Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sorry guys lolx juz had to post.

Hi there every1 short post, juz had to DO it. XP
Ya today, after my normal activities today, like come home exercise, bathe, eat, watch, CHARMED. Then my mother suddenly wanted to see this crappy vid about our very own NOOB Miss Singapore................=.=
EVERY! clapz for Miss Ris Low =DDDDDDDD

OK im sorry, but you suck, so bad..... =.=. Inside and outside. You make singapore look bad...  

You know what, learn alittle from this girl here....

Now BIATCH Ms Low... 
This here is a really nice girl, try learning a little from her. 
I haven felt this for a LONG time.....
You know when i looked at her, i juz felt for once that true female beauty exists out there.......

I really felt this feeling of like pure admiration?.... =P ok talking too much.

P.S note. Being in a boy school for so damn long... I had to say i really worried that there is no such thing as a truely, desirable girl out in this world. Feel so relieved now.


Ok im now her fan guy, so ya this is another vid from her... With her make up on... if you thought she was chio up there.... =D this shud be nice.

Awww DUN Ya think she's juz soo SWEET!!!! X D(Ok sumwhere at the back of my head im disgusted at myself) but aww DAMN!!...
Lulz Facial expressions X  40.


 OMG Im a Fanz...... NOoooo


Ok that's all muz study again.. =.=

Monday, September 28, 2009

Last post b4 EOYs

Hey there guys, i damn long nvr post le and sorry for that. But yar topdays is my last post, in view of the up comin EOYs, dun worry, after EOYs i will update.
Today was as usual a monday, so ya, IT SUXED so BAD......
Damn sleepy wholeday, and b4 i spin off to sum random crap, i better stop here, i nid my sleep today, sorry guys. And anyway here are sum vids i've been watching these few dayz.
HOhohohohohohoh =D

 R.I,P MJ.


JEWS pt 2 and TITTIES.


Ok that's all the crap i haf, enjoy the VIDS and JY wif ur studies! =D
P.S Luis, me and some other guys decided to start some random blog to flame Education in Asian countries...
AWWWww right. =D
K Thxbi. Cya 2 weeks later XP                                               

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Hi there, i am actually REALLY tired, but i thought, hey if i don;t do it today, it's gonna haf to be done some other day, same as anything else in life. But few reasons why i am so tired.
1stly, Yesterday slept too late......

2ndly, today lesson combo is awesome~!!! As usual on tuesdays, the double maths, double chem combo nvr ceases to kill, especially when u got the frog face teaching. O ya, i learnt that she's called FISHBALL face in other classes, but FROG, FISHBALL, TOAD   face, no diff to me. =D

Haiz, I really hope the one day Lim Seah can juz come back and dun go, i mean the frog is really hell.
YES!.I is support the ANTI-FROG campaign!.

Anyway nvr mind that.

3rdly, I had ORAL after school........  =.=
FREAKING HELL DAMN IT!! I waited for 1 hr 40minutes before ACTUALLY doing the ORAL itself. WTF.....
Cuz im 2nd last. =.=
My Convo was about "sumthing about my interaction with other races." it turned out quite good, cuz i happened to haf half malay relatives in Malaysia. =D so i i think i scored there.
2nd convo question was about: "Which was more important? Giving or Taking..." Well when i first heard the QN i was like.O.o
Not cuz i culdn't answer, but the SUPER coincidence. This morning, i was juz thinking about y helping others was sumthing that i juz NEEDED to do. ( YES, as EVIL as i am, i do help when possible, especially those important to me or any non-enemy for that matter) Then  i though, HEY, this MIGHT be an ORAL topic. and wow.......... really come out.

I think i have da POWER to see the future. =D

Anyway, it ended and i ACTUALLY made  MARY HUA  
ZOMG!!!!!!!!!!!! You can't imagine the wrongs wif the statement, but ya. I think its a Band 1? But a low 1 though, cuz dun noe why i abit nervous at start, then read sumthings wrong.....

4thly, I ran 4 rounds around track in my PEDOPANDA shirts. =D
WHY 4?
Excuse: My friends where waiting at the SL for me i din wanna make them wait, later they might PANG ME.
Reason: I was tired and din wanna continue, especially after i checked that my timing was getting 1 minute behind my goal.
Payback: Gonna get fat later. So to make up for it, i exercised at home lolx.

