting hair.
And there was a middle aged guy and her little daughter nearby.

Speaking of daughters, i think parents these days are dressing up their kids too much......
I mean the little girl looked like sum hooker at Geylang. i mean WTF? Eventually when they get older, they will auto become like more aware of their appearance. So why not give them a relaxed childhood and let them anyhow wear?

Anyway back to da story.
So the 2nd guy called paul, the decent looking guy was cutting a lady's hair. Damn long and damn troublesome. While the 1st guys was cutting some uncle's hair.
After the uncle was done, i was like phew, got the father to help me cover, litat i sure tio cut by the 2nd guy le. =D

But Gord....... The lady's hair sibei troublesome.... Drag and Drag and Drag..... Comb and blow and comb and blow...
While the Father's hair was juz like CUT~CUT~CUT~Shavezzz.....ALMOST FINISH.....

I was like HELL NO~!!

Lucky for me.....
The 2nd guy could see that i was sweating and playing wif my fingers....... All while eyeing at both of them.....
My mind was like " FUCK!!!! COULD YOU PLZ~ GO ALITTLE FASTER!!!??!!" and at the same time thinking "You! The 1st guy, Take ur time damn it! Its not a bush sia..."

But sumwhere deep in my head, i wass kinda admiring how the 2nd guy took his work so seriously and really combed and trimmed and blew every strand of hair on that Lady's head.
Professional nonetheless. =D

Well despite the uber closeness, the 2nd guy Pulled thru and quickly got me to go to his seat, I was like SECONDS FROM DISASTER. =D when the father juz finished around 5 secs after?

So wad happened was that he

Lulz all the talk for this. =D. But really i really felt all that stuff, so gib me sum slack.

Anyway, by Tuesday, my hair shud be normal looking liao.

Hey ps for not posting from Friday Till now. Really sorry guys. In fact i feel that i would rather blog then play games, at least my time is well spent and my thoughts can go out to u guys. I can't really remember wad happened the past few days anymore, but i saved sum vids that i haf been watching randomly these few days. =D.


 Ok those were the more brain Degen videos..
Now for sumthing more cute. =D After this u can follow up the future videos. I dun noe y, i juz liked it.

Well that's about it. =D
Really nidda post more..... I really enjoy this, i do, but sumtimes laziness gets da  better of me and ya....
Got mani things to do tomorrow.  = . = Including SS mugging zomg....

O ya on request of My super loyal Dion, i am posting this vid.
It's supposed to be a video of a Masquerade scene from the play Phantom of the Opera?. ._.
Im not really sure if it is the right one
( But im sorry it really kinda disturbs me... Especially after the 10th time they Screamed Masquerade~!!,,,,,)

Anyway, that aside, I've juz made a worksafe music collection on the right>>
The bear( reminds you of anything? =D)
Apparently, i can't focus wif all my hardcore music in my current list, so i added sum easy going songs in this list. But im still lacking songs, nid more lolx,
So Hey guys, If you don't mind, Any songs you know that are relaxing, work safe, nice or anything along that line, plz Tagg the name of the song on my tagboard. TY =D

K That's all, srry about the lack of content, forgot all le =P. Anyway You guys JY wif ur Works. Ok then BYE!!!

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