Friday, November 20, 2009

OK sick man comin thru

P.S, i promised to deliver yesterday, but ya, wanted to relax cuz sick and all.
Anyway, now im feeling really shitty, cold while in a blanket WITHOUT aircon, headache and what not.
Sorry guys that there won't be any pictures today, cuz i really nidda get this over wif.
So i can go rest and hopefully recover.
Waiting for mom to come home so i can pack my bag..
Im all screwed up
Fever cough diarrhea WTF.

Rmb that i was practicing for a dance audition, ya it's tommorow, and im probably sick cuz i trained for this whole week, from 11am to 3+++ everyday, which is y i came home tired always and culd not haf to mood to blog.

Well on wif the talking.
Basically, my first week got sold out to OBS,
my second week went out to Geog and Maths remedial, nothing much to talk about here, other then how Lian Lim is.(Like we din noe =X)

Abit of dance practice took place then, i also had training on weds and fridays.
*FUCKK juz cough a BIG green boogie out* =.=

Ok anyway.
Strangely, during training, my officer/fren Bert Bert brought his Magic deck, as illegal as it is in school, It's holiday, sue me.

I kinda found the game really fun and......
(talk about Magic sumtime later)
Really nidda finish, damn dizzy and FUCKING COLD. IN a blanket can u believe it? And it feels like my lungs are on fire..... FUCCKK.!!!

3rd week: Now
Practiced non-stop, found a cat at the 88 bus-stop opposite my house.
It was so damn CUTE!!
It was white. O.o
But not albino, it had black eyes.
It reminded me of LONGCAT
(Insert longcat pic here)

I even called it Shiroi (Jap for white)
I took at pic, if you see me can ask for it. XD In my phone... So cute..

Saw Ken today. O.o
Been seeing Ken quite alot, cuz im in school ALMOST everyday.
And god it sux.
My cough evolved thanks to it lol.
Cough>Diarrhea>Fever (Final evolution) > Death (hope dun haf)

Anyway, would blog about how i spent a Monday or was it Tuesday out wif Eileen and her new Bf, my old Pri school fren, Moses.
But ya, Imma really gotta go, b4 i throw my guts out.

Ok that's all bye.

And Since not pics today, Imma gonna let u haf a vid instead. =D

For the lulz, B4 i go for a camp for 3 days from tommorow on.
Or not, if my body CMI.
OK bye.

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