Ok so that's y i was tired. =D That's all.

PS. My house is going to be sold soon, I is sad.....
='(. This house has been wif me for dun noe how long and it has awesome view at 17 floor..... Now muz shift. Haiz.....
And they came to visit today, i was in my boxers damn IT!!! Then the old ppl start comin in and looking at me like ZOO animal.... FTW!!!!!! I not ur GODDAMNED MONKEY! I culd swear i SCREAMED in my head.

Well anyway, tommorow got first aid lesson. GRRRRRRrrr.........
I like teaching, but im TIRED DAMN IT!!!. Ok thats all. =d
I go sleep le.
BTW: Guys whom think Zheng Jie is a MILF.......
I wonder what ur wife would look like next time.

LATE NOTE: The vid i posted for the Masquerade. Phantom of the Opera thing is in the WRONG LANGUAGE....... So ya, im posting the correct 1 now.(BTW i still hate this song, but i dun noe y I can't get the GHEY tune outta my HEAD!!! Brain bleach plzz~!!!=( )

K that's all.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunday Already.......

Hi there every1.........
HAIZZZZ....... =.=

Its already Sunday and tomorrow is the last day of "holidays".
Useful things done:
ONE chem worksheet
TWO Remedial (Physics and Chinese)
Three Of nothing....

The rest of the time was spent doing completely unproductive stuff like....

Watching Charmed.

Playing Games......

Cutting Hair....
(Which btw was done today. I finally convinced myself to get my ass downstairs to buy food lolx. =D and shun bian cut hair. It was kinda strange lolx. Cuz at my place de hair salon got 2 main hair stylist.)
1. A barber from Hell, strangely by coincidence exactly like the nigga in this random story i found while searching for pics.
The Barber From Hell
When I walked into the Barber Shop, the Barber was a different gent
I saw the sign on the wall which read "Under New Management"
Well, this Barber was built like an out-house, he looked rough and he looked hard
He had arms like a bloody Wharfie, and a head like Brute Bernard

"You don't look like a Barber," I said, "You sure you know how to cut hair?"
He said, "I'm a qualified Shearer mate, now get in that bloody chair!"
So who was I to argue with a six-foot monster like him
Thus I sat myself in his Barber's chair and said, "Just give me a trim."

But he hurled me out of the chair and roared, "I only do one sort of cut!"
Then he trapped me into a headlock, and took the shears to my nut!
Me head was shorn like a bloody sheep, then he started on me chest
Under me arms and up me back, then he started on the rest.

He made some nasty flesh wounds, which were certain to leave their scar
But he dug into a bucket and slapped on a handful of tar!
I was screaming blue-bloody murder! I roared, "Let me go, you scum!"
But he threw me onto my stomach, and shaved all the hairs off my bum

Then he took ten bucks from my wallet, and then took a few bob more
Picked me up by the scruff of me neck and hurled me out the back door!
I lay there bald and freezing, then glanced around to see
Ten more totally shaven blokes all lying there next to me

"He's a rough as guts bloody Barber!" I said, understating the fact
"I've got a good mind to march back in and ask for me ten quid back!"
But the others all lay there fearful, saying "The worst is yet to come.
He's coming back shortly to crutch us, and to clip all the dags from our bum!!!

 Looked a little like this:
( I couldn't find a single pic, so try to imagine a combo wif me ehh?)







>That guy<
YA, Short too. 
Rest can see for urself.

2nd guy was like this friendly guy, with this Damn COOL hair, abit more tidy then the pic, but color is similar.

And most importantly, he ACTUALLY noes how to cut  hair WELL. Ironically, he looks abit like cloud too lolx. Juz that he speaks Chinese only =D.

The other guy is like........................................... 
Hairclip in his dog hair. O.o......... White shirt..... RED PANTS, Black sneakers???? 
I mean if he wore it outsides it's still barely acceptable, but DUDE u are WORKING!!!
The rest wore like proper suits and jeans and stuff. So ya.......
Juz From seeing the way he dress i dun dare let him cut le... O.o.

So when i arrived.....
I saw two of them both cutting hair.
And there was a middle aged guy and her little daughter nearby.

Speaking of daughters, i think parents these days are dressing up their kids too much......
I mean the little girl looked like sum hooker at Geylang. i mean WTF? Eventually when they get older, they will auto become like more aware of their appearance. So why not give them a relaxed childhood and let them anyhow wear?

