Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I owe ALOT of smacks.... ._.

O hi! Probably no1 is gonna see this, its my 3rd revival of my blog and yea Im not in the best of moods now, but HEY! Im gonna make it better for myself. XD

I still find that blogging that the load off me the best =D.

I used to think it's a huge waste of time, but Hey it beats playing games or stoning around rite?

Note to self: This post is going to be mindless rambling, no structure or anything!!
It's my blog after all rite? =)

P.S I found a loophole...
You guys CAN'T smack me around 100+ times, BCUZ, the consecutive smack thing was only for if i didnt post on the 26 of January. BUT I DID! only that i didnt finish after which i promised to be smacked HARD ONCE! XD
So WILL LIVEE!!!!!! HAhahhahahhahahah
Ok enough with that, I still regret not finishing up, but I probably never will, too old and irrelevant.

But hey, as a BIGG SORRY~~ to you guys, I updated my playlist. XD
(Pussycatdolls were getting old and cheap)
New Song List:
  1. Avril Lavigne - Smile
  2. Avril Lavigne - Girlfriend
  3. Katy Perry - Peacock
  4. Taylor Swift - Back To December
  5. Avril Lavigne When You're Gone
  6. Taylor Swift - Innocent
  7. Eragon - Keep holding on
  8. Kesha - WE R WHO WE R
  9. Avril Lavigne - What The Hell on Screen
  10. Kesha - Blow on Screen HD
  11. Tik Tok Kesha
  12. DJ Got Us Falling In Love Again
  13. "Back To December" - Taylor Swift (Cover by Jake Coco)
Heheh~ This year I really culdnt find many male singers that I liked, 90% were emo with the rest being Justin Bieber( who i openly express distaste towards )
Random Status from

Dear society,.........................
Please stop calling Justin Bieber gay. We don't want him either.
Sincerely, homosexuals

or Bruno Mars, who I coudnt really relate to, I mean he has good music, but i just don't connect to it. Ya noe~.... O.o

You know what? Imma gonna share the new chapter of life I've embarked on.

Time to summarize the things/fails that have occurred the past few months.

1)Ran for council, simultaneously in St John Camp.
2)Not enough votes, did not get in
3)results started crashing, due to the time spent on council and time spent emoing(slightly)
after council booted my ass out
4)Ran for OAC exco, I SWEAR To GOD I was not power hungry or sh1t,
I juz tio inceptioned by Ken to think that I really had to do the job if not Timo would ruin OAC by giving INSANE PT.
BUT i was wrong!!!
I understood that Ken was really trying to help me get a position, but TIMO is a GREAT guy!!
I'm so sorry for taking your position! =(((((
I got in the exco, but i was hoping Timo GOT IN TOO, but he DIDNT!!! NOOOooooooooooo~!!
In my heart i wanted welfare officer..... Haiz...
But you know what? Deep down in my heart I felt a LITTLE happy.
After being outted by council, I questioned myself whether I was that unworthy of sorts....

O alittle backtrack.
I joined council cuz Ken Jio me AGAIN. and then I put in tons of time, spent alot of time with Ken and became close friends wif him. btw Ken got in.
When he found out I didn't get in, he got REALLY emo for the WHOLE DAY.
(Im sorry Ken i really am...)
Mayb that's y he pushed me for OAC exco....
Yeah that's rite... THATS HOW IT HAPPENED!!!
OMG sudden realisation!
How I love blogging, I never put the link here before.
I just assumed Ken wanted me to be in it for random reasons.
Now that i think of it, he probably wanted me to get into OAC exco cuz h felt bad for me for council.....
I R really grateful....
Sobz. Thanks ken. :]
You really are a great friend..


5) Im an OACIAN climber brought Climbing shoes and all and im BEGINNING TO LOVE IT!!
I used to be really scared of climbing, I mean i would gang-ho and juz climb and shake like mad on the wall, but now Im really comfortable with it and even do stupid sh1t like.... =D
6) Commissioned!! St John's Officer Corps Staff Officer Grade 6 Samuel Hsu

There was a gay camp TOTALLY worth it, only bad thing that it took my would be council preparation time.
Then there was a parade and finally a DINNER I wore that outfit up there, leaned alittle too much. =P
7) Holidays came
and FLEW away!@!! Im heading to my last week soon and OMG there's going to be that I havent done this work that work rush O FUCK!!
I should be doing my work now , but what the heck,
this is sumthing i think I really need from here on.
How it flew?
a) Kayaking expedition
b) Climbing trips to climb asia(the place i took the picture at)
c) SingMa competition in KL and Malacca juz got back... with epic fever, still sick actually.
d) X-physique. With me, Ken and Timo in the pic below.

Did not bad, it wasn't the 3 of us in a team, TOO gay =P
but our real team was damn good too XD
Me, Ken and Rachel Wong from CANOEING!! Wootz damn power. Xd
too bad our relationship alittle awkward, since
WAit for it......
Im the bottom feeder in or class!!!

I've been top tier or so for the last 4 years, now im the ONLY loser at the bottom of the class that NO1 talks to.
Hence the crappy mood. Apparently after council booted me everything failed, I started sleeping in class, I poned class and basically DID myself in.
Thanks blogger for reminding me of the fail I am in my class. I got to remember to study harder later and remember to work out too.

Return to class as someone who knows what is going on in class and BUFF as HELL!!!
You know what?
I don't believe that will get me back in the game, but heck at least I can be like, ok fcuk this, I can survive perfectly well alone in my class, I still got all my friends from other classes, OAC, StJohn, 2-3, 4-9 (I <3 all you guys and miss you all dearly<<<Eee~ damn mush)
God even my GP class is more friendly towards me than my class, O well. XD

Ok I gotta end this blog soon I need go PICK UP MY LIFE! From the shattered bits it is in now.

but first eat!!!! Its 3pm and only now am i starting to eat LUNCH OMG!!!!.
And Enjoy this video its just one of the many stories covered by my favorite online news channel
The Young Turks wif Cenk(read Jenk) and Anna(hot)

Women Wearing Wedding Diapers?!


FAMINE CAMP 17th-18th June

Sorry guys,
I know this blog sounds INCREDIBLY RUSHED and SNIPSHORT, I noe!!!
Will do a better job next time, will probably do this soon. =D
Feel a billion times better,
Bloggging should be a proffessional therapy or sumthing. =3


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