Anyway back to da story.
So the 2nd guy called paul, the decent looking guy was cutting a lady's hair. Damn long and damn troublesome. While the 1st guys was cutting some uncle's hair.
After the uncle was done, i was like phew, got the father to help me cover, litat i sure tio cut by the 2nd guy le. =D

But Gord....... The lady's hair sibei troublesome.... Drag and Drag and Drag..... Comb and blow and comb and blow...
While the Father's hair was juz like CUT~CUT~CUT~Shavezzz.....ALMOST FINISH.....

I was like HELL NO~!!

Lucky for me.....
The 2nd guy could see that i was sweating and playing wif my fingers....... All while eyeing at both of them.....
My mind was like " FUCK!!!! COULD YOU PLZ~ GO ALITTLE FASTER!!!??!!" and at the same time thinking "You! The 1st guy, Take ur time damn it! Its not a bush sia..."

But sumwhere deep in my head, i wass kinda admiring how the 2nd guy took his work so seriously and really combed and trimmed and blew every strand of hair on that Lady's head.
Professional nonetheless. =D

Well despite the uber closeness, the 2nd guy Pulled thru and quickly got me to go to his seat, I was like SECONDS FROM DISASTER. =D when the father juz finished around 5 secs after?

So wad happened was that he

Lulz all the talk for this. =D. But really i really felt all that stuff, so gib me sum slack.

Anyway, by Tuesday, my hair shud be normal looking liao.

Hey ps for not posting from Friday Till now. Really sorry guys. In fact i feel that i would rather blog then play games, at least my time is well spent and my thoughts can go out to u guys. I can't really remember wad happened the past few days anymore, but i saved sum vids that i haf been watching randomly these few days. =D.


 Ok those were the more brain Degen videos..
Now for sumthing more cute. =D After this u can follow up the future videos. I dun noe y, i juz liked it.

Well that's about it. =D
Really nidda post more..... I really enjoy this, i do, but sumtimes laziness gets da  better of me and ya....
Got mani things to do tomorrow.  = . = Including SS mugging zomg....

O ya on request of My super loyal Dion, i am posting this vid.
It's supposed to be a video of a Masquerade scene from the play Phantom of the Opera?. ._.
Im not really sure if it is the right one
( But im sorry it really kinda disturbs me... Especially after the 10th time they Screamed Masquerade~!!,,,,,)

Anyway, that aside, I've juz made a worksafe music collection on the right>>
The bear( reminds you of anything? =D)
Apparently, i can't focus wif all my hardcore music in my current list, so i added sum easy going songs in this list. But im still lacking songs, nid more lolx,
So Hey guys, If you don't mind, Any songs you know that are relaxing, work safe, nice or anything along that line, plz Tagg the name of the song on my tagboard. TY =D

K That's all, srry about the lack of content, forgot all le =P. Anyway You guys JY wif ur Works. Ok then BYE!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Cheap Wednesdays

Hi Everybody! Ps today muz do a short post, i wanna at least do 2 wk sheets today.
Lolx today school was sian again, tio own by Jeffrey Goh lol, no worksheet stand outside and like by sum godly hex, Tan Li choo happen to walk past at the last 5 MINS!!! Had to do about 20 + 20 push ups for that.(apparently, i made 20 push ups look too easy for her... ) After that there was a meeting lolx, wasted about 3 hours talking about things that take 30 mins? Waiting for ppl lolx. Hohoho but we all juz packed up and walked away once Chun Juan walk in. =D, making him ABSENT WITHOUT APOLOGIES. =DDD =.= ok im evil srry.

But dang~ I can't believe i forgot that my mom was gonna fetch me lolx.. Took bus by accident...
Sorry MOM

Got home as usual around 5 then had a simple dinner, while watching CHARMED =D around 1 episode everyday. Shud be done 2 years later =D..... =.=

Anyway then while scanning through sum vid i found this. =D
HardcoreMild Violence.

Lolx Kthxbi.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sorry Every1....

Hey there guys. Wow... It's been so long since i last updated. The last time was b4 the Wednesday of last week. Well Im afriad i can't go in detail for todays post either. But i can super summarize what happened from then till now.

Wednesday, at  the camp, nothing much, other then how awesome i could teach for 3 hours, without dying. Ok maybe i died alittle. But at least had fun and had applause =D.Voice gone after that, but worth it. Night walk was damn fun too. I was playing the emo hunter in the closet, L4D jump, pounced on those niggers lolx.

Sadist rating : 6 ( Quite evil, but still punishing within what they did wrong and not juz senseless punishment, like REAL sadists.)

Thursday, Super long day, juz walk and walk and walkkkk.for like 6hrs, had to remind them how to walk every 5 minutes, close up gap, speed up, and so on... At first we were the first..... UNTIL we got too happy cuz we 1 hr ahead of others, we had 2 hours at KFC lolxzzz, Air con was like GOD after hardcore walking and running, non-stop lolxz.

Apparently, after the meal all of us were batshit tired and juz emoed at the river for at least 30mins and chui feng, which was soo cooling, like sea breeze?? Only that it was by the river. and there were birds and all... But damn!! Why nobody from the sec 2 take initiative and sy lets go!! WTF......

Eventually when we DID get there, we were 3rd group, missing the 1 group by 20seconds, cuz all the lazy ppl at the back juz crawl there. So punished, emoed and GAVE THEM CHIPS!!........
Dang..... I juz culdnt DO IT!( PROVES i am not nigga)
Ya, i love all my Juniors, juz can't stay angry with them. i mean they're juz kids... so ya.
The fire drill was fun, got them out and i screwed around with them. Took the chance to punish ALITTLE ONLY.
Sadist rating: 6 ( Sometimes veri lenient, sumthimes veri hardcore, so average at around 6.)

Friday, super short day, only had breadfast bunkcheck then pack and goz. Oh ya inbetween got this super fast debrief around 20mins? Officer rush us like siao lolx. And officer dismiss uss too early also......
After every1 left, only me, Guan Jie, Ian, Zhong Zhen, Jia Wei stayed behind. So called as the camp organizers? Discussed alot of serious stuff and tio owned by officers. Mainly Mam Tan... lolx.( External de not school.) But after awhile, Mam became this hardcore chicken BBQ chef lolx. Made around 200 chicken wings???.........

Ate till almost died.....
Also... I discovered that other then getting high on lack of sleep, i get high on COFFEE!!! After half a cup of cappuccino, I was laughin uncontrollably and spasming..... Retarded but yar.....

 Went to my father's house to Emo there.Juz bathe and sleep nothing more.

Saturday, Wasted day nothing done AT ALL

Sunday, also WASTED day nothing done AT ALL also other then going to my Aunty's birthday in malaysia for Lunch then come back and on the way, had a massage for 1hr and a half. MY GOD STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM MY CROTCH!!! U THAI WHORE!!. But quite relaxing other then that. BTW i noe it's late but i juz started on DA VINCI CODE!!!! MY GOD it nvr ceases to intrigue me, I mean the stuff they write about it's juz so real!! I mean when i saw the knight's templars..... i was like WTFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cuz i we learn about them in St John, apparently, that was our roots. and apparently, our roots were BURNT!!!!! ON a STAKE.... EMOzzz.. By 1 RAGING pope.
and ya. That how St john came to be, cuz they changed name and stuff litat. Knights templars to knights hospitalers to ST john... O.o.

Anyway still reading. Hope to finish soon. I wanna improve my english yar. Btw speaking of improving, i made timetable for the first TIME im my LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG wad has SEC 3 DONE!!!!

Anyway in this time table, i got blogging timeslot, cuz i feeel thiss is really important to me. In fact this is over my sleeping time le. Juz you noe din wan to disapoint you ppl out there.

Kept to imetable, but no work done... Sadly

Only 1 essay done( but its 4 pages damn it!!! And its a super awesome , but mushy story.) Going to ty do physics later. Heard it's all copying from textbook from Darren.

And P.S my mom is not feeling well...... Will pray.. Can you guys juz randomly help also??? Cuz ya FYI i pray for all those close to me everyday for health and studies. ESPECIALLY my frenz. =D. So ya hope u can share the love yar. ( God i sound hippy...)

Ok anyway thats all i got to go do physics now zomg BYE!!!. =D will try update everyday, then dun nid rush so mani things in 1 day. BYE!!!!

P.SS Lulzy to the PENIS&VAGINA guy. May god lullz upon you. =D

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Day 2 of Holidays

Ok hi there every1! B4 i begin, i am going to warn you ppl about the 26th letter of the English alphabet. From now on, when i nid to use it, it would be coded as (batsh1t). For example:
Lul(batsh1t)y Luis. You can't stop the paowar(batsh1t) =D.
Hey no1 on Earth can live without (batsh1t)s. 
O as a plus fact, Pink is a color used to drive ppl insane in some parts of the world. =D so haf fun...
But for the sake of lul(batsh1t)y, ill play along.

Ok now. Today was another epic waste of my time(batsh1t). I woke up with the hope of a fresh now day, as usual, but i got the CALL(batsh1t)................... Apparently, the day b4 i promised to go to school and hand in my super old chinese HW, at 10am. But being sickish and all, i thought i could rest awhile longer..... LONGER.... LONGERR!!!

Well You guy(batsh1t) get the point. Hey at least im proud to say that i survived another day without DotA. =D and that i actually enjoyed myself to a whole new level. I actually did research on HELL(batsh1t) really kinda cool actually, here you guy(batsh1t) can go to HELL as well.XD
Plus GREED is comin out in 9 minutes, soo by the time i finish posting this i get to see GREED o YEAHH....
 Anyway, Some pic(batsh1t) b4 u actually go THERE

Your Link to HELL
Apparently, Dion was the one who introduced it to me, and GORD im soo going to hell.... According to what Dante thinks. Hai(batsh1t)...... Well wad to do. I mean come on! Im Guilty of Greed, Gluttony, Lust, LOTS of LUST..

Highly True.....
But i always saw hell comin, especially after something happened. But oo well, at least while im alive i try to do all the good i can.

Ya spent the rest of the day watching CHARMED.... Damn it could not stop... 1 Episode, then another, then ANOTHER!!! It never END(batsh1t).
But hey at least i managed to FINISH THE WHOLE OF SEASON 1.

I also managed to find this song which i heard sumwhere, it's really quite a nice one.
If you're not the one by Daniel Bedingfield

I mainly just like the Chorus, not cu(batsh1t) the SONG is GODLY nice, ju(batsh1t) that when i tried to sing the song, i was really damn impressed by his uber high pitch. O.o..... And more still, this song kinda grows on you after awhile. O well. Kinda soothing even.

Ok Tommorow is my Nigga camp(batsh1t). So got to rest early now. And tommorow mu(batsh1t) wake up early liao. OK bye to all. Cya Ppl. And Luis.... I haf done the IMPOSSIBLE!!. =D

And ju(batsh1t) for Matter of Factness, i Won't be ablt to post till Friday so. Dun be TOO EMO about it. =D BYE!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Day 1 of holidayz

Hi there again people. Yar i noe holiday started last week Friday. But I kinda felt it was more of doing things i did not want more than anything. Well day 1 has been a waste... AGAIN.... Spent the whole day resisting DotA again....
So i kinda distracted myself by doing any OTHER THING possible. Like watching crappy videos, FAMILY GUY for a good example.
Purely retarded show...
But as all retarded shows, Once i started i CANT STOP......
After that, i tried to do work, but OH GORD.... It was juz too PAINFUL.
Haiz so yar...... went ahead to watched Charmed.. .

Yeah... Weird shows i like to watch. But hey when i was young, i remember watching this show. So when my mother brought it by some odd coincidence, I was like hey WHY NOT?. O.O But seriously, it IS nice and has alot of nice demon vanquishing effects. =D.

Ya abit fake SUMTIMES, but the main things theme of the series, is power, corruption, lots of SEX and love. The storyline is also quite well done.
But damn...
Will take sometime to finish.... It has 8 GODLY SEASONS ZOMG! O.o.

Short Picture party:
Piper ( also my HAWTEST FAV!!) =D
Real name: Holly Marie Combzs

Phoebe (Sadly she seemed to be the one whom aged the most gracefully, Holly turned abit haggy as she got older... SAD SAD =( )
Real Name: Alyssa Milano
  Then there is
Paige ( Came in abit late in the show, looks abit too TWIGY to me.. but sum of u guyz may like XD)
Real Name: Rose Mcgowan
Then there was Prue, but she died(in TV i mean) and she's too MOTHER-faced for me,
so Cant be bothered.....

Well I noe im gonna enjoy my show, but DAMN my work is still GOING UNDONE!!! Gonnna haf to chiong them tommorow....

And ZOMG halfway watching CHARMED today.......... I got a CALL......


Ya You guys get the point....
Well I shuld'nt be so surprised, cause afterall i WAS the person who suggested it.
BUT DAMN! So fast??? It's less then a week zomg.
Well whats done is done...
Since I noe the both of you, I wish you two a happy relationship ahead.....
 And If you two suddenly wanna breakup, plz wait till after 'O' levels, i Dun wanna arnd FIXING BROKEN HEARTZ during my Oz. So thanks =D
Well thats all i got to say. And i dun noe y my stomach still HURTZ like CRAP! Zomg do i haf colon cancer or sumthing... I Wanna go rest now. So BYE BYE GUYS!!!!....

Btw: Masquerade Party is : No No....

Sunday, September 6, 2009

No more procastinating

Ya hi guys i know i still owe u guys the past few dayz. But i realized the more days i wait the worse it will get.
so im gonna skip to today and do the other days next time,
Today is nothing much, juz slacked at home the whole day, but not playing DotA i decided liao to not play DotA until end of your exam over. Brought a pair of hush puppy pants and all that but more importantly.
Im still sick and on top of that. Maybe because sick already, my immune system weak, causing me to tio food poisoning.
Wanna pukez now...
 Which reminds me of......a vid i watched last time.

OK enjoy. ps for short post. Muz go diarrhea NOW!! Byez, Try get better to update. >.< awww the painzzz.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Uber long Post~ PT 1

Ok guys it's been like 3 days since i posted..... Haiz wanted to be all happy and all that.... But it would juz be fake.
Today has really been a super mood spoiler, Report book came back and also im kinda sick so yar.....
But Hey i promised a certain sumbody i would haf to post today, so you know wad? For the sake of that person as well as a way to prove to myself that i can do sumthing when i wish to do so, i'm gonna spam post today.
But GOD! I do really feel abit dizzy now =D.
Anyway continuing wif my last post.
Last Monday
After hardcore wrapping and card writing LATE EARLY into MONDAY 2.00am, i slept till about 6.00am.
Waking up for me was really strange.. Cuz it was like on normal days, i would DRAG myself outta da bed and crawl my way to the toilet. But strangely......I felt fully awake... like i could juz leap outta bed. O.o. I really felt kinda good to not be uber tired.. But i was worried that i was looking like a guy on hardcore caffeine.
Apparently, i came to learn that as long as you sleep within a four hour cycle, your body will love you for it. But for normal people it would be 8, so ya it is gonna come haunt me later on.
Ya so passed my presents to the teachers.....
Lim Seah was like Wrap till quite NICE leah!. =D
Mr Quay was like giving me talk about how my physics can do well de and that usual your SMART?? Stuff. I gave him a card and sumthing else lolx. ONly to haf it returned to me later on cuz it might haf appeared to him as a bribe. But i SWEAR i din noe wad to gib him at first as i new he was a practical person. SO i thought... Maybe since he's always hungry, hey maybe i shuda buy him lunch. So ya i kinda gave him moneyz as a treat him for lunch.
*URghhhh! The epic face palm*.Feels downright stupid now... But i din wanna JUZ gib him a card only, so thats y i screwed around.
Our class made this T-shirt wif the respiratory organz and circulatory system on it, wif our signatures behind it. Strangely, the first thing he asked was where is the Peniz? Then he self-concluded that iti was because he nvr teach yet lolx.
I also handed them the homeworkz i owed them so i would not feel so guilty, giving them stuff and still owing stuff. Wasted though, my chinese teacher present haven gib yet, cuz still owe her crapz.
It was a half day, so got released earlier then usual. O yeah =d.
But when i got home, i was kinda hungry, cuz i haven ate my lunch yet that day. I was waiting for my Primary school friendz to come over and haf lunch together.

Waited....... Waited...... Waited........

And Waited..... THen

Sumhow they decided to eat with the other ex Maris Stella ppl. So i was like F*ck this.... Juz buy me SUMTHING. ANYTHING..( OHhh i regret it naoz.!!)

They came wif this super unexpected meal lolx...

(from subway =D)

 As scary as it looks, it's actually kinda nice. =D The bread was crispy and the veggies were quite fresh. Even the stuff i usually dun eat, like olives and tomatos, i suddenly decided to take a try lolx. Even if i wanted out it would be damn troublesome to remove it all anyway. And i nvr regret. It tasted almost NOTHING like olivez and tomatos which and was great =D.
As much as i noe you guys won't believe this, i actually got too full after eating HALF of the sandwich........
Dude guys... I noe you care about me and my hungryness, but PLZ LA im not such a FATSO that i NEED to eat 2 ppl worth of sandwich in 1 meal DAMN IT.... >.< 
Extra note: There goes me $11 ($11.70 at first, but my fren is SOOO nice lemme $11 =.=)

Ya we talked crap the rest of the way, tried to go for movie, but all juz TOO damn lazy to move. We catched up on each others lives, as we usually did, for the past 3 years now .=D ( Hey guys even though i may not look like it, i feel really glad i still haf such super awesome friends!! Call outs to: RANDY AND MOSES!!!)

Laziness was so awesome we even stayed at home for dinner, ordered KFC chickenz and Pizza Hutz Lasagnia and Curry baked rice... COSTS ANOTHER BOMB!!!!! And Omg so F*cking Fattening!! 

Ya, after the super fattening meal, chiong into room again lolx... 
Watched Mozzy FAIL at DotA... =.= (IM srry, but u nid to go a long way b4 u become HALF PRO....)

THEN, THE CALL.... at 12am.....

Ok its the next day rdy. That's alll!

PS. abrupt endingz

Im sorry, will continue tommorow, i have a BCLS(Basic Cardiac Life Support) course tommorow and my sickness making me feel really dizzy now. So i haf to go now bye. =D

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Primary school Party+ Teacher's day.

Worr hi!! Every1 ps so long nvr post again. But ill make it up to u guys, by having uber long post again lolx.

Ya from Sunday till now i got to say that i nvr mugged much, only on Sunday lolx. But hey i don't regret a single moment i spent the last three dayz.

Last Sunday
Nothing much actually, i spent the whole first half of the day trying to mug but fail epicly anyway. (Ended up playing for at least 4 hours).But in the course of TRYING NOT  to play, i watched sum retarded videos to make me feel better about playing lolx.
(Lemme~Lemme~Say.... say..., The didididi di di~ ddi "Lulzy")

Second half of the day was spent talking crap wif the woman party. Ya when i was still watching sum random crap vids, suddenly JH (character intro: he mayb little gay, but i think he's the nicest outta the woman gang. I kinda owe it to him, cuz when i was being owned by the other party members, he like helped me get along cuz last time we talked about maple, he stops at the same bus stop as me. But the strange things is at that point of time, i din think he was Gay at all.... I juz tot he was soft-spoken and maybe sec 1?... =P. But wadever, gay then gay, i still think he is a nice person.) msn me about this so called "scandalz".. Lulzy, not really a scandal juz cuz 1 guy called Alvin(o ya rmb the guy who took picz of his cum, yes him) admitted to the world that he is G@Y. Quite strange if you ask me, not cuz he's gay, but he has to be the worldz
 (Extra note: He posted this pic up himself so yar juz cuntpasting from him) 

(Extra Extra note: Apparently, its so bad that even the woman party find him fuggly and compare him to a mooncrater.)

Ya so the crap about him is that he used to be ur average eccentric emo, juz that now he is a GAY, eccentric emo so ya nothing much. But the big shyt comes in not cuz of his Gheyness, but cuz he "proposed?" to Theron about his lufz. Poor him, cuz the b1tches were all over Theron in the mass msn convo, which i felt was kinda dum, i mean lulz wad do u expect to gain from it other then the other parties shame. Haiz b1tches and their b1tching. (Note: b1tch is not used in vulgar context here, juz Meaning Ba Po.)

After that, was chionging my HW for teachers day lolx. so that when i gib them teacher's day present that time wont feel so weird.. LIke you noe still owe them thing? 
So ya stayed up until 2.30 am to do work and Wrap present zomg.... I only brought present for Mr quay, Mr Goh, Lim Seah and My chinese b1tch lolx( cuz she literally asked for it)
Ya it was tiring, but when i slept, i felt like i accomplished sumthing so it was ok.

ONLY TO REALIZE wad a FUTILE waste of time it was the next day.

To be continued: Tommorow now 1 am le i wan slp slp ps. =P Tommorow got school lolx. Ps post so late, these few days got sumthing on. OK thats all Bye bye.